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OnePager Pro  provides a feature for controlling the '''showing''' and '''hiding''' '''Time Axis Level Cells'''.  In previous versions of OnePager Pro all '''Time Axis cells''' in a given '''Time Axis Level '''are always '''shown'''.  While this made it possible to have a complete and contiguous '''timespan '''displayed in the chart, for very long '''timespans''' there was no way '''cut out''' a proportion of the '''timespan''' where less interest should be focused in a schedule discussion.
There may be occasions where a chart may have too much detail and, for a particular schedule discussion and presentation, it is necessary to '''hide''' one or more '''rows''' or '''swimlanes'''.  '''Hiding rows''' or '''swimlanes '''is done by right-clicking in a '''text column''' for a '''row''' or a '''swimlane cell''' for a '''swimlane''' which accesses the appropriate '''context menu '''and the '''Hide''' command for either the '''row '''or the '''swimlane'''.  When '''rows''' are '''hidden''', their parent '''swimlane''', if any, is adjusted in '''height '''or becomes '''hidden '''if the '''row''' or '''rows''' being '''hidden '''make the '''swimlane empty'''.
The capability to '''hide Time Axis Level Cells''' anywhere in the chart’s '''timeline''' provides a way to tailor long '''timeline '''charts to achieve the desired focus.
'''Hiding''' '''rows''' or '''swimlanes''' also has an impact on the '''height dimensions''' of the chart.  All '''hidden rows''' and/or '''swimlanes''' can be '''unhidden''' by using the appropriate commands in the '''Show/Hide''' dropdown list of commands found on the OnePager '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab.  If '''rows''' are '''automatically hidden '''by OnePager because they are empty of task bars or milestone symbols, you can '''unhide''' these '''hidden row''' and '''hidden swimlanes''', if any, by clicking the '''Show All Rows '''command which '''unhides all rows''' but does not '''unhide any hidden''' task bars/milestone symbols.  Again, when '''rows''' and '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden''', clicking the '''Show All Swimlanes''' command '''unhides all swimlanes''' and their member '''rows'''.  This command does not '''unhide the unhidden rows'''’ task bars/milestone symbols if these were specifically '''hidden''' previously.
===Global Showing and Hiding of Time Axis Level Cells===
Additionally, clicking on the '''Show All Tasks/Milestones''' in the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown list also '''unhides '''any '''hidden rows''' and or '''swimlanes''' containing the '''hidden''' task bars/milestone symbols if these '''rows''' and '''swimlanes''' were previously automatically '''hidden'''.  Whenever task bars/milestone symbols, '''rows''', or '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden''' their status can be determined by accessing the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''command found on the OnePager '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab within the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown list.  Finally, the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form can be used to '''unhide rows''' and '''swimlanes'''.
The controls for both globally '''showing''' and '''hiding Time Axis Level Cells '''are available in the '''Template Properties '''and '''Chart Properties ''' forms and manual '''editing '''in the chart itselfAdditionally, there are provisions for recording '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells '''in the '''Template Properties '''and '''Chart Properties''' forms as well as an '''editing '''technique to make all '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' visible with one click.  In the '''Template Properties '''form there is a sub-tab of the '''Time Axis '''tab called the '''Format '''sub-tab that provides two control group with the one of interest here called the '''Curtains and Timespans '''control group shown below the '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' control group in the following illustration:
This article discusses all these features and manual methods for '''hiding''' and '''unhiding''' '''rows''' and '''swimlanes''' in the chart.   
Please use the '''links''' in the '''Contents Box''' above quickly jump to a particular topic.
There is a corresponding '''Format '''sub-tab located in the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab with the same two control groups as shown here:
==Hiding Rows==
===Hiding a Single Row===
In the two forms above, the '''Curtains and Timespans '''control group, which is referred to often in this document as '''The Grid''', records any '''Time Axis Level Cells '''that are '''hidden''' manually with the attributes of the '''hidden cells''' recorded in each of the columns of '''The Grid''' shown above.  '''The Grid''' is also used to record and '''edit Curtains''' of all types shown in the chart and its snapshots. 
Using the various selection methods to select a '''row''' by right-clicking in an associated '''text column cell''', you can access the '''text column '''right-click '''context menu '''where the '''Hide row '''command is found as shown below:
For more information on '''Creating, editing, and managing time axis daily curtains''', please see the article at: [[Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.5-70-->
Additionally, note the buttons below '''The Grid''' where you can be used to '''add '''a '''timespan''', '''delete '''a selected '''timespan entry '''in '''The Grid''', and '''copy '''a selected '''timespan entry '''in order to '''create/edit''' the copy as desired.  '''Timespans''' are '''snapshot-independent''' which means that the content of '''The Grid '''in terms of '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' is a function of the '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' in each snapshot in a chart.  OnePager Pro builds '''The Grid''' and its are entries based upon the snapshot being displayed in the '''Chart Editor.'''
Clicking the '''Hide row '''command produces this result for the selected '''row''' and in the '''swimlane''' in which it is a member:
===Manually Hiding, Showing, and Formatting of Individual Time Axis Level Cells===
'''Time Axis Level Cells''' as well as '''Floating Time Axis Level Cells''' can be '''hidden''' by manually selecting one or more '''Cells '''in a '''Time Axis Level '''with left-clicks and then right-clicking on a selected '''Cell '''to access the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu''' shown below:
When a '''row''' or '''rows''' are '''hidden''' in a '''swimlane''', the '''swimlane’s height''' is reduced as is the '''document height'''.
===Hiding Multiple Rows===
Clicking the '''Hide cell''' command in the above '''context menu''' makes the three selected '''Bottom Time Axis Level Cells''' disappear from the chart along with portions of the task bars/milestone symbols occupying the '''timespan''' being '''hidden''' in the '''graph'''.  The result of clicking the '''Hide cell '''command looks like this:
====Hiding Multiple Rows Using the CTL+Left-Click Method====
You can select '''multiple rows''' using either the '''CTL+Left-Click '''or the '''SHIFT+Left-Click '''methods and once these '''rows''' are selected, right-click in any selected '''text column cell''' to access the '''text column '''right-click '''context menu'''.
OnePager provides a single control to '''unhide''' all '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' with one click using the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown on the OnePager Pro '''Home''' ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing '''group as shown below:
Click the '''Hide row''' command to '''hide''' all the selected '''rows''' as shown in the sequence below:
The purpose of this article is to cover '''global''' and '''manual showing '''and''' hiding '''of''' Time Axis Level Cells''' as over-viewed above.   In addition, this article covers the manual '''editing '''of '''Time Axis Level Cell properties''' in the chart.
==The Timespans Grid in the Template Properties and Chart Properties Form’s Time Axis-Format Sub-Tab==
When Step 5 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the '''Hide row''' command), the selected '''rows''' are '''hidden''' and the chart looks like this:
===The Grid Controls in the Chart Properties Form===
'''The Grid''', found in both the '''Template Properties '''form and '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab at the '''Format '''sub-tab,''' '''is an important addition to OnePager Pro.  It is used for '''recording''', '''creating''', and '''editing''' '''hidden timespans '''in the chart.  '''The Grid''' is also used for '''recording''', '''creating''', and '''editing''' '''all Curtains''' in the chart. 
====Hiding Multiple Rows Using the SHIFT+Left-Click Method====
For more information on '''Creating, editing, and managing time axis daily curtains''', please see the article at:  [[Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.5-70-->
In the above illustration '''hiding multiple rows''' didn’t happen to cause any '''parent swimlane''' to become '''empty of rows''' where OnePager automatically '''hides '''them.
For the context here, focusing on '''showing ''' and '''hiding Time Axis Level Cells''', whenever a '''Time Axis Level Cell '''is '''hidden '''in the chart, an entry is place in '''The Grid''' as illustrated next.
This result can be illustrated by selecting a sequence of''' rows''' with the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' method and using the '''Hide row '''command to '''hide''' these selected '''rows''' when they are the only constituents of a '''swimlane''' as shown in the sequence below:
====Hiding Time Axis Cells Example====
Suppose we have the chart below and wish to '''hide '''three contiguous '''Time Axis Level Cells '''in the '''Bottom Time Axis Level'''.  To do this, select the three '''Time Axis Level Cells''' and right-click on any of them to access the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu''' shown below:
When Step 3 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the '''Hide row''' command), the selected '''rows''' are '''hidden''' along with their '''parent swimlane''' and the chart looks like this:
After clicking the '''Hide cell '''command in the '''context menu''', the chart looks like this:
===Hiding Rows Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Hide Row Command===
The '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''', which is accessible only in the '''graph area''', contains a number of commands that can be used to '''edit rows''', '''swimlanes''', '''text columns''', '''swimlane level cell labels''', '''time axis components in the graph''', and other convenient functions as shown below:
The three contiguous '''Time Axis Level Cells''' are '''hidden''' at the location in the '''timespan '''shown above.
Additionally, an entry is made in '''The Grid''' to record this '''edit''' as shown below:
You can use the '''Hide row''' command shown above to '''hide''' a selected '''row''' in the '''graph''' by first right-clicking in the '''row''' you desire to '''hide''' and, when the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is accessed, click the '''Hide row '''command as shown here:
There are now three entries in '''The Grid''' showing the properties of each '''hidden Time Axis Level Cell''' including its '''From/To dates''', '''Zoom% '''(discussed elsewhere as noted below), and its '''Priority''' which is a control that helps OnePager Pro to properly restore the '''hidden '''entry to '''show status''' when requested.
In the illustration above, we highlighted the selected '''row''' to make it clear which '''row''' is involved.  When a right-click is made in a '''row''' of the '''graph area''', OnePager does not show the selection rectangle.  Usually the upper right corner of the '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''' is placed in the selected '''row''' so you know which '''row''' the command is going to act on.
====The Grid's Organization and Controls====
'''Note''' that there are '''swimlane''' related commands in the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' so those commands act on the '''swimlane''' that the selected '''row''' is a member.
The other columns in '''The Grid '''are used as follows:
Clicking the '''Hide row''' command shown above '''hides''' the selected '''row''' and any '''text column cells''' associated with it.  If the '''hidden row''' is the only '''row''' in the '''swimlane''', the '''swimlane''' is also '''hidden'''.  If the '''parent swimlane''' remains after the '''Hide row''' command is clicked, the '''swimlanes height''' is adjusted.  When OnePager adjusts the '''height '''of a '''swimlane''', this usually results in the '''document height''' being adjusted as well.  After the command’s action is completed, the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is closed.
:1) The column on the left is used for selecting the entry with a left-click which identifies which entry is to be referenced for the '''Delete Timespan''' and '''Copy Timespan '''buttons.
===Automatically Hiding Empty Rows===
:2) The '''ON''' column can be used to '''disable '''the particular '''Grid '''entry by unchecking it.   
Whenever you '''hide''' a task bar/milestone symbol in its '''row''', you can follow this action by '''hiding the row'''.  This is done by clicking the '''Hide Rows''' button found on the OnePager '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab in the '''Editing '''control group shown below:
:3) All new '''Grid '''entries are created with the '''ON '''column checkbox checked '''ON'''.  
:4) When the checkbox is unchecked of '''OFF''', the corresponding '''Time Axis Level Cell''' becomes '''shown '''in the chart when the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''OK '''or '''Apply '''buttons are clicked.  The entry remains in '''The Grid''' if needed in the future.
Clicking the '''Hide Rows''' button accesses the '''Row hiding choices''' form that shows where the '''empty rows''' are generally located as shown below:
:5) The '''Show '''column and its checkboxes are used to '''unhide''' the corresponding '''Time Axis Level Cell '''with one click in '''The Grid'''. The entry in '''The Grid''' remains for future use.
:6) The '''Zoom% '''column represents the '''width '''of the '''hidden Time Axis Level Cell '''as a percentage of the size of other '''Time Axis Cells '''in that '''Level'''.
Clicking the '''OK''' button in the '''Row hiding choices''' form '''hides empty rows''' in the region where the checkboxes in the form are checked '''ON'''.  
For more information on '''Zoom%''', please see the article at: [[The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.7-70-->
For more information on the use of the '''Hide Rows''' button and the '''Row hiding choices form''', please see the articles shown below:
In '''The Grid''', there are three (3) buttons below that are relevant to '''timespans''' that are '''enabled '''when there are '''timespan '''entries in '''The Grid.'''
{| class="wikitable"
| [[Automatically Hiding Empty Rows for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Automatically Hiding Empty Rows for OnePager Pro]] <!--12.05.1-70-->
| [[Automatically Hiding Empty Rows for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | Automatically Hiding Empty Rows for OnePager Express]] <!--12.05.2-70-->
=====Add Timespan to Grid=====
==Unhiding Hidden Rows==
The '''Add Timespan '''button places a '''timespan '''entry in '''The Grid''' that allows you to create a '''hidden Time Axis Level Cell '''entry by filling in data for the '''From '''and '''To Dates '''as required.  The entry is created with '''From '''and '''To Dates '''that '''spans''' the entire extent of the '''graph'''.  However, the '''Show '''column checkbox checked '''ON '''so you have an opportunity to reset or '''edit''' the '''From '''and '''To Dates '''to meet your needs.
===Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the OnePager Home Ribbon Tool Bar Tab’s Editing Control Group===
A basic '''Added Timespan entry '''is shown below:
When '''rows''' are '''hidden''' in the chart and it is necessary to '''unhide''' them, this can be done for all '''hidden rows''' by using the '''Show All Rows''' command found on the OnePager '''Home''' ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing '''control group as shown here:
=====Delete Timespan in Grid=====
In the illustration above, the second '''row''' in the top most '''swimlane''' is '''hidden'''.
The '''Delete Timespan '''button requires that you first select '''The Grid timespan '''entry to be '''deleted''' before clicking the '''Delete Timespan '''button by first clicking the left most column of the desired entry.   Then clicking the '''Delete Timespan '''button removes the entry.
To '''unhide this row''' and all other '''rows''' that may be '''hidden''' elsewhere in the chart, access the '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing '''control group and click on the '''Show/Hide''' command to access the dropdown list shown above. Then, click the '''Show All Rows '''command and '''all hidden rows''' in the chart are '''unhidden '''as shown below:
=====Copy Timespan in Grid=====
The '''Copy Timespan '''button also requires that you first select '''The Grid timespan '''entry that you want to '''copy '''before clicking the '''Copy Timespan '''button by first clicking the left most column of the desired entry.  Then clicking the '''Copy Timespan '''button adds a '''copy '''of the selected entry to the bottom of '''The Grid '''as shown here:
===Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form===
When you need to '''unhide '''one or more '''rows''' when many '''rows''' are '''hidden''' in the chart, using the '''Where’s My Stuff'''?! form is a convenient tool to selectively '''unhide rows'''. As an example, suppose we '''hide''' every '''row''' occupying the top '''row''' in every '''Left#2 swimlane level''' as illustrated below:
===The Grid and Snapshot-Independence===
Since '''timespans''' are '''snapshot-independent''', OnePager Pro builds '''The Grid '''for '''timespans''' uniquely for each snapshot that you access in the '''Chart Editor'''.  As such, '''timespans '''can be '''hidden''' in one snapshot and '''shown''' in another all under your control.
When the '''rows''' identified in the illustration above are '''hidden''', the chart now looks like this:
For more information on '''the relationship between charts and snapshots''', please see the article at: [[Understanding Charts and Snapshots for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Understanding Charts and Snapshots for OnePager Pro]] <!-->
===The Template Properties Form’s Timespan Grid===
The intent of the example is to '''unhide''' those '''rows''' that are members of the '''Prime''' '''Left#3 swimlane level''' while leaving all other '''rows''' '''hidden'''.
The '''Template Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab '''Format '''sub-tab has the same capabilities for '''The Grid''' as the '''Chart Properties '''formIn the '''Template Properties''' form, '''The Timespan Grid''' is used to define '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' that you want '''not to show '''in every chart created using that particular '''Template Properties '''form.  This is one way that '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' are created '''globally'''.
The '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form has several functions and, for this purpose, it records the task bars/milestone symbols that occupy '''rows''' that are '''hidden'''.  The '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form is accessed by again using the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown list in the '''Home''' ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing''' control group as shown here:
==Manually Hiding Timespans in the Chart==
In the section above, the discussion primarily focused on using '''The Grid''' for '''global hiding''' and '''showing '''of '''Time Axis Level Cells'''.  Using '''The Grid''' in this manner is useful when your schedule discussion presentation involves '''hiding '''certain '''Time Axis Level Cells '''in all snapshots by making the appropriate '''Grid entries '''in the '''Template Properties '''form '''Time Axis''' tab '''Format '''sub-tab’s '''Grid'''.  When you use the '''Template Properties '''form’s related capabilities in this way, '''The Grid''' is a convenient short cut.  In addition to using '''The Grid''' in the '''Template Properties '''and '''Chart Properties''' forms for '''creating''' and '''editing''' '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''', OnePager Pro, as mentioned earlier, provides you with manual '''editing''' capabilities as well. 
When you click the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''command, the form is accessed and contains the list of task bars/milestone symbols that are associated with '''hidden rows''' as shown below:
These capabilities are discussed in the sub-sections that follow.
===Hiding Time Axis Level Cells in One Time Axis Level===
For more information on the utilization of the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form, please see the article at: [[Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!" for Version 7.0 | Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"]] <!--9.4.1-70-->
You have the capability, as discussed in the first section of this article to select '''Time Axis Level Cells '''at any '''Level''' and '''hide '''them by first '''selecting''' the '''cell''' or '''cells''' and right-clicking to access the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu''' as shown here:
For the purpose of the illustration here, suppose we want to '''unhide '''the '''rows''' containing task bars related to '''Engineering Team 1''' and '''Engineering Team 2'''.  To do this, click the checkbox in the '''Select '''column of the '''grid''' '''ON''' for each of the two '''Task Names''' of interest in the above form as shown here:
After clicking the '''Hide cell '''command above, the chart looks like this:
Clicking the two '''Select''' column checkboxes '''ON''' as shown above, tells OnePager that you want OnePager to '''fix the selected '''issue in the '''selected grid row''' of the form.  To take this action, click the '''Fix Selected '''button shown in the form above and OnePager '''unhides''' to two identified '''Task Names''' and their '''rows''' in the chart as shown here:
The '''hidden Time Axis Level Cells''' are not shown in the chart and any task bars/milestone symbols or portions of the '''graph''' occupying the '''hidden timespan''' are also '''hidden'''.   
After the actions are taken, the '''unhidden rows''' appear in the chart and the '''unhidden''' task bars remain selected as shown above.   
There are several conditions that should be kept in mind.  '''Decorations '''on task bars/milestone symbols remain visible if any portion of a task bar/milestone symbol remains visible in the chart after a corresponding '''Time Axis Level Cell''' or '''Cells '''are '''hidden.'''  If there are '''Free Boxes''' in the chart that occupy the '''timespan '''that is going to be '''hidden''', that '''Free Box''' or '''Boxes''' are '''relocated''' by OnePager Pro so they remain visible.  You can subsequently '''select''' them and manually '''relocate''' them where needed.  If there are attached '''Comment Boxes''' associated with task bars/milestone symbols that are partially '''hidden '''by '''hiding '''certain '''Time Axis Cells''', the '''Comment Boxes '''remain visible and are '''relocated''' by OnePager Pro as long as any portion of the parent task bar/milestone symbol is visible in the chart.  You can subsequently '''select''' them and manually '''relocate''' them where needed.  If a task bar/milestone symbol is completely '''hidden''' by '''hiding Time Axis Level Cells''', the associated '''Comment Boxes''' are no longer visible.
The '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form’s '''grid rows''' are '''updated''' to show the actions taken and a list of actions taken and their status is displayed in the form below the '''grid'''.  The form remains open so you can take any additional '''fix actions'''.  If none are required, click the '''Close '''button to return to the '''Chart Editor'''.
===Hiding Cells in a Time Axis Level with Timespans in a Lower Level===
===Unhiding All Rows Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Rows Command===
As a further example, if a greater extent of the total chart’s '''timeline''' is '''hidden''', it is more likely that entire task bars/milestone symbols are '''hidden '''as shown here where the entire 2020 '''Time Axis Level Cell '''is '''hidden''':
The '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''', which is accessible only in the '''graph area''', contains a number of commands that can be used to '''edit rows''', '''swimlanes''', '''text columns''', '''swimlane level cell labels''', '''time axis components in the graph''', and other convenient functions as shown below:
There is one '''timespan '''entry in '''The Grid '''to reflect this action because only one '''Time Axis Level Cell '''(the 2020 '''Top Time Axis Level Cell''') was '''hidden''''''The Grid''' is shown below:
You can use the '''Unhide all rows''' command shown above to '''unhide''' all '''rows''' in the '''graph''' by first right-clicking '''anywhere''' in the '''graph area '''and, when the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is accessed, click the '''Unhide all rows '''command as shown here:
OnePager Pro also keeps track of any task bars/milestone symbols that are '''hidden''' as a result of the action taken to '''hide '''the 2020 '''Top Time Axis Level''' for that yearExamining the chart above reveals that many '''rows '''in the chart became '''empty''' as a result of the '''Time Axis Level Cell '''becoming '''hidden'''. OnePager Pro does not automatically '''hide '''(previously called '''crop''') empty '''rows'''.
In the illustration above, the position of a '''hidden row''' is shown by the red arrow.  When a right-click is made anywhere in the '''graph area''', OnePager accesses the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' at the location near the right-clickClicking the '''Unhide all rows''' command shown above '''unhides''' the all '''rows hidden''' in the chart and any '''text column cells''' associated with them.  If the '''hidden rows''' make up '''swimlanes''' that are also '''hidden''', these '''swimlanes''' are also '''unhidden'''.   '''Parent swimlane''' that are '''unhidden''' have their '''swimlane heights''' adjusted. After the command’s action is completed, the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is closed and the chart looks like this:
===Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form===
You can access the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form to see the list of '''hidden''' task bars and milestone symbols by going to the OnePager Pro '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab and clicking the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown and clicking the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''command as shown below:
===Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Show Text Columns Command===
The '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''', which is accessible only in the '''graph area''', contains a number of commands that can be used to '''edit rows''', '''swimlanes''', '''text columns''', '''swimlane level cell labels''', '''time axis components in the graph''', and other convenient functions as shown below:
Accessing the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form shows all the '''hidden '''task bars and milestone symbols and the reason for them to be '''hidden''' as shown below:
In the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''', the '''Show text columns''' command, which is a '''toggle-type''' command, is '''toggled''' '''OFF'''. The '''default setting''' for the '''Show text columns '''command is '''toggled ON'''. When the '''Show text column '''command is '''toggled OFF''', if any '''text columns''' were present in the chart, they are no longer visible as shown below:
For more information on using the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form, please see the article at: [[Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!" for Version 7.0 | Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"]] <!--9.4.1-70-->
If you use the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form to '''Fix Selected '''entries, doing so results in the '''hidden timespan '''becoming '''shown''' along with any '''hidden timespans '''in '''Time Axis Levels below the hidden timespan '''being '''fixed'''.  Should additional '''hidden '''task bars and milestone symbols become '''shown''' in this operation, the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form is appropriately '''updated''' to reflect the correct '''show/hide status''' of task bars and milestone symbols in the chart.
To make all '''text columns '''visible in the chart, right-click anywhere in '''open space '''to access the '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''' and click the '''Show text columns''' command as shown here:
===Hiding Timespans in the Floating Time Axis===
Briefly, if '''Floating Time Axes''' are present in the chart and you '''hide '''a '''Time Axis Level Cell(s)''', the corresponding '''Floating Time Axis Level Cell(s)''' are also '''hidden '''by the same action.  Conversely, if you '''select''' and '''hide''' a '''Floating Time Axis Level Cell(s)''', the corresponding '''Time Axis Level Cell(s) '''are also '''hidden''''''The Grid''', given either of the above two actions, only contains a '''timespan '''entry representing the '''hidden timespan''' for the '''Time Axis Level Cell(s) hidden'''.
When the '''Show text columns '''command is '''toggled ON''', the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu '''closes and any''' enabled''' '''hidden text columns''' are displayed in the chart.  The '''Show text columns '''command is not '''enabled '''in the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' if no '''text columns '''are set to be displayed because they are not '''enabled''' in the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Rows/Swimlanes '''tab as shown here:
For more information on the '''Floating Time Axis '''feature, please see the article at:  [[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.9-70-->
==Formatting Individual Time Axis Level Cells==
If, however, one or more '''text columns '''are '''enabled''' in the form above, the '''Show text columns '''command in the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is '''toggled ON'''.
In addition to being able to manually '''hide Time Axis Level Cells''', you also have additionally '''editing '''capabilities for '''Time Axis Level Cells '''and some of their properties.  These additional '''editing''' capabilities include being able to '''format properties '''of a '''Time Axis Level Cell''', '''Unstretch all cells '''(explained fully elsewhere), access the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab at the corresponding '''Level '''sub-tab, and '''insert a curtain''' corresponding to the '''From/To Dates '''of the selected '''Time Axis Level Cell(s)'''.  Some of these capabilities are explained below. 
==Hiding Swimlanes==
The remaining capabilities can be found by going to these two articles: 
===General Rules for Hiding Swimlanes in Multiple Swimlane Level Charts===
====Overview from Previous Versions of OnePager Pro and Express====
{| class="wikitable"
| [[The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.7-70-->
| [[Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.5-70-->
===Using the Format Cell Command and the Time Axis Cell Properties Form===
Previous versions of OnePager Pro and Express supported a '''single swimlane level'''.  With a '''single swimlane level''', OnePager supported '''hiding a single swimlane''' containing one or more '''rows''' and could '''unhide''' the single '''swimlane''' at a later time depending need.
'''Time Axis Level Cells''' as well as '''Floating Time Axis Level Cells''' can be '''Formatted''' by manually selecting one or more '''Cells '''and right-clicking on the selected '''Cell(s)''' to access the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu''' shown below:
Also, with a '''single swimlane level''', OnePager supported '''hiding multiple swimlanes''' by selecting '''swimlanes individually''' ('''CTL+Left-Click '''selection method) or a '''sequence of swimlanes''' ('''SHIFT+Left-Click '''selection method).  As with '''unhiding''' a single '''swimlane''', OnePager supported easy methods for '''unhiding '''many '''hidden swimlanes''' as needs arose.
====OnePager Pro and Express Version 7.0====
Clicking the '''Format cell …''' command accesses the '''Time Axis Cell Properties''' form as shown below where you can '''edit''' some of the most important '''properties '''of the selected '''Cell(s)'''.
OnePager Pro and Express Version 7.0 supports up to '''three swimlane levels''' and any combination of up to '''three swimlane levels''' as needed for your schedule presentation.  This provides a great deal of flexibility when it comes to tailoring the original chart to different audiences by '''showing''' and '''hiding''' various combinations of '''swimlane levels'''.
However, given this flexibility, there are a few '''rules''' that should be kept in mind when '''hiding''' and '''unhiding''' '''swimlanes''' in the OnePager Pro and Express Version 7.0 environment:
In the '''Time Axis Cell Properties''' form there are two familiar controls – '''Color '''and '''Font'''.Clicking the '''Color''' dropdown accesses the OnePager standard '''Color Chooser '''form that is used to change the '''background color''' of the selected '''Time Axis Level Cell''' or '''Cells'''. Clicking the '''Font '''dropdown accesses the standard '''Font properties '''form so that you can '''edit''' the text content of the selected '''Time Axis Level Cells.'''  The '''Zoom% '''dial control and the associated '''Cell width '''window are used in the '''Time Axis Cell Properties''' form to manually '''stretch '''or '''compress '''the '''width '''of the selected '''Time Axis Level Cell(s)'''.'  
:* Selecting '''a single swimlane''' can be done at any '''swimlane level''' ('''Left#1''', '''Left#2''', '''and Left #3''') present in the chart.
:* Selecting '''a single swimlane''' includes all its '''member rows''' and '''all associated text column cells'''.
:* Selecting '''multiple swimlanes''' (regardless of the selection method used) can '''only''' be done in '''one swimlane level'''.
:* You have the capability to select an '''entire swimlane''' at any '''level '''or select only the '''swimlane level cell''' for that '''swimlane level''' using the '''double-left-click''' selection method.
:* The '''swimlane level''' right-click '''context menu''' for a selected '''swimlane''' is the same as for a selected '''swimlane level cell'''.
:* If a '''row''' is '''hidden''' in a '''one row swimlane''', the '''swimlane''' is '''hidden '''automatically as well as when the '''swimlane''' becomes '''empty''' when its only '''row''' is '''hidden'''.
:* If a '''single row swimlane''' is a member of a '''higher level swimlane''' containing only '''one row''', the '''higher level swimlane''' is also '''hidden'''.
:* The '''height''' of a '''swimlane''' is adjusted by OnePager whenever a member '''row''' is '''hidden''' or '''unhidden'''.  
:* '''Swimlane height''' adjustments can impact the chart’s '''document height''' in '''output media.'''
:* '''Hiding a  swimlane level''' is not the same as '''hiding a swimlane'''.  When a '''swimlane level is hidden''', all other things being equal, the '''Unhide all swimlanes''' command in the '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''' is '''disabled'''. 
For more information on the '''Zoom% '''feature, please see the article at: [[The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.7-70-->
For more information please see the article at: [[Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels for Version 7.0 | Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels]] 12.5.1-70--> and the sub-section at: [[Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Swimlanes for Version 7.0#Unhiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Swimlane Command | Unhiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Swimlane Command]] 12.13.1-70-->
Attempting to set the '''Zoom%''' in the '''Time Axis Cell Properties''' form to zero (0) or a negative '''Zoom% '''value is not accepted by OnePager Pro.  Instead, OnePager Pro sets the '''Zoom% '''value for entries values less than or equal to zero to a '''Zoom% '''value of 2.0 percent.  Making any '''edits''' to the selected '''Time Axis Level Cells''' using the '''Time Axis Cell Properties''' form '''edits''' only these selected '''Cells'''. After the '''edits''' are made, the selected '''Cells''' are considered '''mavericks'''.  Likewise, if you use the '''drag and drop method''' to alter the '''width '''of selected '''Time Axis Level Cell(s)''', these also cause the selected '''Cells''' to be treated as '''mavericks'''.  Selecting any '''maverick Time Axis Level Cell''' using the procedure above and clicking the '''Use default properties''' button in the '''Time Axis Cell Properties '''form shown above restores the selected '''Cells''' to the '''global''' '''properties''' established in the '''Chart Properties '''form.
The rules enumerated above may sound a bit complex, but experimentation should show you how they can work to support your presentation needs.
===Accessing the Chart Properties Form from a Time Axis Level Cell===
===Hiding a Single Swimlane===
Clicking the '''Time-axis properties… '''command in the '''Time Axis''' right-click '''context menu '''accesses the '''Chart Properties''' form at the '''Time Axis '''tab and the sub-tab for the '''Time Axis Level '''you selected.  Selecting a '''Time Axis Level Cell''' from the '''Bottom Level''' and right-clicking the '''Cell '''accesses the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu '''where you can then click the '''Time-axis properties… '''command shown here:
To demonstrate '''hiding swimlanes''' with '''multiple swimlane levels''', we start the discussion with the baseline chart configuration shown below:
Clicking the '''Time-axis properties… '''command accesses the '''Chart Properties''' form’s '''Time Axis '''tab for the '''Bottom Level''' as shown below:
The chart shown above consists of '''three swimlane levels''' with some '''swimlanes''' possessing a '''single row''' while other '''swimlanes''' possess '''multiple rows'''.  Additionally, the chart shows '''higher level swimlanes''' with members at '''lower swimlane levels''' consisting of single and multiple '''rows'''.
The first step for '''hiding''' a '''swimlane''' is to select the single '''swimlane''' as shown in the example below:
By using the '''Chart Properties '''form in this way you are able to '''edit''' the '''global properties''' of all '''Time Axis Level Cells '''in the '''Time Axis Level '''selected.   You can also use the sub-tabs in the form above to go to other '''Time Axis Levels''', to the '''Calendar '''sub-tab or the '''Format '''sub-tab.
===Manually Editing the Width of Time Axis Level Cells (Stretching and Compressing)===
Once the '''swimlane''' is selected, right-click in the '''swimlane level cell''' to access the '''swimlane level '''right-click '''context menu''' and the '''Hide swimlane '''command as shown here:
====Selecting Time Axis Level Cells in a Single Level====
'''Time Axis Level Cells''' can be '''stretched '''or '''compressed''' manually by first selecting the '''Cell''' with a left-click and using the '''handlebars''' to '''drag''' the '''selection rectangle''' to the desired '''width''' as shown here:
You have the option in the situation illustrated above to just right-click in the '''swimlane level cell''' to access the '''swimlane level''' right-click '''context menu'''.  When you click the '''Hide swimlane''' command, the '''swimlane''' is '''hidden'''
Because the selected '''Left#3  swimlane level cell''' is a member of single '''row''' '''Left#2 and Left#1 swimlane level cells''', these '''swimlane level cells''' are also '''hidden''' as shown here:
If you use your mouse to click on the right '''handlebar''' and '''drag''' it to the right, when you release the mouse left-click button, the selected '''Time Axis Level Cell''' looks like this:
===Hiding Multiple Swimlanes===
You can use '''time axis '''right-click '''context menu''' and the '''Format cell…''' command to see the new value of the '''Zoom%''' which is the amount of '''stretch''' applied by the '''drag and drop method''' to the selected '''Cell''' as shown here:
====Hiding Multiple Swimlanes Using the CTL+Left-Click Method====
You can select '''multiple swimlanes''' using either the '''CTL+Left-Click '''or the '''SHIFT+Left-Click '''methods and, once these '''swimlanes''' are selected, right-click in the selected '''swimlane level cell''' to access the '''swimlane level '''right-click '''context menu'''. Click the '''Hide swimlane''' command to '''hide''' all the selected '''rows''' as shown in the sequence below:
In addition to the '''Time Axis Cell Properties '''form’s '''Zoom% '''and '''Cell width '''windows being updated by the '''Time Axis Level Cell stretch '''action above, there is an entry placed in '''The Grid''' as well.
When Step 5 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the '''Hide swimlane''' command), the selected '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden''' and the chart looks like this:
====Selecting Time Axis Level Cells in Multiple Levels====
You can use your mouse to select '''Time Axis Level Cells '''in different '''Time Axis Levels''' by using the '''CTL+Left-Click method '''as shown here:
The illustration above also shows that '''hiding''' a '''Left#3 swimlane '''('''Team 2''')''' '''where it is the only member of a parent '''Left#2 swimlane '''('''Development''') and the only member of the '''Left#1 swimlane '''('''Phase II''')''' hides''' the '''Left#2 and Left#1 swimlane level cells''' as well.
====Hiding Multiple Swimlanes Using the SHIFT+Left-Click Method====
Above, there are five (5) '''Time Axis Level Cells''' selected in the order shown.
The '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' selection method can be used to select a sequence of '''swimlanes '''if and only if the sequence of '''swimlane '''selections is in the same '''swimlane level'''.
Although there are five (5) '''Time Axis Level Cells '''selected above, you can only '''stretch '''or '''compress the '''selected grouping of '''Cell '''using the '''drag and drop method '''in '''one Time Axis Level only '''as shown below:
The illustration below uses the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' method to select a sequence of '''swimlanes''' followed by a right-click in one of the selected '''swimlanes''' to access the '''swimlane '''right-click '''context menu''' and the '''Hide swimlane '''as shown in the sequence below:
If you now use the mouse to '''stretch '''the 2019 Quarter 2 '''Middle Level Time Axis Cell''', OnePager '''de-selects''' all selected '''Time Axis Level Cells''' highlighted in other '''Time Axis Levels''' such that only the '''Middle Level Time Axis Cells''' that are candidates for '''stretching''' remain selected as shown here:
When Step 3 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the '''Hide swimlane''' command), the selected '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden''' and the chart looks like this:
On the other hand, if you start to '''stretch '''the '''Bottom Level Time Axis Cells''', OnePager '''de-selects''' the '''Middle Level Time Axis Cells''' before performing the desired '''stretch''' as shown below:
'''Hiding''' the four '''swimlanes''' in '''Left#3 swimlane levels''', reduces the '''height''' of their parent '''Left#2 swimlane levels''' and the overall chart’s '''document height.'''
===Hiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Hide Swimlane Command===
====Selecting A Sequence of Multiple Time Axis Level Cells====
The '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''', which is accessible only in the '''graph area''', contains a number of commands that can be used to '''edit rows''', '''swimlanes''', '''text columns''', '''swimlane level cell labels''', '''time axis components in the graph''', and other convenient functions as shown below:
You can also select a sequential set of '''Time Axis Level Cells in the same Level '''by using the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' keys as shown below:
You can use the '''Hide swimlane''' command shown above to '''hide''' a selected '''swimlane''' in the '''graph''' by first right-clicking in the '''row''' you desire to '''hide''' and, when the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is accessed, click the '''Hide swimlane '''command as shown here:
Once the set of '''Time Axis Level Cells''' are selected, anyone of them can be used to '''stretch '''or '''compress '''the set as shown here:
In the illustration above, we highlighted the selected '''swimlane''' to make it clear which '''swimlane''' is involved.  When a right-click is made in a '''row''' of the '''graph area''', OnePager does not show the selection rectangle.  Since the intent of the illustration above is focused on the '''Hide swimlane''' command, the entire '''swimlane''' of interest is highlighted in red above.  Usually the upper right corner of the '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''' is placed in the selected '''row''' so you know which '''row '''and '''swimlane''' the command is going to act on.
Clicking the '''Hide swimlane''' command shown above '''hides''' the '''swimlane '''of interest, all member '''rows''', and any '''text column cells''' associated with '''hidden rows'''.  If the '''hidden swimlane''' is the only '''swimlane''' in a '''higher level swimlane''', the '''higher level''' '''swimlane '''or '''swimlanes''' are also '''hidden'''.  If the '''parent swimlane''' remains after the '''Hide swimlane''' command is clicked, the remaining '''swimlanes height''' is adjusted.
The general rule is that you cannot '''stretch '''multiple '''Time Axis Level Cells''' that are selected in '''multiple Time Axis Levels'''.  Only one '''Time Axis Level Cell set''' ca be '''stretched''' in one operation.
After the command’s action is completed, the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is closed and the chart for this example looks like this:
===Unstretching Time Axis Level Cells ===
Clicking the '''Unstretch all cells '''command in the '''context menu''' causes OnePager Pro to “normalize” all previously '''stretched '''or '''compress cells '''to their original '''Cell widths'''.
==Unhiding Hidden Swimlanes==
The '''Unstretch all cells '''command is shown below:
===Unhiding Hidden Swimlanes Using the OnePager Home Ribbon Tool Bar Tab’s Editing Control Group===
When '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden''' in the chart and it is necessary to '''unhide''' all of them, this can be done for all '''hidden swimlanes''' by using the '''Show All Swimlanes''' command found on the OnePager '''Home''' ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing '''control group as shown here:
When the command is clicked, all '''stretched''' or''' compressed Time Axis Level Cells '''on '''all''' '''Time Axes '''and '''Floating Time Axes''' as shown in the illustration above are returned to their original '''widths''' and the '''Document’s width''' is returned back to its original '''size''' before any '''Time Axis Level Cells '''are '''stretched''' or '''compressed'''.
The illustration above shows where the four '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden'''. As shown above, to '''unhide these swimlanes''' and all their '''rows''', access the '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing '''control group, click on the '''Show/Hide''' command to access the dropdown list, and click the '''Show All Swimlanes '''command.
Another result of using the '''Unstretch all cells''' command is that any entries in '''The Grid '''related to '''stretched Time Axis Level Cells '''are '''deleted''' for the snapshot in the '''Chart Editor'''.
When you click the '''Show All Swimlanes '''command, '''all hidden swimlanes''' are '''unhidden '''as shown below:
===Using the Time Axis Right-Click Context Menu’s Insert Curtain Command===
It can be advantageous from time to time to insert a '''Curtain''' into the chart that has exactly the same '''Start/End Date boundaries''' as a particular '''Time Axis Level Cell '''or '''Cells'''.  For example, it may be necessary to highlight a particular Quarter as important in a schedule conversation.  '''Time Axis Level Cell '''related '''Curtains''' can be added to the chart using the right-click on '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu '''and its '''Insert curtain '''command.  To insert a '''Curtain '''with '''Time Axis Level Cell boundaries''', first select the '''Cell '''or '''Cells''' to access the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu''' as shown below:
In addition to the ability of the '''Show All Swimlanes '''command to '''unhide '''all '''swimlanes''', since '''hidden swimlanes''' consist of at least one '''row''', using the '''Show All Rows '''command in the OnePager '''Home '''ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing '''control group''' '''produces the same '''unhiding''' result for '''all hidden swimlanes'''.
===Unhiding Hidden Swimlanes Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form===
When you click the '''Insert curtain''' command a basic '''Curtain '''is inserted into the chart with '''Start/End Date boundaries''' the same as those for the selected '''Time Axis Level Cell''' as shown here:
When you need to '''unhide '''one or more '''swimlanes''' when many '''swimlanes''' are '''hidden''', using the '''Where’s My Stuff'''?! form is a convenient tool to selectively '''unhide swimlanes'''.
As mentioned in the discussion of '''unhiding rows '''using the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form above at:  [[Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Swimlanes for Version 7.0#Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form | Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form]], <!--12.13.1-70--> the form tracks '''hidden rows''' among other potentially '''hidden items''' in the chart.
The '''Insert curtain''' command only creates a single '''Curtain'''.  If multiple '''Time Axis Level Cells '''are selected, either in one '''Time Axis Level''' or multiple '''Levels''', the '''Insert curtain''' command is '''disabled'''.
To '''unhide hidden swimlanes''', it is therefore necessary to know and check the '''rows''' that are members of these '''hidden swimlanes''' you want to '''unhide'''.  As an example, suppose we '''hide''' the '''swimlanes''' that were '''hidden''' in the previous example above that results in this chart configuration:
For more information on '''inserting curtains''' into the chart, please see the article at: [[Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.5-70-->
==Notes on Selecting Time Axis Level Cells==
The intent of the example is to '''unhide''' those two '''Left #3 swimlanes''' that are members of the '''Integration & Testing''' '''Left#2 swimlane level''' while leaving all other '''Left #3 swimlanes''' we previously '''hid''' as '''hidden'''. 
Using a combination of the '''CTL+Left-Click''' and the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' is restricted.  You can use the '''CTL+Left-Click''' to '''select''' any '''Time Axis Level Cell '''in any '''Level'''.  However, attempting to '''stretch '''a single '''Time Axis Level Cell''' when '''cells '''are '''selected in two or more Levels''' results in only the selected '''cell '''being '''stretched'''.  The selected '''Time Axis Level Cells''' in the other '''Levels''' are '''de-selected'''.
The '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form is accessed by again using the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown list in the '''Home''' ribbon tool bar tab’s '''Editing''' control group as shown here:
You can use the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' to '''select''' a series of '''Time Axis Level Cells''' that are all in the same '''Level'''.   This results in a contiguous series of '''Time Axis Level Cells '''being selected all of which can be '''edited''' as one or '''stretched '''or '''compressed''' together.  When you have a contiguous series of '''Time Axis Level Cells''' selected you can right-click on any one of them to access the '''time axis''' right-click '''context menu'''.
You can use the '''CTL+Left-Click '''in multiple '''Time Axis Levels '''and then any attempts to utilize the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' only work if the contiguous '''Time Axis Level Cells '''being selected are in '''one''' '''Time Axis Level'''.  Attempting to use the '''SHIFT+Left-Click''' across two or more '''Levels''' is not honored.  For example, suppose you use the '''CTL+Left-Click '''to select several '''cells''' each in the '''Bottom Level Time Axis''' and the '''Middle Level Time Axis''' all the while holding the '''CTL '''Key down.  This results in the clicked '''Time Axis Level Cells''' in the two '''Levels''' being selected.
When you click the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''command, the form is accessed and contains the list of task bars/milestone symbols that are associated with '''hidden rows''' as shown below:
Attempting to use the '''SHIFT+Left-Click '''in either the '''Bottom Level''' or the '''Middle Level Time Axes''' results in contiguous '''cells''' being selected.  If, however, after multiple '''Time Axis Level Cells''' are selected in the '''Bottom''' and '''Middle''' '''Time Axis Levels''', attempting to use the '''SHIFT+Left-Click '''in the '''Top Level Time Axis''' is not honored although the previously selected '''cells''' remain '''selected'''.
For more information on the utilization of the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form, please see the article at: [[Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!" for Version 7.0 | Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"]] <!--9.4.1-70-->
For the purpose of the illustration here, suppose we want to '''unhide '''the '''Left#3 swimlane '''('''Subcontractor A - two rows''')''' '''that are members of the '''Left#2''' '''swimlane '''('''Integration & Testing''') and the '''Left#2''' '''swimlane '''('''Refactoring & Deployment'''), respectively.  The two '''grid rows''' in the '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form above are: (1) '''Created MERLIN Subcontractor Subsystem''' in the '''Left#2 swimlane '''('''Integration & Testing''') and (2) '''MERLIN Subcontractor Rework''' ('''Refactoring & Deployment''').  To do this, click the '''Select '''column checkbox '''ON''' for each of the two '''Task Names''' of interest in the form as shown here:
Clicking the two '''Select''' column checkboxes '''ON''' as shown above, tells OnePager that you want OnePager to '''fix the selected '''issue in the '''selected grid row''' of the formTo take this action, click the '''Fix Selected '''button shown in the form above and OnePager '''unhides''' to two identified '''Task Names''' and their '''rows''' to the chart as shown here:
After the actions are taken, the '''unhidden rows''' are shown along with the '''Left#3 swimlane level cells.''' The task bars in the '''unhidden rows '''remain selected (Not visible in the above illustration). 
The '''Where’s My Stuff?! '''form’s '''grid rows''' are '''updated''' to show the actions taken and a list of actions taken and their status is displayed in the form below the '''grid''' shown above.  The form remains open so you can take any additional '''fix actions'''.  If none are required, click the '''Close '''button to return to the '''Chart Editor'''.
===Unhiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Swimlane Command===
The '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''', which is accessible only in the '''graph area''', contains a number of commands that can be used to '''edit rows''', '''swimlanes''', '''text columns''', '''swimlane level cell labels''', '''time axis components in the graph''', and other convenient functions as shown below:
You can use the '''Unhide all swimlanes''' command shown above to '''unhide''' all '''swimlanes''' in the '''graph''' by first right-clicking '''anywhere''' in the '''graph area '''and, when the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is accessed, click the '''Unhide all swimlanes '''command as shown here:
In the illustration above, the position of a '''hidden swimlanes''' is shown by the red arrow.  When a right-click is made in the '''graph area''', OnePager accesses the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' at the location near the right-click.  Clicking the '''Unhide all swimlanes''' command shown above '''unhides''' the all '''swimlanes hidden''' in the chart, all '''hidden rows''' within those '''unhidden swimlanes''', and any '''text column cells''' associated with them.  '''Parent swimlane''' that are '''unhidden''' have their '''swimlane heights''' adjusted.
Depending on the '''rows''' contained in the '''unhidden swimlanes''', the '''document height''' is also adjusted in '''output media'''.  After the command’s action is completed, the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is closed and the chart looks like this:
When '''swimlane levels''' are '''hidden''' in the chart, the '''Unhide all swimlanes''' command is '''disabled'''.
For more information on '''hiding and unhiding swimlane levels''', please see the article at:  [[Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels for Version 7.0 | Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels]] <!--12.5.1-70-->
===Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Show Swimlane Labels Command===
The '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''', which is accessible only in the '''graph area''', contains a number of commands that can be used to '''edit rows''', '''swimlanes''', '''text columns''', '''swimlane level cell labels''', '''time axis components in the graph''', and other convenient functions as shown below:
In the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''', the '''Show swimlane labels''' command, which is a '''toggle-type''' command, is '''toggled''' '''OFF'''.  The '''default setting''' for the '''Show swimlane labels '''command is '''toggled ON'''.
As a result, if any '''swimlane levels''' were present in the chart, they are no longer visible as shown below:
To make all '''swimlane level cell labels '''visible in the chart, right-click anywhere in '''open space '''to access the '''open space''' right-click '''context menu''' and click the '''Show swimlane labels''' command as shown here:
When the '''Show swimlane labels '''command is '''toggled ON''', the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu '''closes and any '''enabled''' '''swimlane level cell labels''' are displayed in the chart.
The '''Show swimlane labels '''command is not '''enabled '''in the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' if no '''swimlane levels '''are set to be displayed because they are not '''enabled''' in the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Rows/Swimlanes '''tab as shown here:
If '''swimlane levels''' are '''hidden '''by unchecking their respective '''Label by''' checkbox in their '''Swimlane Formatting – Left # n''' form, the '''Show swimlane labels '''command in the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is '''toggled OFF'''.  In this case, '''toggling '''the '''Show swimlane labels''' command '''ON''', does result in all '''enabled swimlane levels''' becoming visible in the chart if their '''Group by''' checkbox was previously checked '''ON'''.  As a result of the above two cases, whenever one or more '''swimlane levels '''are '''enabled''' in the form above, the '''Show swimlane labels '''command in the '''open space '''right-click '''context menu''' is '''toggled ON'''.
==Related Links==
==Related Links==
[[Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.5-70-->
[[Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal)]] <!--9.0.1-70-->
[[The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.7-70-->
[[Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal)]] <!--12.0.1-70-->
[[Understanding Charts and Snapshots for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Understanding Charts and Snapshots for OnePager Pro]] <!--
[[About OnePager's Rows and Swimlanes | About OnePager's Rows and Swimlanes]] <!--12.0.2-70-->
[[Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!" for Version 7.0 | Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"]] <!--9.4.1-70-->
[[Collecting, Formatting, and Sorting Task/Milestones into Rows for Version 7.0 | Collecting, Formatting, and Sorting Task/Milestones into Rows]] <!--12.01.1-70-->
[[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.9-70-->
[[Creating, Formatting, and Sorting Swimlanes Levels for Version 7.0 | Creating, Formatting, and Sorting Swimlanes Levels]] <!--12.02.1-70-->
[[Creating and Formatting Text Columns for Version 7.0 | Creating and Formatting Text Columns]] <!--12.03.1-70-->
[[Row and Swimlane Borders for Version 7.0 | Row and Swimlane Borders]] <!--12.04.1-70-->
[[Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels for Version 7.0 | Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels]] <!--12.5.1-70v
[[Editing Text Columns or Swimlane Labels for Version 7.0 | Editing Text Columns or Swimlane Labels]] <!--12.3.1-70-->
[[Resizing the Height of Rows for Version 7.0 | Resizing the Height of Rows]] <!--12.11.1-70-->
[[Editing Row Properties for Version 7.0 | Editing Row Properties]] <!--12.22.1-70-->
[[Editing Swimlane Properties for Version 7.0 | Editing Swimlane Properties]] <!--12.23.1-70
[[Zebra Striping for Rows and Swimlanes for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Zebra Striping for Rows and Swimlanes for OnePager Pro]] <!--12.24.1-70-->
[[Zebra Striping for Rows and Swimlanes for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | Zebra Striping for Rows and Swimlanes for OnePager Express]] <!--12.24.2-70-->
[[Editing with the Chart Properties form for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Editing with the Chart Properties form (Portal)]] <!--21.0.1-70-->
[[Managing Templates for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Managing Templates (Portal)]] <!--24.0.1-70-->
[[Category:Version 7.0]]
[[Category:Version 7.0]]
[[Category:OnePager Pro]]
[[Category:Editing the Chart]]
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[[Category:Non-Linear Time Axis]]
[[Category:Snapshot Independent]]
[[Category:Chart Properties Form]]
[[Category:Chart Properties Form]]
[[Category:Editing the Chart]]
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[[Category:Multiple Swimlane Levels]]
[[Category:Task/Milestone Editing]]
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[[Category:OnePager Pro]]
[[Category:OnePager Express]]

Revision as of 15:20, 18 January 2021



There may be occasions where a chart may have too much detail and, for a particular schedule discussion and presentation, it is necessary to hide one or more rows or swimlanes. Hiding rows or swimlanes is done by right-clicking in a text column for a row or a swimlane cell for a swimlane which accesses the appropriate context menu and the Hide command for either the row or the swimlane. When rows are hidden, their parent swimlane, if any, is adjusted in height or becomes hidden if the row or rows being hidden make the swimlane empty.

Hiding rows or swimlanes also has an impact on the height dimensions of the chart. All hidden rows and/or swimlanes can be unhidden by using the appropriate commands in the Show/Hide dropdown list of commands found on the OnePager Home ribbon tool bar tab. If rows are automatically hidden by OnePager because they are empty of task bars or milestone symbols, you can unhide these hidden row and hidden swimlanes, if any, by clicking the Show All Rows command which unhides all rows but does not unhide any hidden task bars/milestone symbols. Again, when rows and swimlanes are hidden, clicking the Show All Swimlanes command unhides all swimlanes and their member rows. This command does not unhide the unhidden rows’ task bars/milestone symbols if these were specifically hidden previously.

Additionally, clicking on the Show All Tasks/Milestones in the Show/Hide dropdown list also unhides any hidden rows and or swimlanes containing the hidden task bars/milestone symbols if these rows and swimlanes were previously automatically hidden. Whenever task bars/milestone symbols, rows, or swimlanes are hidden their status can be determined by accessing the Where’s My Stuff?! command found on the OnePager Home ribbon tool bar tab within the Show/Hide dropdown list. Finally, the Where’s My Stuff?! form can be used to unhide rows and swimlanes.

This article discusses all these features and manual methods for hiding and unhiding rows and swimlanes in the chart.

Please use the links in the Contents Box above quickly jump to a particular topic.

Hiding Rows

Hiding a Single Row

Using the various selection methods to select a row by right-clicking in an associated text column cell, you can access the text column right-click context menu where the Hide row command is found as shown below:

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Clicking the Hide row command produces this result for the selected row and in the swimlane in which it is a member:

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When a row or rows are hidden in a swimlane, the swimlane’s height is reduced as is the document height.

Hiding Multiple Rows

Hiding Multiple Rows Using the CTL+Left-Click Method

You can select multiple rows using either the CTL+Left-Click or the SHIFT+Left-Click methods and once these rows are selected, right-click in any selected text column cell to access the text column right-click context menu.

Click the Hide row command to hide all the selected rows as shown in the sequence below:

P70-12 13 1-(3-1)-07152020.png

When Step 5 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the Hide row command), the selected rows are hidden and the chart looks like this:

P70-12 13 1-(4)-07152020.png

Hiding Multiple Rows Using the SHIFT+Left-Click Method

In the above illustration hiding multiple rows didn’t happen to cause any parent swimlane to become empty of rows where OnePager automatically hides them.

This result can be illustrated by selecting a sequence of rows with the SHIFT+Left-Click method and using the Hide row command to hide these selected rows when they are the only constituents of a swimlane as shown in the sequence below:

P70-12 13 1-(5-1)-07152020.png

When Step 3 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the Hide row command), the selected rows are hidden along with their parent swimlane and the chart looks like this:

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Hiding Rows Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Hide Row Command

The open space right-click context menu, which is accessible only in the graph area, contains a number of commands that can be used to edit rows, swimlanes, text columns, swimlane level cell labels, time axis components in the graph, and other convenient functions as shown below:

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You can use the Hide row command shown above to hide a selected row in the graph by first right-clicking in the row you desire to hide and, when the open space right-click context menu is accessed, click the Hide row command as shown here:

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In the illustration above, we highlighted the selected row to make it clear which row is involved. When a right-click is made in a row of the graph area, OnePager does not show the selection rectangle. Usually the upper right corner of the open space right-click context menu is placed in the selected row so you know which row the command is going to act on.

Note that there are swimlane related commands in the open space right-click context menu so those commands act on the swimlane that the selected row is a member.

Clicking the Hide row command shown above hides the selected row and any text column cells associated with it. If the hidden row is the only row in the swimlane, the swimlane is also hidden. If the parent swimlane remains after the Hide row command is clicked, the swimlanes height is adjusted. When OnePager adjusts the height of a swimlane, this usually results in the document height being adjusted as well. After the command’s action is completed, the open space right-click context menu is closed.

Automatically Hiding Empty Rows

Whenever you hide a task bar/milestone symbol in its row, you can follow this action by hiding the row. This is done by clicking the Hide Rows button found on the OnePager Home ribbon tool bar tab in the Editing control group shown below:

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Clicking the Hide Rows button accesses the Row hiding choices form that shows where the empty rows are generally located as shown below:

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Clicking the OK button in the Row hiding choices form hides empty rows in the region where the checkboxes in the form are checked ON.

For more information on the use of the Hide Rows button and the Row hiding choices form, please see the articles shown below:

Automatically Hiding Empty Rows for OnePager Pro Automatically Hiding Empty Rows for OnePager Express

Unhiding Hidden Rows

Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the OnePager Home Ribbon Tool Bar Tab’s Editing Control Group

When rows are hidden in the chart and it is necessary to unhide them, this can be done for all hidden rows by using the Show All Rows command found on the OnePager Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group as shown here:

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In the illustration above, the second row in the top most swimlane is hidden.

To unhide this row and all other rows that may be hidden elsewhere in the chart, access the Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group and click on the Show/Hide command to access the dropdown list shown above. Then, click the Show All Rows command and all hidden rows in the chart are unhidden as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(8)-07162020.png

Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form

When you need to unhide one or more rows when many rows are hidden in the chart, using the Where’s My Stuff?! form is a convenient tool to selectively unhide rows. As an example, suppose we hide every row occupying the top row in every Left#2 swimlane level as illustrated below:

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When the rows identified in the illustration above are hidden, the chart now looks like this:

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The intent of the example is to unhide those rows that are members of the Prime Left#3 swimlane level while leaving all other rows hidden.

The Where’s My Stuff?! form has several functions and, for this purpose, it records the task bars/milestone symbols that occupy rows that are hidden. The Where’s My Stuff?! form is accessed by again using the Show/Hide dropdown list in the Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group as shown here:

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When you click the Where’s My Stuff?! command, the form is accessed and contains the list of task bars/milestone symbols that are associated with hidden rows as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(12)-07162020.png

For more information on the utilization of the Where’s My Stuff?! form, please see the article at: Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"

For the purpose of the illustration here, suppose we want to unhide the rows containing task bars related to Engineering Team 1 and Engineering Team 2. To do this, click the checkbox in the Select column of the grid ON for each of the two Task Names of interest in the above form as shown here:

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Clicking the two Select column checkboxes ON as shown above, tells OnePager that you want OnePager to fix the selected issue in the selected grid row of the form. To take this action, click the Fix Selected button shown in the form above and OnePager unhides to two identified Task Names and their rows in the chart as shown here:

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After the actions are taken, the unhidden rows appear in the chart and the unhidden task bars remain selected as shown above.

The Where’s My Stuff?! form’s grid rows are updated to show the actions taken and a list of actions taken and their status is displayed in the form below the grid. The form remains open so you can take any additional fix actions. If none are required, click the Close button to return to the Chart Editor.

Unhiding All Rows Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Rows Command

The open space right-click context menu, which is accessible only in the graph area, contains a number of commands that can be used to edit rows, swimlanes, text columns, swimlane level cell labels, time axis components in the graph, and other convenient functions as shown below:

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You can use the Unhide all rows command shown above to unhide all rows in the graph by first right-clicking anywhere in the graph area and, when the open space right-click context menu is accessed, click the Unhide all rows command as shown here:

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In the illustration above, the position of a hidden row is shown by the red arrow. When a right-click is made anywhere in the graph area, OnePager accesses the open space right-click context menu at the location near the right-click. Clicking the Unhide all rows command shown above unhides the all rows hidden in the chart and any text column cells associated with them. If the hidden rows make up swimlanes that are also hidden, these swimlanes are also unhidden. Parent swimlane that are unhidden have their swimlane heights adjusted. After the command’s action is completed, the open space right-click context menu is closed and the chart looks like this:

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Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Show Text Columns Command

The open space right-click context menu, which is accessible only in the graph area, contains a number of commands that can be used to edit rows, swimlanes, text columns, swimlane level cell labels, time axis components in the graph, and other convenient functions as shown below:

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In the open space right-click context menu, the Show text columns command, which is a toggle-type command, is toggled OFF. The default setting for the Show text columns command is toggled ON. When the Show text column command is toggled OFF, if any text columns were present in the chart, they are no longer visible as shown below:

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To make all text columns visible in the chart, right-click anywhere in open space to access the open space right-click context menu and click the Show text columns command as shown here:

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When the Show text columns command is toggled ON, the open space right-click context menu closes and any enabled hidden text columns are displayed in the chart. The Show text columns command is not enabled in the open space right-click context menu if no text columns are set to be displayed because they are not enabled in the Chart Properties form’s Rows/Swimlanes tab as shown here:

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If, however, one or more text columns are enabled in the form above, the Show text columns command in the open space right-click context menu is toggled ON.

Hiding Swimlanes

General Rules for Hiding Swimlanes in Multiple Swimlane Level Charts

Overview from Previous Versions of OnePager Pro and Express

Previous versions of OnePager Pro and Express supported a single swimlane level. With a single swimlane level, OnePager supported hiding a single swimlane containing one or more rows and could unhide the single swimlane at a later time depending need.

Also, with a single swimlane level, OnePager supported hiding multiple swimlanes by selecting swimlanes individually (CTL+Left-Click selection method) or a sequence of swimlanes (SHIFT+Left-Click selection method). As with unhiding a single swimlane, OnePager supported easy methods for unhiding many hidden swimlanes as needs arose.

OnePager Pro and Express Version 7.0

OnePager Pro and Express Version 7.0 supports up to three swimlane levels and any combination of up to three swimlane levels as needed for your schedule presentation. This provides a great deal of flexibility when it comes to tailoring the original chart to different audiences by showing and hiding various combinations of swimlane levels.

However, given this flexibility, there are a few rules that should be kept in mind when hiding and unhiding swimlanes in the OnePager Pro and Express Version 7.0 environment:

  • Selecting a single swimlane can be done at any swimlane level (Left#1, Left#2, and Left #3) present in the chart.
  • Selecting a single swimlane includes all its member rows and all associated text column cells.
  • Selecting multiple swimlanes (regardless of the selection method used) can only be done in one swimlane level.
  • You have the capability to select an entire swimlane at any level or select only the swimlane level cell for that swimlane level using the double-left-click selection method.
  • The swimlane level right-click context menu for a selected swimlane is the same as for a selected swimlane level cell.
  • If a row is hidden in a one row swimlane, the swimlane is hidden automatically as well as when the swimlane becomes empty when its only row is hidden.
  • If a single row swimlane is a member of a higher level swimlane containing only one row, the higher level swimlane is also hidden.
  • The height of a swimlane is adjusted by OnePager whenever a member row is hidden or unhidden.
  • Swimlane height adjustments can impact the chart’s document height in output media.
  • Hiding a swimlane level is not the same as hiding a swimlane. When a swimlane level is hidden, all other things being equal, the Unhide all swimlanes command in the open space right-click context menu is disabled.

For more information please see the article at: Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels 12.5.1-70--> and the sub-section at: Unhiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Swimlane Command 12.13.1-70-->

The rules enumerated above may sound a bit complex, but experimentation should show you how they can work to support your presentation needs.

Hiding a Single Swimlane

To demonstrate hiding swimlanes with multiple swimlane levels, we start the discussion with the baseline chart configuration shown below:

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The chart shown above consists of three swimlane levels with some swimlanes possessing a single row while other swimlanes possess multiple rows. Additionally, the chart shows higher level swimlanes with members at lower swimlane levels consisting of single and multiple rows.

The first step for hiding a swimlane is to select the single swimlane as shown in the example below:

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Once the swimlane is selected, right-click in the swimlane level cell to access the swimlane level right-click context menu and the Hide swimlane command as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(19-1)-07162020.png

You have the option in the situation illustrated above to just right-click in the swimlane level cell to access the swimlane level right-click context menu. When you click the Hide swimlane command, the swimlane is hidden.

Because the selected Left#3 swimlane level cell is a member of single row Left#2 and Left#1 swimlane level cells, these swimlane level cells are also hidden as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(20)-07162020.png

Hiding Multiple Swimlanes

Hiding Multiple Swimlanes Using the CTL+Left-Click Method

You can select multiple swimlanes using either the CTL+Left-Click or the SHIFT+Left-Click methods and, once these swimlanes are selected, right-click in the selected swimlane level cell to access the swimlane level right-click context menu. Click the Hide swimlane command to hide all the selected rows as shown in the sequence below:

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When Step 5 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the Hide swimlane command), the selected swimlanes are hidden and the chart looks like this:

P70-12 13 1-(22)-07172020.png

The illustration above also shows that hiding a Left#3 swimlane (Team 2) where it is the only member of a parent Left#2 swimlane (Development) and the only member of the Left#1 swimlane (Phase II) hides the Left#2 and Left#1 swimlane level cells as well.

Hiding Multiple Swimlanes Using the SHIFT+Left-Click Method

The SHIFT+Left-Click selection method can be used to select a sequence of swimlanes if and only if the sequence of swimlane selections is in the same swimlane level.

The illustration below uses the SHIFT+Left-Click method to select a sequence of swimlanes followed by a right-click in one of the selected swimlanes to access the swimlane right-click context menu and the Hide swimlane as shown in the sequence below:

P70-12 13 1-(23-1)-07172020.png

When Step 3 in the above illustration is performed (clicking the Hide swimlane command), the selected swimlanes are hidden and the chart looks like this:

P70-12 13 1-(24)-07172020.png

Hiding the four swimlanes in Left#3 swimlane levels, reduces the height of their parent Left#2 swimlane levels and the overall chart’s document height.

Hiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Hide Swimlane Command

The open space right-click context menu, which is accessible only in the graph area, contains a number of commands that can be used to edit rows, swimlanes, text columns, swimlane level cell labels, time axis components in the graph, and other convenient functions as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(35)-07192020.png

You can use the Hide swimlane command shown above to hide a selected swimlane in the graph by first right-clicking in the row you desire to hide and, when the open space right-click context menu is accessed, click the Hide swimlane command as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(37)-07192020.png

In the illustration above, we highlighted the selected swimlane to make it clear which swimlane is involved. When a right-click is made in a row of the graph area, OnePager does not show the selection rectangle. Since the intent of the illustration above is focused on the Hide swimlane command, the entire swimlane of interest is highlighted in red above. Usually the upper right corner of the open space right-click context menu is placed in the selected row so you know which row and swimlane the command is going to act on.

Clicking the Hide swimlane command shown above hides the swimlane of interest, all member rows, and any text column cells associated with hidden rows. If the hidden swimlane is the only swimlane in a higher level swimlane, the higher level swimlane or swimlanes are also hidden. If the parent swimlane remains after the Hide swimlane command is clicked, the remaining swimlanes height is adjusted.

After the command’s action is completed, the open space right-click context menu is closed and the chart for this example looks like this:

P70-12 13 1-(38)-07192020.png

Unhiding Hidden Swimlanes

Unhiding Hidden Swimlanes Using the OnePager Home Ribbon Tool Bar Tab’s Editing Control Group

When swimlanes are hidden in the chart and it is necessary to unhide all of them, this can be done for all hidden swimlanes by using the Show All Swimlanes command found on the OnePager Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(25)-07172020.png

The illustration above shows where the four swimlanes are hidden. As shown above, to unhide these swimlanes and all their rows, access the Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group, click on the Show/Hide command to access the dropdown list, and click the Show All Swimlanes command.

When you click the Show All Swimlanes command, all hidden swimlanes are unhidden as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(26)-07172020.png

In addition to the ability of the Show All Swimlanes command to unhide all swimlanes, since hidden swimlanes consist of at least one row, using the Show All Rows command in the OnePager Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group produces the same unhiding result for all hidden swimlanes.

Unhiding Hidden Swimlanes Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form

When you need to unhide one or more swimlanes when many swimlanes are hidden, using the Where’s My Stuff?! form is a convenient tool to selectively unhide swimlanes.

As mentioned in the discussion of unhiding rows using the Where’s My Stuff?! form above at: Unhiding Hidden Rows Using the Where’s My Stuff?! Form, the form tracks hidden rows among other potentially hidden items in the chart.

To unhide hidden swimlanes, it is therefore necessary to know and check the rows that are members of these hidden swimlanes you want to unhide. As an example, suppose we hide the swimlanes that were hidden in the previous example above that results in this chart configuration:

P70-12 13 1-(24)-07172020.png

The intent of the example is to unhide those two Left #3 swimlanes that are members of the Integration & Testing Left#2 swimlane level while leaving all other Left #3 swimlanes we previously hid as hidden.

The Where’s My Stuff?! form is accessed by again using the Show/Hide dropdown list in the Home ribbon tool bar tab’s Editing control group as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(27)-07172020.png

When you click the Where’s My Stuff?! command, the form is accessed and contains the list of task bars/milestone symbols that are associated with hidden rows as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(28)-07172020.png

For more information on the utilization of the Where’s My Stuff?! form, please see the article at: Managing Hidden Tasks and Milestones Using "Where's My Stuff?!"

For the purpose of the illustration here, suppose we want to unhide the Left#3 swimlane (Subcontractor A - two rows) that are members of the Left#2 swimlane (Integration & Testing) and the Left#2 swimlane (Refactoring & Deployment), respectively. The two grid rows in the Where’s My Stuff?! form above are: (1) Created MERLIN Subcontractor Subsystem in the Left#2 swimlane (Integration & Testing) and (2) MERLIN Subcontractor Rework (Refactoring & Deployment). To do this, click the Select column checkbox ON for each of the two Task Names of interest in the form as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(29)-07172020.png

Clicking the two Select column checkboxes ON as shown above, tells OnePager that you want OnePager to fix the selected issue in the selected grid row of the form. To take this action, click the Fix Selected button shown in the form above and OnePager unhides to two identified Task Names and their rows to the chart as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(30)-07172020.png

After the actions are taken, the unhidden rows are shown along with the Left#3 swimlane level cells. The task bars in the unhidden rows remain selected (Not visible in the above illustration).

The Where’s My Stuff?! form’s grid rows are updated to show the actions taken and a list of actions taken and their status is displayed in the form below the grid shown above. The form remains open so you can take any additional fix actions. If none are required, click the Close button to return to the Chart Editor.

Unhiding Swimlanes Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Unhide All Swimlane Command

The open space right-click context menu, which is accessible only in the graph area, contains a number of commands that can be used to edit rows, swimlanes, text columns, swimlane level cell labels, time axis components in the graph, and other convenient functions as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(35)-07192020.png

You can use the Unhide all swimlanes command shown above to unhide all swimlanes in the graph by first right-clicking anywhere in the graph area and, when the open space right-click context menu is accessed, click the Unhide all swimlanes command as shown here:

P70-12 13 1-(40)-07192020.png

In the illustration above, the position of a hidden swimlanes is shown by the red arrow. When a right-click is made in the graph area, OnePager accesses the open space right-click context menu at the location near the right-click. Clicking the Unhide all swimlanes command shown above unhides the all swimlanes hidden in the chart, all hidden rows within those unhidden swimlanes, and any text column cells associated with them. Parent swimlane that are unhidden have their swimlane heights adjusted.

Depending on the rows contained in the unhidden swimlanes, the document height is also adjusted in output media. After the command’s action is completed, the open space right-click context menu is closed and the chart looks like this:

P70-12 11 1-(2)-07102020.png

When swimlane levels are hidden in the chart, the Unhide all swimlanes command is disabled.

For more information on hiding and unhiding swimlane levels, please see the article at: Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels

Using the Open Space Right-Click Context Menu’s Show Swimlane Labels Command

The open space right-click context menu, which is accessible only in the graph area, contains a number of commands that can be used to edit rows, swimlanes, text columns, swimlane level cell labels, time axis components in the graph, and other convenient functions as shown below:

P70-12 13 1-(45)-07192020.png

In the open space right-click context menu, the Show swimlane labels command, which is a toggle-type command, is toggled OFF. The default setting for the Show swimlane labels command is toggled ON.

As a result, if any swimlane levels were present in the chart, they are no longer visible as shown below:

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To make all swimlane level cell labels visible in the chart, right-click anywhere in open space to access the open space right-click context menu and click the Show swimlane labels command as shown here:

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When the Show swimlane labels command is toggled ON, the open space right-click context menu closes and any enabled swimlane level cell labels are displayed in the chart.

The Show swimlane labels command is not enabled in the open space right-click context menu if no swimlane levels are set to be displayed because they are not enabled in the Chart Properties form’s Rows/Swimlanes tab as shown here:

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If swimlane levels are hidden by unchecking their respective Label by checkbox in their Swimlane Formatting – Left # n form, the Show swimlane labels command in the open space right-click context menu is toggled OFF. In this case, toggling the Show swimlane labels command ON, does result in all enabled swimlane levels becoming visible in the chart if their Group by checkbox was previously checked ON. As a result of the above two cases, whenever one or more swimlane levels are enabled in the form above, the Show swimlane labels command in the open space right-click context menu is toggled ON.

Related Links

Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal)

Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal)

About OnePager's Rows and Swimlanes

Collecting, Formatting, and Sorting Task/Milestones into Rows

Creating, Formatting, and Sorting Swimlanes Levels

Creating and Formatting Text Columns

Row and Swimlane Borders

Manually Hiding and Unhiding Swimlane Levels

Resizing the Height of Rows

Editing Row Properties

Editing Swimlane Properties

Zebra Striping for Rows and Swimlanes for OnePager Express

Editing with the Chart Properties form (Portal)

Managing Templates (Portal)
