Legend Tab for Version 6.0
About the Legend Tab for OnePager Pro and Express
The Legend tab, shown below, lets you control the format, position, and contents of the legend.
Additionally, there are the controls for specifying where the legend will appear in multi-page outputs.
Basic Legend Properties Controls
The following controls are available in the Legend tab:
1) Show legend. This checkbox allows you to show or hide the legend. You may show the legend box as a horizontally oriented box as shown below. The default orientation for the legend box is vertical. In multi-page outputs this checkbox applies to all pages.
2) Legend-item font. This dropdown button provides access to the Font properties form that gives you access to set and to change the font characteristics of legend item text. The Font properties form is standard throughout OnePager Pro (OPP) and Express (OPX).
3) Legend-title font. This dropdown provides access to the Font properties form that gives you access to set and to change the font characteristics of the legend’s title.
4) Width and Height. The width and height controls for the legend is expressed in inches or centimeters depending on your selection in the Template.
5) Background color. The legend’s background color is controlled by this dropdown which gives you access to the standard Color Chooser form.
6) Do not duplicate tasks/milestones. Please use the links below for more detailed information on this control:
New Legend Controls for OnePager Pro | New Legend Controls for OnePager Express |
7) Make title automatically. This checkbox, when checked (the default setting), lets OnePager automatically generate the legend title.
- a) The automatic title created is based on the name in the field from your Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel source plan you selected for Gantt Bar/Milestone Fill Color on the Task Bars and Milestone tabs on the Project-View Properties (PVP) form below.
- b) The automatic title may also reflect your Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel source plan fields used for color or shape in conditional formatting.
- c) When the checkbox is unchecked, the Legend title window below is activated and you can enter the desired legend title for the legend that will appear.
- d) Legend title. This text window allows you to type in a desired legend title when the Make title automatically checkbox is unchecked as described above.
Positioning the Legend in the View and in the Document:
8) Legend position. The initial position of the legend is controlled by the Template. There are eight (8) compass locations that can apply to either the graph or the page, yielding 16 docking positions in all. You can later drag the legend to any location on the screen.
- a) Since anchoring is preferred over free-floating, we designed OnePager so that if you drag the legend away from one of its docked locations, it becomes anchored to the same location as it was formerly docked.
- b) You can always change the anchor location, but this convention leads to the best results when you drag the legend away from one of the fixed docking locations.
9) Legend Docking and Anchoring Options. There are four docking and anchoring options that control how the eight compass locations are interpreted. These options can be accessed from the dropdown menu shown below:
- a) Docked Defined. The term docked means that the legend will be placed in one of the sixteen (16) positions on the edges and corners of the graph (8) or on the edges and corners of the page (8). If you choose not to dock in one of these 16 locations, it is recommended that you anchor the legend to one of the eight edges or corners of the page. See the discussion on docking and anchoring in this article: Legend Position Options for Multi-Page Outputs .
- b) Anchoring has absolutely no effect on single-page views.
Docked to graph
- c) Docked to graph. When this option is selected, OnePager will place the legend at one of the eight (8) compass points along the edges and corners of the graph area (the rectangular area containing tasks and milestones, which excludes row labels, swimlane labels, time axis labels, headers/footers, and title. The selection windows in the Legend tab of the PVP form looks like this:
- c) Multi-Page. In a multi-page project view, the legend will appear at the same location within the project view if you are displaying the legend on all pages.
Docked to page
- d) Docked to page. When this option is selected, OnePager will place the legend at one of the eight (8) compass points along the edges and corners of the page. The selection windows in the Legend tab of the PVP form looks like this:
- e) Multi-Page Considerations. In a multi-page project view, the legend will appear at the same location on each page if you are displaying the legend on all pages. When you select individual pages to display the legend, the legend will appear at the same compass point on all pages where the legend is displayed.
- f) Free-floating. In this option, the legend is the position where you drag it, so it is no longer docked in one of the 16 fixed compass point locations. This mode may result in unusual positions when the document is divided into multiple pages. In multi-page situations anchored to page is preferred over free-floating. The selection windows in the Legend tab of the PVP form looks like this:
- g) As noted above, the eight (8) legend compass point radio buttons do not play a part in legend positioning in the Free-floating option so they are disabled. Since there is currently no way for you to manually place the legend in a different undocked location on each output page, this option is not recommended.
Anchored to page
- h) Anchored to page. In this option the legend is associated with one of the eight compass positions, but is placed as the same relative position on each page of the multi-page output. The selection windows in the Legend tab looks like this:
- i) Multi-Page. When doing a multi-page project view after dragging the legend to a different location, it is recommended to anchor the legend at the same position relative to one of the eight (8) compass positions along the edges or corners of the page.
- j) Show Legend on Group. The Show Legend on group has the controls to tell OnePager on what pages to display the legend as shown below:
- k) For selecting specific pages that you want the legend to appear, use the same page selection conventions as are used in Microsoft Project or Excel. If the Pages radio button is selected but there is no information in the page number window, just type in the page number using the format example shown at the right of the page number window.
- l) Show or hide legend elements. These checkboxes allow you to control the graphic elements of the Legend that will be displayed. The controls are shown below:
- m) Title. Checking this checkbox will cause the legend title to be displayed in the legend.
- n) Color/symbol items. Checking this checkbox will cause the legend item text and their colors/symbols to be displayed.
- o) Gantt-bar diagram. This command displays an explanatory diagram that shows how the Gantt bars are decorated to show baseline, percent complete, and critical path.
- p) Milestone diagram. This command displays an explanatory diagram shown below for milestones at the bottom of the legend, just as you can show such an explanation for Gantt bars.
- i) The font sizes for the text elements in the combined diagrams above can be adjusted by right-clicking either of the diagrams, selecting the Item font… command, and adjusting the font size in the standard Font properties form that appears.
- ii) Whether the milestone diagram displays baselines or incomplete milestones depends upon whether these features are enabled.
- iii) The example above shows the case in which baselines are turned on (using the baseline checkboxes on the Task Bars and Milestones tabs) but incomplete milestones are not distinguished from complete milestones.
Showing Incomplete Milestones
10) If you want to configure OnePager to show incomplete milestones as unfilled symbols, you will need to navigate to the Milestones tab in the PVP form. There, check the % Complete checkbox in the Milestone Symbol Decorations group and then click the %Complete Properties button. This action will bring up the Set percent-complete properties form given below:
11) Checking the checkbox shown above will direct OnePager on how to treat the display of incomplete milestones and will modify the legend diagram as shown below:
Freeze Legend When Updating
12) This control prevents the legend from being updated with new tasks or milestone items when you add or replace a snapshot. To prevent or freeze legend updates, check the Freeze legend when updating checkbox in the PVP form’s Legend tab as shown below:
- Please use the links below for more detailed information on this control:
New Legend Controls for OnePager Pro | New Legend Controls for OnePager Express |
Related Links
The Project View Legend (Portal)
Managing the Legend in the Project View
Legend Position Options for Multi-Page Outputs
Editing, Repositioning Legend Items, and Formatting the Legend
New Legend Controls for OnePager Pro
New Legend Controls for OnePager Express