Data-Driven Task Link Import Rules for OnePager for Version 7.1

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Illustrations used in this article are from OnePager Pro using data from Microsoft Project but the feature's function, controls, and manual edits apply equally to other OnePager editions that import from data sources like Microsoft Excel, Smartsheet, and Oracle Primavera P6.

The scope of this article covers the rules for importing Data-Driven Task Links into the OnePager Chart Editor. The Chart Editor features covered in this article apply to charts created from Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Oracle Primavera P6, and Smartsheet source plans.

Rules for Importing Data-Driven Task Links – Template Properties Form Rules

The requirements for importing Data-drive Task Links before a chart is created are discussed in this article along with rules for showing Data-Driven Task Links in the chart.

The “Master” switch in the OnePager Template Properties form Task Link tab’s Show task links checkbox must be checked ON as shown here:

P71-19 1 2 1-71-(43-1)-12082021.png

The default setting for the Show task links checkbox is checked or ON. If this checkbox is unchecked or OFF, Data-driven Task Links cannot be imported and manual Task Links cannot be created or shown. In order to import Data-driven Task Links when a chart is being created, the Import predecessors checkbox located in the Data-Driven Task Links control group of the above Template Properties form’s Task Links tab must also be checked ON as shown below:

P71-19 1 3 1-71-(2)-12082021.png

In the Template Properties form’s Task Links tab, the Import predecessors checkbox is normally unchecked meaning that the Data-driven Task Link import feature is turned OFF. OnePager assumes that the Predecessors field from the source plan is used for the Data-driven Task Link information source. OnePager only imports predecessor data from the source plan predecessor field. Although OnePager does not import Successor data from your source plan, successor information is the inverse on predecessor information found in your source plan. This approach guaranties that all your Data-driven Task Links are based on valid information from your source plan.

Rules for Importing Data-Driven Task Links – Chart Properties Form Rules

The requirements for importing data-drive Task Links after a chart is created are discussed in this sub-section. Assume for a moment that the current Template Properties form is configured in the Task Links tab such that the Show task links checkbox is checked ON, the Import predecessors checkbox is checked OFF, and the chart is created and looks like this:

P70-19 1 3 1-70-(3)-09302020.png

In this situation, the chart above is created without the import of Data-driven Task Links thus they cannot be shown. To import and show all Data-driven Task Links, the Chart Properties form must be accessed and the Import and show links checkbox in the Data-Driven Task Links control group of the Chart Properties form’s Task Links tab must be checked ON as shown here:

P70-19 1 3 1-70-(4)-09302020.png

When you click the Apply or OK button on the Chart Properties form, OnePager goes back to your source plan, imports the available Dependency information, and shows the Data-driven Task Links that comply with the show rules discussed below. The revised chart then looks like this:

P70-19 1 3 1-70-(5)-09302020.png

At this point Data-driven Task Links can be edited by changing the show/hide status or by editing their format properties.

For more information on editing Task Links, please see the articles at: Editing Task Links with the Chart Properties Form

Rules for Showing Data-Driven Task Links

Rules Regarding Imported Tasks and Milestones

Although OnePager imports all Dependency information when the conditions stated above are met, Data-driven Task Links are not always eligible to be shown in the chart unless the conditions stated below are also met. For a Data-driven Task Link to be shown in the chart, its source plan predecessor and successor tasks must be Flagged for import by OnePager. If either the source plan predecessor or successor task in the pair is not imported, OnePager cannot show its associated Data-driven Task Link although the Dependency information is imported.

One or both of the source plan Predecessor/Successor pair of tasks must be within the Start/Finish Date boundaries for the chart for the corresponding Data-driven Task Link to be shown. OnePager shows Data-driven Task Link connection lines to task shapes that are outside the Start/Finish Date boundaries as long as one of the pair is within the boundaries.

Rules Regarding Hiding Predecessor or Successor Task/Milestone(s)

If you hide a predecessor or successor task/milestone shape that was previously imported, the task bar/milestone symbol is hidden. Any associated Task Links (Data-driven or manual) are also hidden. And the Where Are My Links? form (see the subsection following) contains an entry or entries for the associated Task Link(s) with the Show column’s checkbox unchecked. The Where’s My Stuff!? form also has an entry or entries for any of the hidden task bar/milestone symbol(s).

For more information on hiding task bars/milestone symbols and the Where’s My Stuff? form, please see the articles at: Editing Task Links with the Chart Properties Form and Manual Editing of Task Links

You are not able to check the Show checkbox for such an entry in the Where Are My Links? form to restore the Data-driven Task Link to the show status as long as its associated task/milestone(s) remain hidden. A tool tip is provided when you hover over the Show column checkbox under these conditions.

To restore the hidden Task Link(s) to the show status you must first unhide the task bar/milestone symbol(s) by either:

1) Using the Where’s My Stuff!? form to unhide the hidden task bar/milestone symbol(s),
2) Use the OnePager ribbon’s Home tab's Show/Hide dropdown list’s Show All Task/Milestones command, or
3) Use the UNDO command on the OnePager ribbon if you are able.

Once the hidden task bar/milestone symbol(s) are in the show status, their Task Links are changed to the show status as well.

Managing Task Links in the Chart

After Data-driven Task Links are imported and are being shown in the chart, OnePager Pro provides you a tool for managing your Task Links as described in the following subsections.

The OnePager Where Are My Links? Form

In OnePager, the Chart Properties form Task Link tab, in the Data-Driven Task Links control group there is an additional button, the Where Are My Links? button, as shown here:

P70-19 1 2 1-70-70-(7)-09292020.png

The Where Are My Links? form can also be accessed from the Editing control group on the OnePager ribbon’s Home tab by clicking the Show/Hide dropdown and selecting the Where Are My Links? command as shown below:

P70-19 1 1-70-(4)-09282020.png

Using either the Chart Properties form’s Task Links tab or the OnePager ribbon Home tab accesses the Where Are My Links? form shown here:

P70-19 1 1-70-(11)-10182019.png

The Where Are My Links? form above lists all the Data-driven Task Links shown (or hidden) in the current snapshot as well as any manual Task Links. The Where Are My Links? form is “snapshot-dependent” in that OnePager creates the form’s content based upon the snapshot that is being displayed in the Chart Editor . At the top of the form, are controls to Filter entries showing in the form based upon task names such that only task/milestone shapes that meet the task name filtering rule appears in the form’s data window.

For example, if you want to show only those entries that relate to Engineering Team 2 task shape names, type the task shape name into the window provided and click the Filter button and the Where Are My Links? form looks like this:

P70-19 1 3 1-70-(6)-09302020.png

After clicking the Filter button the entries shown in the Where Are My Links? form’s window are only those where the Engineering Team 2 task shape name appears in either a Predecessor or Successor task bar/milestone symbol name regardless of whether the Task Link is showing (or hidden). The current show/hide status is displayed in the Show column’s checkboxes. Clicking the Clear Filter button restores all the entries in the Where Are My Links? form and clears the contents of the search window.

There are four (4) columns in the Where Are My Links? form.

In the Show column (1) you can check or uncheck any entry’s checkbox to control the showing (or hiding), respectively, of the associated Task Links.

The Predecessor column (2) and Successor column (3) provide the Task/Milestone Name participating respectively in the Task Link pair. The numbers in parenthesis following the task shape name correspond to the Unique ID for Microsoft Project source plans.

The Source column (4) tells you which entries in the form are Data-driven Task Links (Imported) or which are manual Task Links (Manual). The four columns in the form can be sorted by clicking on the column’s header.

Sorting on the Show column means that you are sorting between checked and unchecked entries. Sorting on the Predecessor or Successor columns means that you are sorting alphanumerically on the contents of the entire field. Because of the relationship between these two columns, sorting on the Predecessor column, for example, brings along the corresponding Successor entry and vice versa. Sorting on the Source column means that you are sorting between Imported and Manual entries.

The Use Show/Hide Defaults button at the bottom of the form controls the resetting of defaults for showing (or hiding) Task Links based upon the Task Link Filter rules you established in the Task Link Filter Rules form. This button also applies if you are Showing All Task Links instead of using Task Link Filter rules.

If after establishing which Task Links are to be shown (or hidden) in the Task Links Filter Rules form and you later make edits to any Task Link individually, clicking the Use Show/Hide Defaults button restores all Task Links to the current Task Link Filter rules or the Show all selection.

The two other buttons at the bottom of the Where Are My Links? form can be used to override any pre-established filtering rules and force either a Show All or Hide All Task Link entries in the chart. These two controls are shortcuts that are applied to all entries in the Where Are My Links? form.

Using the Where Are My Links? Form to Show or Hide Task Link

Use the form to quickly edit the show/hide status of any Task Link entry in the form for the current snapshot by either checking (ON) or unchecking (OFF) the checkbox in the Show column of the form for the Task Link entry you want to edit.

The Where Are My Links? form is shown below:

P70-19 1 3 1-70-(7)-09302020.png

The Where Are My Links? form is “snapshot-dependent” in that OnePager provides a list of Task Links specific to the snapshot that you are currently displaying in the Chart Editor. If you don’t use the Task Links Filter Rules form to conditionally control the showing (or hiding) of Data-driven Task Links, the Where Are My Links? form gives you total manual control over the showing (or hiding) of all Task Links in a snapshot at any time.

For more information on the controls in the Where Are My Links? form, please see the article at: Using the Where Are My Links? Form

Editing the show/hide status of Task Link(s) in the Where Are My Links? form as described above can turn the edited Task Link(s) into maverick Task Link(s). The edit made to any entry in the Where Are My Links? form applies to the current snapshot.

Related Links

Hiding/Unhiding/Moving/Finding/Changing/Resizing Task/Milestone Shapes and Labels

Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"

Editing Task Links with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro

Manual Editing of Task Links for OnePager Pro

Using the Where Are My Links? Form
