Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0
- 1 Overview
- 2 Chart Properties Form’s Time Axis Tab's Formatting Control Group
- 2.1 Time Axis Borders Controls
- 2.2 Editing the Line Colors of the Top and Bottom Borders of Each Time Axis Level - Example
- 2.3 Editing the Line Width of the Borders of the Each Time Axis Level - Example
- 2.4 Editing the Line Style Type of the Borders of the Each Time Axis Level - Example
- 2.5 Editing Vertical Gridlines in Each Time Axis Level - Example
- 2.6 Caution When Using the In chart & time axis Option
- 2.7 Time Axis Background Color(s), Fill Pattern, and Size Controls
- 2.8 Time Axis Level Sub-Tabs and the Floating Time Axis
- 3 Editing Time Axis Level and Cell Format Properties in the Chart Editor
- 4 Related Links
The Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s three Time Axis Level sub-tabs contain essentially the same controls and look like this:

Within each of these sub-tabs (i.e., Top, Middle, and Bottom) there are six (6) control groups: (1) Show this level checkbox, (2) Re-Order Levels, (3) Labels, (4) Formatting, (5) Background Color(s), (6) Size. The controls provided in the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab and the three (3) sub-tabs considered here are the same as the corresponding sub-tabs in the Template Properties form’s Time Axis tab. For completeness, the Show this level checkbox that appears in the Top, Middle, and Bottom sub-tabs of the Template Properties and Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab can be used to show or hide the corresponding Time Axis Level in the chart. At least one Time Axis Level must be shown.
An attempt to hide all three Time Axis Levels causes the message below to display:

The Re-Order Levels up and down arrows are provided so that you can exchange the location of Time Axis Levels with the up to three levels provided.
For more information on the Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels feature, please see the article at: Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels for OnePager Pro
For more information on Changing the Background Color(s) , please see the article at: Changing the Time Axis Background Color and Fill Pattern for OnePager Pro
For more information of the Showing Different Time Units feature, please see the article at: Showing Different Units of Time for OnePager Pro
The purpose of this article is to describe the Borders and Size sub-groups and how its controls can be used for editing of the chart through the use of the Chart Properties form and the Chart Editor.
Chart Properties Form’s Time Axis Tab's Formatting Control Group
The Formatting control group is made up of three (3) sub-control groups:
- 1) Borders
- 2) Background Color(s)
- 3) Size
For more information on the topics of Background Color(s) and Fill Patterns, please see the separate article at: Changing the Time Axis Background Color and Fill Pattern for OnePager Pro
Borders and Time Axis Level Size controls are covered in this article.
Time Axis Borders Controls
For each of the three Time Axis Levels there are individual Formatting control groups and sub-groups as shown here:

The Borders sub-group has controls for the Top border and Bottom border for each of the three Time Axis Levels .
Show Lines
This is the set of checkboxes that turn the Border visualizations ON and OFF. The checkbox must be checked ON for the controls below the checkbox to be enabled.
This dropdown control provides access to the standard OnePager Color Chooser form for selecting the Border’s color.
This dial control can be used to change the Border’s Width as measured in inches or centimeters depending on the type of Template Properties form you selected.
Dash Type
The Border Dash types option selector provides five (5) dash types as shown here:

Adjacent Time Axis Borders
Adjacent Time Axis Level borders (i.e., above and below) overlap between the Top and Middle Time Axis Levels and between the Middle and Bottom Time Axis Levels. The Bottom Border of the Bottom Time Axis Level overlaps with the Inner Frame border of the chart. The Top Border of the Top Time Line Axis Level overlaps with the Outer Frame border of the chart. Any Border Color selected for a Top or Bottom Border can therefore conflict with its adjacent Time Axis Level border, Inner Frame border, or Outer Frame border. As a general rule, Time Axis Level Border settings take priority over Inner and Outer Frame border color settings when you are editing the default colors for both Time Axis Level borders and Inner and Outer Frame borders.
For more information on the Outer Frame border and the Inner Frame Border, please see this section in the article at: Main Tab – Chart Background
Vertical Gridlines
The Vertical Gridlines controls provide the means for placing vertical lines between Time Axis Cells that can be contained within the Time Axis Level, or can extend into the graph only, or can encompass both the Time Axis Level’s Cells and the graph.
These controls are demonstrated separately and together in the sub-sections that follow.
Editing the Line Colors of the Top and Bottom Borders of Each Time Axis Level - Example
Suppose we want to adopt different colors for the top and bottom borders of the Top Time Axis Level. Using the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Top Level sub-tab the Top and Bottom Time Axis Level borders are edited to become blue and gold respectively:

Now, using the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Middle Level sub-tab you see that the gold color selection made for the Bottom border of the Top Time Axis Level is now shown in the form as the Top border of the Middle Level:

At this point you can add a border color for the Bottom Border of the Middle Time Axis Level as shown below:

Looking at the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab at the Bottom Level you see that border color from the Bottom border of the Middle Level Time Axis is shown:

The general rule illustrated above is that when Time Axis Levels share Borders, the last color edit made to a shared border is applied and recorded in the two participating Time Axis Levels in the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab as shown here for the Middle Level Time Axis sub-tab:

Editing the Line Width of the Borders of the Each Time Axis Level - Example
The Width control for the Top Border, Bottom Border, and Vertical Gridlines are dial controls measured in font points or pixels. In the illustrations above the Width dial control was increased to 3.0 to give more visibility to the Time Axis Level Top and Bottom Borders shown.
Editing the Line Style Type of the Borders of the Each Time Axis Level - Example
The Border Style option selector provides five (5) style types as shown here:

Using the example above, the Solid Style types is changed to the Dash dot dot types below to illustrate the effect:

Editing Vertical Gridlines in Each Time Axis Level - Example
In each Time Axis Level’s Borders: sub-group is the Vertical Gridline control selection dropdown with options to show Vertical Gridlines in the Graph as well as within the Time Axis Level area or both as shown here:

The default is typically In time axis and the option can be applied at any of the three Time Axis Levels as shown here for the Middle Time Axis Level and accented with wider lines for illustrative purposes:

If the In chart option is selected, the Graph looks like this:

If the In chart & time axis option is used, the chart looks like this:

Caution When Using the In chart & time axis Option
There are some conventions that are discussed below pertaining to using the In chart & time axis option over multiple Time Axis Levels. In the example above, Vertical Gridlines in the Graph are shared at Year, Quarter, and Month Tics where the Month corresponds to a Quarter and Year Tic boundaries. Although different colors appear at Tic intervals in each of the Time Axis Levels where the In time axis option is used, only one color, usually selected from the last Time Axis Level to apply the Vertical Gridlines In chart & time axis, is shown in the Graph where multiple Tic boundaries overlap. There is no override provision made for additional application of Vertical Gridlines using the In chart & time axis option.
Care should be taken in selecting the sequence of applying Vertical Gridlines with the In chart & time axis option to achieve your specific presentation goals. When applying the Vertical Gridline In chart option, the same rule applies as discussed above for Vertical Gridline In chart & time axis. When applying the Vertical Gridlines In time axis option, the result is straight forward in that the Vertical Gridlines are made within the confines of the Time Axis Level where the option is selected. The Vertical Gridlines group of controls in the Borders: sub-control group also has a border Width: and Dash type: set of controls which function as described above for Top and Bottom Borders within a Time Axis Level.
Time Axis Background Color(s), Fill Pattern, and Size Controls
Editing Background Color(s) and Fill Patterns
There are three controls in the Background Color(s): sub-control group: Color 1, Color 2, and Fill. These three controls are used elsewhere in OnePager for Background Color(s) for task bars/milestone symbols, for example.
For more information on Time Axis Level Cell global controls for Background Color(s) and Fill Patterns feature, please see this article: Editing Background Color and Fill Pattern from the Chart Editor
Editing Time Axis Level Heights with the Size Control
The Size: control sub-group allows you to set a standard Height for all Cells in each Time Axis Level in either English or Metric units depending on the type of Template Properties form being used to create the chart as shown here in inches:

Increasing the Height: value makes the Time Axis Level higher as shown here where the Height: value is increased to 0.53 inches with this Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Middle Level sub-tab:

Making a Height: increase increases the Height: of the corresponding Floating Time Axis Level if present.

Time Axis Level Sub-Tabs and the Floating Time Axis
As mentioned earlier, most edits made in either the Top, Middle, and/or Bottom Time Axis Level sub-tab in the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab that are applied to a Time Axis Level are also applied to the corresponding Floating Time Axis Levels.
For more information on the Floating Time Axis feature, please see the article at: The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro
Editing Time Axis Level and Cell Format Properties in the Chart Editor
For An Individual Time Axis Level
Time Axis Levels can be individually selected and edited separately in the chart with the Chart Editor. You can access to the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tabs at any Time Axis Level by selecting a Time Axis Cell(s) with the right-click of the mouse to access the time axis context menu shown below. Clicking the Time-axis properties… command in the time axis right-click context menu accesses the Chart Properties form at the Time Axis tab and the sub-tab for the Time Axis Level you selected. For example, selecting a Time Axis Level Cell from the Bottom Level and right-clicking the Cell accesses the time axis right-click context menu where you can then click the Time-axis properties… command shown here:

Clicking the Time-axis properties… command accesses the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab for the Bottom Level. By using the Chart Properties form in this way you are able to edit the Global properties of all Time Axis Level Cells in the Time Axis Level selected. You can also use the sub-tabs in the form above to go to other Time Axis Levels, to the Calendar sub-tab or the Format sub-tab.
For An Individual Time Axis Level Cell
OnePager supports editing the following Time Axis Level Cell properties individually:
- 1) Cell Background Color
- 2) Text Font Properties (Text Font Type, Text Color, Text Pixel Size, Bold, Italics, and Underline)
- 3) Zoom% (The horizontal length of the timespan as a percentage of the normal Time Axis Cell’s width).
The detailed editing of the above properties is done by right-clicking on the desired Time Axis Cell(s) to access the time axis right-click context menu and then clicking the Format cell… command as shown below:

After clicking the Format cell… command, the Time Axis Cell Properties form appears as shown here:

For more information on Editing Background Colors and Fill Patterns in the chart, please see the article at: Editing Background Color and Fill Pattern from the Chart Editor
Related Links
Showing Different Units of Time for OnePager Pro
Switching Time Axis Levels for OnePager Pro
Changing the Time Axis Background Color and Fill Pattern for OnePager Pro
The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro