Task Bars Tab for Version 6.0 (OnePager Express)
About the Task Bars Tab-OnePager Express
This tab page, shown below, lets you control the style and decoration of task bars.
Additionally, within this tab are the controls for creating and managing conditional formatting rules.
Gantt Bar Styles
1) Default Gantt Bar Styles. Collected in this group are all the controls associated with defining or changing the properties of Gantt bars (task bars). These controls include:
- a) Shape. The dropdown menu shows the eight (8) varieties of task bar shapes available for use.
- b) Fill. This dropdown menu shows the five (5) available task bars fill or texture options.
- c) Gantt Bar Height. Allows you to set the bar height as an absolute quantity (inches or centimeters) or as a percentage of the row height, which is shown in parentheses for reference.
- d) Border Controls. In the upper right corner of the form, these controls allow you change the color of the Gantt bar border, the width of the border and the border’s style. Further, you have the capability to establish the border color to be the same as the Gantt bar fill color.
- e) Gantt Bar/Milestone Fill Color. You can specify a single color for all Gantt bars via the Color Chooser form when the Use one color: radio button is selected. More commonly, selecting the Color-code based on radio button allows you to select a field from your Microsoft Excel source plan to assign a data driven color to each task.
- i) The data driven color assignment is sometimes referred to as round-robin color.
- ii) OnePager goes in sequence through the color palette and assigns a new color when it finds a new distinct value in the data. If it finds more distinct values than there are colors in the palette, it starts over at the beginning of the palette and uses each color for a second data value, and so on.
- iii) Also note that the Color-code based on selects a single data field that applies to both task bars and milestones. This is one of the few places where tasks and milestones are constrained to have the same default behavior.
- iv) Using the conditional formatting feature for color assignments allows you to distinguish the color assignments of tasks from those of milestones.
- f) Mirror format settings between task bars and milestones. When this checkbox is checked, OnePager will automatically make any changes to Milestones properties that are made to Task Bars properties for all settings where a blue dot appears to the right of the setting. . Task Bar and Milestone fill colors are always mirrored regardless of the Mirror... checkbox being checked on or off.
Gantt Bar Decorations
2) Gantt Bar Decorations There are six (6) decorations for Gantt bars. Each may be turned on by checking the associated checkbox. Each of these decoration’s controls may be accessed by clicking the adjacent button. Following are brief descriptions of each decoration:
- a) Gantt Bar Label Properties.... Clicking this button will display the Set Label Properties form shown below wherein the Gantt bar label font properties and label position may be set.
- b) %Complete Properties…. Clicking this button will display the Set percent-complete properties form shown below which controls the display characteristics of the %Complete representation.
- c) Baseline Properties. Clicking this button will display the Set baseline properties form shown below which controls the shape, fill, and color of baseline bars, the connecting line properties, and how the baseline dates will be displays.
- d) Date Label Properties…. This button, when selected, will display the Set date label properties form shown below which allows you to control the properties of the date label. You can control the date label’s font properties, the position and display of the start and finish date, the format of the date label, and how to separate the date from the task bar’s label text.
- e) Deadline Properties…. Clicking this button will display the Set deadline properties form shown below which controls for the shape, fill, and position of the deadline controls. It also lets you set a special color to denote deadlines that have not been met. Additionally, as with the Baseline Properties form described above, the Set deadline properties form controls connecting lines for deadlines and the properties of deadline date display.
- f) Endpoint Properties…. Clicking this button displays the Set endpoint properties form shown below which controls all properties for up to four endpoints. Each endpoint can display the date imported from any date field from Microsoft Excel. These properties are controlled essentially the same way as described above for Deadline Properties form, above.
Conditional Formatting
3) Conditional Formatting: This group on the Task Bar tab has one button, the Manage Rules… button.
- a) Clicking this button displays the Conditional Formatting Rules form shown below which permits you to define, change, delete, and copy rules governing the display of task bars based on data imported from your Microsoft Excel source plan.
- b) There are two ways to get to the same Conditional Formatting Rules form:
- (1) via the Task Bar tab or
- (2) via the Milestones tab.
- Complete details on how to use conditional formatting may be found at Conditional Formatting (Portal) .
Related Links to Task Bar Decorations
Labeling Task/Milestone Dates for for OnePager Express
Percent complete for OnePager Express
Baselines for OnePager Express
Critical path for OnePager Express
Deadlines for OnePager Express
Endpoints for OnePager Express
Order of Tasks/Milestones Decorations