Main Tab for Version 6.0
About the Main Tab
This PVP tab page, shown below, lets you set the most general properties of a project view.
Each of these properties is discussed below.
General Properties
1) Title. The title that appears at the top of the graph area.
2) Start. The start date of the timeline (it will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of time axis units).
3) End. The end date of the timeline.
4) Author. The person’s name that can appear in a header or footer entry in the project view.
Color Palettes
5) Color palette for assignments. This control allows you to set the default color from a dropdown list.
- a) OnePager provides a wide variety of color palettes.
- b) You can add more palettes, change palettes, or delete unwanted palettes.
6) Edit Color Palettes. This button brings up the Color Palette Editor form shown below.
- a) This editor allows you to edit a particular color palette by adding, changing, and deleting individual colors.
- b) The File button provides additional palette manipulation functions as shown below:
- c) The Edit button provides controls for manipulating the colors in the palette as shown below:
7) For more information on the management and use of color and color palettes please see the article at the following link: Creating and Saving Color Palettes .
Time Axis
8) Time axis. The Time axis group has the controls that are shown and discussed below:
- a) Font. Provides access to the Font properties form for changing the common font for all text on the time axis.
- b) Time Axis Location. Determines whether the timeline annotation will be above the graph area, below the graph area, or both.
- c) Top axis and bottom axis heights. Controls the vertical size of the axis annotation.
Configure Time Axis Button
- d) The Configure time axis button provides access to controls for the Top level, Middle level, and Bottom level of the time axis.
- e) The first three tabs (from right to left) have the following controls:
- i) Tic units. The interval at which annotation occurs along the time axis. These range from year down to seconds.
- ii) Label format. The detailed format for date/time annotation along the time axis. These time formats are similar to those available in Microsoft Project.
- iii)Rotate labels 90 degrees. This control allow you to rotate the time axis labels so that they take up less horizontal space.
- iv) Label alignment. This controls the placement of the label in various positions relative to the tic marks.
Fiscal Year and Week Representations
9) OnePager supports fiscal year and fiscal week representations and the controls are discussed below:
- a) Use fiscal year checkbox. When checked, all dates will be in fiscal year format (See Advanced tab below).
- b) Show gridlines checkbox. When checked, grid lines will be displayed between time axis date elements.
- c) Put lines between labels checkbox. When checked horizontal lines will be shown between time axis labels.
- d) Show level dropdown list. When clicked, the dropdown list allows you to select how many levels of time axis information to display. A maximum of three date label levels can be displayed each controlled further by the first three tabs of the “Advanced time-axis features form.
- e) Separate levels with horizontal lines. When checked horizontal lines will be shown between time axis levels.
- f) Repeat on all pages. When checked the time axis will be repeated on all pages of a multi-page output.
10) Advanced. This tab provides advanced features that apply to all three levels of the time axis.
- a) Project start date end date. This date window is used to display date labels that are relative to some fixed date (e.g., months from start of project).
- i) These two dates are originally set to the project view start and end dates, but you can reset them to be different reference dates here.
- ii) These dates may be changed to reflect desired start and end dates for the project view.
- b) First month of fiscal year. OnePager’s default first month of the fiscal year is set to January. You can change this to reflect the true starting month of your particular fiscal year.
- c) Use starting year for FY numbering checkbox. When checked, OnePager uses the starting calendar year to label the fiscal year. Otherwise OnePager labels the fiscal year by the calendar year in which it ends.
- d) First day of the week. OnePager’s default first day of the week is Monday. You can change this to reflect the desired day of the week to use in various week-centric labels.
- e) First week of the year. OnePager has three (3) options for defining the first week of the fiscal year as described in detail below. Where the first week of the fiscal year contains:
- (1) The first day of the fiscal year.
- (2) The first full week of the fiscal year.
- (3) The fourth (4th) day of the year in accordance with International Standards Organization (ISO) 8601.
11) For more information on the management and use of the time axis see the article at the link that follows: Modifying the Time Axis (Portal) .
The Corner
12) The Corner. This refers to the controls used to designate the use of the upper left and lower left corners of the project view. The controls are shown below:
- a) The lower left corner of the project view becomes available when you specify that the time axis is to be displayed on the bottom of the project view.
- b) These corners can be used to show the row/swimlane headings (e.g., text columns and swimlane labels), the time axis unit labels, or neither.
Selection flag
11) This control tells OnePager which field from the Microsoft Project or Excel source plan was used to control OnePager’s import of data.
- a) This window was on the PVP Advanced tab prior to version 6.0.
- b) This window is provided for information purposes once the project view is created.
13) In addition to the Selection flag window, the Main Tab also provides access to the Conditional Import Rules form for your information. These two controls are shown in the illustration below:
14) As shown above, you can change the contents of the Selection flag window as well as change the contents of the Conditional Import Rules form once the project view is created.
15) These changes will be used to control the import process the next time you either create a NEW project view or UPDATE an existing project view.
Related Links
Creating and Saving Color Palettes
Modifying the Time Axis (Portal)