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(More on Creating, Editing, and Deleting Task Link Filter Rules)
(Floating Time Axis Displays and Re-Ordering)
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==About Editing With Task Link Filtering Rules==
===Show and Hiding Task Links===
1) OnePager Express has the capability to manually '''re-order''' the '''Time Axis Levels''' shown in the chart very easily.
1) The '''Task Link Filter rules''' capability allows you to control the '''showing''' (or '''hiding''') of '''Data-driven Task Links''' based upon '''source plan''' '''data field content values'''.  
2) The '''Time Axis Re-Ordering''' capability is available in the '''Template Properties''' and '''Chart Properties''' form's '''Time Axis''' tab's '''Top, Middle, and Bottom''' sub-tabs.
2) This feature, similar to the '''Conditional Import '''feature, gives you greater control over the tailoring of '''Data-driven Task Links''' for schedule discussions.
===Re-Ordering Example===
3) The '''Task Link Filter rules''' feature has no influence on whether '''Data-driven Task Links''' are '''imported'''
3) Given the chart below where the '''Top''', '''Middle''', and '''Bottom Time Axis Levels '''in Year, Quarter, and Month are ordered from '''top''' to '''bottom''', you can '''exchange '''the '''Middle Level''' with the '''Top Level''' by clicking the '''up arrow '''in the '''Re-Order Levels''' control group in the '''Chart Properties ''' form shown below:
4) '''Task Link Filter rules are''' important for a couple of reasons:
:a) Using '''Task Link Filter rules''' usually reduces the number of '''Task Links showing''' thus reducing '''clutter'''.
:b) '''Task Link Filter rules''' allows you to specifically '''show''' '''Data-driven Task Links '''that contribute to the issues you are presenting.
4) When you click the '''Apply''' or '''OK '''button in the '''Chart Properties '''form the '''Top''' and '''Middle Levels '''are '''exchanged''' as shown here:
5) '''Task Link Filter rules '''can be '''written''' for OnePager Express '''before''' the chart is '''created''' by using the controls in the '''Template '''form or '''after''' by using the controls in the '''Chart Properties''' form.
6) '''Task Link''' '''Filter rules '''can also be '''edited''' in the chart or after more snapshots are created.
5) This is a useful shortcut when you want to make the '''exchange''' quickly without going through the process of manually accessing each '''Time Axis Levels '''involved and manually changing the '''Tic unit '''and '''Label format '''setting in each '''Time Axis Level''' participating in the '''exchange'''.
===Task Link Filter Rules Are Global===
==Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels ==
7) The '''Task Link Filter Rules '''form, shown below, is '''global''' in that '''Task Link Filter rules''' entered in the form apply to all snapshots. 
===Top and Bottom Time Axis Displays in the Chart===
8) The application of the rules, however, depends on where you are, in terms of snapshot, as discussed below:
1) The chart can display '''Time Axis Levels''' at either the '''top''', '''bottom, '''or in both positions in the chart. 
2) This is controlled in the '''Chart Properties '''form at the '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Calendar '''sub-tab in the '''Formatting & Layout '''control group as shown below:
====Current Snapshot====
9) '''Editing''' a '''Task Link Filter rule '''while you are in the '''current snapshot''' causes OnePager Express to reconfigure the '''Data-driven Task Links''' that are '''shown''' in the current snapshot to conform to the '''Task Link Filter rule''' '''edits''' made.
3) Identical controls for '''Time Axis Location''' are provided in the '''Template Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab '''Calendar '''sub-tab.
10) When the '''edited''' '''Task Link Filter rule''' is applied, the snapshot in the '''Chart Editor''' can change appearance.
4) If the '''Time Axis '''is being '''located''' at both the '''top''' and '''bottom''' of the chart, OnePager Express performs the '''exchange '''automatically for both '''Time Axis '''displays.
====New Snapshot====
5) The chart below '''locates''' the '''Time Axis '''at both the '''Top '''and '''Bottom '''of the chart:
11) If you '''create''' a '''new''' snapshot '''after editing''' a '''Task Link Filter rule''' in an '''existing''' snapshot, the '''new''' '''Task Link Filter rules''' are applied to the '''new '''snapshot only.  
12) Past snapshots are unchanged.
6) If we use the '''Re-Order Levels''' control group in the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Top Level '''sub-tab to '''exchange '''the '''Top Level '''with the '''Middle Level''', the two '''Time Axis '''displays in the chart above look like this''':'''
====Existing Past Snapshots====
13) Snapshots '''created before''' the '''Task Link Filter rules '''are '''edited '''remain unchanged with regard to the display of task/milestones and their associated '''Data-driven Task Links'''.
7) Comparing the two illustrations above it is shown that the Year and Quarter '''Time Axis Tic Units''' in their respective '''Time Axis Levels''' are '''exchanged'''.
14) However, if a '''past snapshot''' is '''refreshed''' by performing a snapshot '''UPDATE''' workflow''' '''of any kind (e.g., '''Replace Dates and progress''' or '''Replace All properties'''); the '''edited''' '''Task Link Filter rule(s)''' in the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form are applied to the snapshot being '''refreshed '''only.
===Floating Time Axis Displays and Re-Ordering===
===Task Link Filter Rules in the OnePager Express Template Form===
8) If '''Floating Time Axes '''are '''located''' within the chart and the '''Floating Time Axis Levels''' are consistent with the '''Time Axis Level exchange '''being performed, OnePager Express makes appropriate '''exchanges '''for the '''Floating Time Axes''' as well.
15) In OnePager Express, the mechanism for managing '''Task Link Filter rules''' is the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form which can be accessed from the '''Template''' or '''Chart Properties''' form’s '''Task Link '''tab in the '''Data-Driven Task Link '''control group of the form.
9) Using the example above, three '''Floating Time Axes '''can be easily added to the original chart display.
16) The illustration below shows the '''Template '''form '''Task Links''' tab’s '''Data-Driven Task Link '''control group set up to '''import Task Links'''.   
10) For illustrative purposes the '''Floating Time Axes '''added to the chart are in '''Top Level '''to '''Bottom Level '''order although the '''Floating Time Axis '''order in the chart is immaterial to the example.   
17) The '''Import predecessors''' checkbox is checked '''On'''.
11) The sample chart looks like this:
18) In the '''Template''' form’s '''Data-Driven Task Links''' control group above, the '''Import predecessors''' checkbox must be checked '''On''' for '''Data-driven Task Link import''' actions to take place. 
12) If we use the '''Re-Order Levels''' control group in the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Top Level '''sub-tab to again '''exchange '''the '''Top Level '''with the '''Middle Level''', the two '''Time Axis '''displays in the chart above with the '''Floating Time Axes '''look like this:
19) Once this checkbox is checked '''On''', the '''Filter Links''' control sub-group of the form and its controls are '''enabled'''.
20) Within the '''Filter Links''' control sub-group you have the option to select the '''Show All''' radio button or to select the '''Use Rules''' radio button.
13) Comparing the pair of illustrations above with the '''Floating Time Axes''', it is shown that the Year and Quarter '''Time Axis Tic Units''' in their respective '''Time Axis Levels''' and '''Floating Time Axis Levels '''are '''exchanged'''.
21) Selecting the '''Show all''' radio button tells OnePager to '''show all Data-driven Task Links''' '''imported'''. 
14) For more information on the '''Floating Time Axis''', please see the article at:  [[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express]]. 22.3.10-70
22) Selecting the '''Use Rules''' radio button '''enables''' the '''Manage Rules…''' button to the right.
15) Where the '''Floating Time Axes located''' in the chart do not correspond exactly to those '''Time Axis Levels located '''in the '''Top''' and/or''' Bottom Time Axis locations''', OnePager Express performs the '''Time Axis Level exchange''' if the '''Floating Time Axis '''has at least one of the corresponding '''Time Axis Levels''' as illustrated below.
23) When '''Manage Rules…''' button is clicked, the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form appears as shown below:
16) Suppose the '''Time Axes '''and '''Floating Time Axes '''are configured and '''located '''as shown below where the '''Floating Time Axes '''consist only of Quarters and Months:
24) The '''Task Link Filter Rules '''form has the same general appearance as the '''Conditional Import Rules '''form with the exception of an additional column on the right giving you the option to apply the rule to the '''Predecessor''' task, the '''Successor''' task, or '''both'''. 
17) Performing the '''Time Axis Level re-ordering''' used in the previous examples (i.e., '''Exchanging '''the '''Top Time Axis Level '''with the '''Middle Time Axis Level'''), produces this result in the chart:
25) See the article on '''Conditional Import '''as a review at: [[Conditional Import for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Conditional Import Filters (Portal)]]. 7.18.1-70
===Task Link Filter Rules in the OnePager Express Chart Properties Form===
18) The result above is that the '''Floating Time Axis Top Level '''is '''exchanged '''with the '''Floating Time Axis Middle Level''' as expected. 
26) If you access the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Task Links '''tab but you have not yet imported any '''Data-driven Task Link predecessor '''information,''' '''the '''Data-Driven Task Links''' control group on the tab looks like this:
19) However, since only the '''Middle '''and '''Bottom Floating Time Axes''' were inserted into the chart, the '''exchange''' only shows the Year replacing the Quarters in the '''Floating Time Axis location'''.
20) Since there can be several single or sets of '''Floating Time Axes located''' in the chart, '''exchanges''' of '''Levels''' are consistent depending on the '''Levels''' incorporated into the displayed '''Floating Time Axes'''.
27) In this situation you can check the '''Show Data-driven links''' checkbox '''On''' to import '''Data-driven Task Link predecessor '''information from your '''source plan''' and '''enable''' the '''Filter Links '''control sub-group.
21) For more information on the '''Floating Time Axis''', please see the article at:  [[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express]]. 22.3.10-70
28) If you access the '''Chart Properties''' form’s '''Task Link '''tab [['''after''']] '''Data-driven Task Links''' are '''imported''' and the chart is '''created''', which is the most typical situation, the '''Data-Driven Task Links''' control group of the form looks like this:
==Other Related Features==
===Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels in the Template Form===
29) With task/milestones '''imported''' as well as all '''Data-driven Task Links''', the '''Data-Driven Task Links''' control group of the form is altered to show that the''' Filter links''' controls are '''enabled''' giving you access to the '''Show all''' and '''Use Rules''' radio buttons.
1) The '''Re-Order Levels''' control group shown in the '''Chart Properties '''form examples above is also available in the '''Template Properties '''form at the '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Top''', '''Middle''', and '''Bottom Time Axis Levels'''
30) Selecting the '''Show all''' radio button tells OnePager Express to '''show '''all imported '''Data-driven Task Links''' in the current snapshot.
31) Selecting the '''Use Rules''' radio button '''enables''' the '''Manage Rules …''' button.
2) Making '''exchanges''' in the '''Template Properties '''form applies these '''exchanges''' to any '''Chart Properties '''and chart created with the modified '''Template Properties '''form.
:a) When this button is clicked '''On''', OnePager Express accesses the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form shown above.
3) It is important to remember when making '''edits''' to the '''Template Properties '''form that the form must be '''saved''' before it can be used successfully to create a chart and/or snapshots with the '''Template Properties '''form’s '''edits applied'''.
:b) The form is blank (also shown above) or has '''Task Link Filter Rule''' entries that were created in the current '''Template '''form or previously in the '''Chart Properties''' form after a chart was '''created'''.
4) For more information on the '''Template Properties '''form, please see the article at:  [[Managing Templates for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Managing Templates (Portal)]]. 24.0.1-70
:c) These '''Task Link Filter rules''' apply to the '''showing''' (or '''hiding''') of '''Data-driven Task Links '''in all snapshots. 
===Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels in Chart Properties Forms Converted into Template Forms===
32) The '''Task Link Filter rules '''feature is useful when you desire to configure your chart with '''Data-driven Task Links''' that are associated with task/milestone shapes of interest.
5) Conversely, if any '''Chart Properties '''form with '''exchanged Time Axis Levels '''is made into a '''Template Properties '''form and '''saved''', subsequent use of the '''saved''' '''Template Properties '''form utilizes the '''exchanged Time Axis Levels '''in charts and snapshots produced under the modified '''Template Properties '''form.
:a) While the '''Conditional Import '''feature gives you control over which task/milestone shapes are '''imported '''to OnePager, OnePager Express '''imports '''all''' Data-driven Task Links''' from your '''source plans '''when the feature is turned '''On'''.
:b) The '''showing ('''or '''hiding''') of '''Data-driven Task Links''' is controlled by the '''Task Link Filter rules'''.
6) For more information on '''Making a template from a chart''', please see this section in the article at: [[Managing the Current Template for Version 7.0#Making a Template from a Chart | Managing the Current Template - Making a Template from a Chart]]. 24.6.1-70
33) '''Caution''': Careful consideration of your presentation goals is recommended in order to make the best use of this new feature.
===Additional Requirements for Importing Data-Driven Task Links for OnePager Express===
34) For OnePager Express, in addition to the '''Show Data-driven links '''checkbox, there are two dropdown menus:
:a) The '''Task Link Field '''dropdown menu to the immediate right of the word '''from''' shows a list of Microsoft Excel '''fields '''from your '''source plan'''.  Selecting the '''field''' containing your '''Predecessor '''information tells OnePager Express where to find your '''predecessors'''.
:b) The dropdown menu to the right of the word '''using''' is the '''Syntax Format selector '''for you to select the '''syntax format''' for your''' Predecessor '''information so OnePager Express knows how to interpret your Microsoft Excel '''dependency '''data. 
35) There are two '''Syntax Format selector '''options:
:a) '''Microsoft Project’s syntax format for Predecessors''':  OnePager Express follows the '''Dependency syntax format '''rules used by Microsoft Project. 
:b) '''Primavera P6’s syntax format for Predecessors''':  Since OnePager Express is importing '''Dependency '''data through Microsoft Excel; OnePager Express 7.0 expects the Primavera P6 '''Dependency''' information to be copied intact into Microsoft Excel.
36) With the exception covered immediately above, the controls specifically for OnePager Express in the '''Filter Links '''control sub-group are the same as the corresponding controls in OnePager Pro.
===Specifying the Wrong Predecessor Field to OnePager Express===
37) Microsoft Project assures that the '''Predecessors''' '''field''' is error-checked and data conform to the proper '''syntax format'''.  The same is true for Microsoft Project Server, Microsoft Project Online, and Primavera P6.  The same is '''not true '''for Microsoft Excel!
:a) A typo in the '''Dependence field '''name can happen if Primavera P6 data are not imported to OnePager Express through Microsoft Excel.
:b) With Microsoft Excel as your '''source plan''', the flexibility of Microsoft Excel lends itself to the possibility of attempting '''imports''' of '''dependency '''information from the wrong '''field'''. 
:c) There is also a possibility you might specify the wrong '''Syntax Format''' '''selector''' option in the '''Template''' or '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Task Link '''tab. 
38) When any of these potential errors are identified by OnePager Express, a message is provided and you are given an opportunity to correct the '''source plan''' or the OnePager Express settings.
==Creating, Editing, and Deleting Task Link Filter Rules==
1) You can write '''Task Link Filter rules''' for '''showing''' (or '''hiding''') '''Data-driven Task Links''' based upon the contents of various '''data''' '''fields''' in your '''source plan'''. 
===Creating a Data-Driven Task Link Filter Rule - Example===
2) Suppose you only want to '''show''' '''Data-driven Task Links''' associated with task/milestone shapes that have '''Start Dates''' that are greater or equal than March 1, 2019. 
3) This can be done by establishing a '''Task Link Filter rule''' in either the '''Template '''form or '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form.
:a) The first time you access the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form it is blank. 
:b) To write a new rule click the '''Add Rule''' button and the form looks like this:
:c) Once the '''Task Link Filter Rule entry''' is '''created''', use the dropdown menus to format the '''Field''', '''Operator''', '''Value''', and '''Applies to''' columns to make your selections.
:d) The '''On''' column in the above form is used to '''activate''' or '''deactivate''' the '''Task Link Filter rule''' should you decide for any reason that you don’t want a particular '''Task Link Filter rule '''applied to the chart
:e) By default, all '''Added rules''' are configured with the '''On '''checkbox checked.
:f) The chart example below has '''all''' '''Data-driven Task Links hidden''':
:g) If you '''create''' a '''Task Link Filter rule''' that says '''show''' only those '''Task Links''' for '''predecessor '''or '''successor '''task/milestones that have '''Start Dates''' greater or equal to March 1, 2020, the '''Task Link Filter Rule '''form looks like this with the rule added:
:h) When you click '''OK '''on the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form above and the '''Apply/OK '''button on the '''Chart Properties '''form the chart looks like this:
4) Note in the illustration above that there are '''Data-driven Task Links showing''' on tasks that have '''Start dates''' prior to April 1, 2019. 
:a) This is because the right-most column of the '''Task Link Filter rule '''entry specified '''Predecessor or Successor'''. 
:b) Therefore, if a '''successor''' task has a '''Start date '''later than March 1, 2019 but its '''predecessor''' task started before April 1, 2019, the rule includes the '''Data-driven Task Link '''between this pair of tasks.
5) Taking a look at the '''Where Are My Links?''' form with this '''Task Link Filter rule''' '''enabled''', shows you which '''Data-driven Task Links''' are being shown and which are not as indicated by the checkboxes in the '''Show field''' of the '''Where’s My Links? '''form below:
6) The result from this '''Task Link Filter rule''' action is to change the chart so that only '''Data-driven Task Links''' associated with '''predecessor '''or '''successor '''task/milestones having '''Start Dates''' greater than or equal to March 1, 2019''' '''are '''shown'''.  This focuses audience’s attention on these '''dependencies'''.
7) Additional '''Task Link Filter rules '''can be '''added''' or '''edited''' as discussed below.
===Other Task Link Filter Rule Form Controls===
8) There are controls in the '''Task Link Filter Rules '''form above and below the grid as shown here:
9) The '''Copy Rule(s)''' and '''Delete Rule(s) '''buttons work the same way as the same buttons in the '''Conditional Import Rules''' form.
10) There are two radio buttons at the top of the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form that specifies to OnePager how to handle multiple rules. 
:a) The '''ANY of the following rules are true''' radio button says '''show '''the '''Data-driven Task Link''' if '''any one '''of the '''rules''' in the form are '''true'''.
:b) The '''ALL of the following rules are true''' button says '''show''' the '''Data-driven Task Link '''only if '''all''' of the '''rules''' in the form are '''true'''.
11) '''Caution''': Care should be exercised when using these two radio buttons in conjunction with settings in the '''Applies to''' column where you have a choice to make between '''applying '''the individual rule to both '''predecessors '''and '''successors '''(AND) or to either '''predecessor '''or '''successor '''(OR).
===More on Creating, Editing, and Deleting Task Link Filter Rules===
11) As mentioned above, the '''formatting''' and '''editing''' of '''Task Link Filter rules''' are identical to the rules for '''creating, editing, and deleting''' '''Conditional Import rules'''.
12) The meanings of the first four fields in the '''Conditional Import Rules''' form are the same as the first four '''fields '''in the''' Task Link Filter Rues '''form. 
13) The '''Conditional Import Rules '''form is shown below for reference:
14) The following links take you to the more detailed descriptions for '''creating, editing, and deleting''' '''Task Link Filter rules''' using the '''Conditional Import Rule''' Wiki articles as guidance:
:a) Please use this link for more detailed information on constructing '''Task Link Filter rules''' for OnePager Pro 6.1 Add-in: [[Conditional Import for OnePager Pro Add-in for Version 7.0#Overview | Conditional Import Rules for OnePager Pro Add-in – Overview]].
:b) Please use this link for more detailed information on constructing '''Task Link Filter rules''' for OnePager Pro Desktop [[Conditional Import for OnePager Pro Desktop for Version 7.0#Overview | Conditional Import Rules for OnePager Pro Desktop – Overview]].
15) You can access the '''Task Link Filter Rules '''form at any time through the '''Chart Properties''' form, select any '''cell''' in any entry, and '''edit '''the contents of that '''cell''' using the dropdown menus or by inserting a new value in the '''Value''' column as required. 
16) When you click '''OK''' buttons in the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form and the '''Chart Properties '''form, the '''Task Link Filter rule''' '''edit''' is applied.
17) In charts with multiple '''snapshots,''' the entries in the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form and any '''edits''' made at any time are applied to snapshots in accordance with the cases discussed above.
18) '''Entries''' in '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form are '''global edits''' and although '''Data-driven Task Links''' are '''snapshot-dependent''', '''Task Links shown''' in a snapshot are conditional on the settings in the '''Task Link Filter Rules''' form and the task/milestone shapes that are within the '''Start/Finish Date boundaries '''of the chart in the snapshot being displayed.
===The OnePager Pro Where Are My Links? Form===
12) The '''Where’s My Links? '''form can also be accessed through the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Task Link '''tab in the '''Data-Driven Task Links '''control group where there is an additional button, the '''Where Are My Links? '''button, as shown here: 
13) The '''Where Are My Links?''' form can also be accessed from the '''Editing''' control group on the OnePager Pro ribbon’s '''Home''' tab by clicking the '''Show/Hide '''dropdown and selecting the '''Where Are My Links? '''command as shown below:
14) Using either the Chart Properties form’s '''Task '''Links tab or the OnePager ribbon '''Home '''tab accesses the '''Where Are My Links?''' form shown here:
:a) The '''Where Are My Links?''' form above lists all the '''Data-driven Task Links shown ('''or '''hidden''') in the current snapshot as well as any manual''' Task Links'''. 
:b) The '''Where Are My Links? '''form is '''“snapshot-dependent”''' in that OnePager Pro '''creates''' the form’s content based upon the snapshot that is being displayed in the '''Chart Editor '''. 
15) There are four (4) columns in the '''Where Are My Links? '''form described below:
:a) In the '''Show '''column (1)''' '''you can check or uncheck any entry’s checkbox to control the '''showing''' (or '''hiding'''), respectively, of the associated '''Task Links. '''
:b) The '''Predecessor''' column (2) and '''Successor '''column (3) provide the '''Task/Milestone Name''' participating respectively in the '''Task Link''' pair.  The numbers in parenthesis following the task name correspond to the '''Unique ID''' for Microsoft Project '''source plans''' or the '''Task ID''' for Microsoft Excel '''source plans'''. 
:c) The '''Source''' column (4) tells you which entries in the form are '''Data-driven Task Links (Imported) '''or which are manual '''Task Links''' ('''Manual''').
16) At the top of the form, are controls to '''Filter''' entries showing in the form based upon '''task names''' such that only task/milestones that meet the '''task name filtering condition''' appears in the form’s data window. 
:a) For example, if you want to show only those entries that relate to '''Engineering Team 2''' task names, type the task name into the window provided and click the '''Filter''' button and the '''Where Are My Links? '''form looks like this:
:b) After clicking the '''Filter '''button the entries shown in the '''Where Are My Links? '''form’s window are only those where the '''Engineering Team 2''' task name appears in either a '''Predecessor''' or '''Successor '''task/milestone name regardless of whether the '''Task Link '''is '''showing''' (or '''hidden''').  The current '''show/hide status''' is displayed in the '''Show '''column’s checkboxes.
:c) Clicking the '''Clear Filter''' button restores all the entries in the '''Where Are My Links?''' form and clears the contents of the search window.
:d) Using the '''Filter '''feature in the form does not change the '''show/hide''' status of '''Task Links''' managed within the form.
17) The four columns in the form can be '''sorted''' by clicking on the '''column’s header'''.
:a) Sorting on the '''Show '''column means that you are sorting between checked and unchecked entries.
:b) Sorting on the '''Predecessor''' or '''Successor '''columns means that you are sorting alphanumerically on the contents of the entire field.  Because of the relationship between these two columns, sorting on the '''Predecessor''' column, for example, brings along the corresponding '''Successor''' entry and vice versa.
:c) Sorting on the '''Source '''column means that you are sorting between '''Imported''' and '''Manual '''entries.
18) The '''Use Show/Hide Defaults''' button at the bottom of the form controls the '''resetting of defaults''' for '''showing ('''or '''hiding''')''' Task Links''' based upon the '''Task Link Filter rules '''you established in the '''Task Link Filter Rules '''form. 
:a) This button also applies if you are '''Showing All Task Links''' instead of using '''Task Link Filter rules'''. 
:b) If after establishing which '''Task Links '''are to be '''shown''' (or '''hidden''') in the '''Task Links Filter Rules '''form and you later make '''edits''' to any '''Task Link '''individually, clicking the '''Use Show/Hide Defaults '''button '''restores''' all '''Task Links '''to the current '''Task Link Filter rules''' or the '''Show all '''selection. 
19) The two other buttons at the bottom of the '''Where Are My Links? '''form can be used to override any pre-established '''filtering rules''' and force either a '''Show All''' or '''Hide All''' '''Task Link '''entries in the chart'''. 
20) These two controls are shortcuts that are applied to all entries in the '''Where Are My Links? '''form.
===Using the Where Are My Links? Form to Show or Hide Task Link===
21) The '''Where Are My Links? '''form is '''“snapshot-dependent”''' in that OnePager provides a list of '''Task Links''' specific to the snapshot that you are currently displaying in the '''Chart Editor'''. 
22) If you don’t use the '''Task Links Filter Rules''' form to conditionally control the '''showing ('''or '''hiding''') of '''Data-driven Task Links''', the '''Where Are My Links?''' form gives you total manual control over the '''showing''' (or '''hiding''')''' '''of all '''Task Links''' in a snapshot at any time.
23) More information on the use of the controls in the '''Where Are My Links?''' form can be found in the article at: [[Using the Where Are My Links? Form for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Using the Where Are My Links? Form for OnePager Pro]]. 19.5.1-70
24) '''Editing''' the '''show/hide status '''of '''Task Link(s) '''in the '''Where Are My Links?''' form as described above can turn the '''edited Task Link(s) '''into '''maverick Task Link(s)'''.
25) The '''edit''' made to any entry in the '''Where Are My Links?''' form applies to the '''current snapshot'''.
===Copy Edits to All Snapshots (CTAS) Feature Relationship to Showing/Hiding Task Links===
26) The '''CTAS '''('''Copy edits To All Snapshots''') feature plays a role in the propagation of '''Where Are My Links? '''form '''edits''' made in the '''current snapshot'''. 
27) Please reference this article for more information on the '''CTAS''' feature:  [[Advanced Tab for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0#Display Options | Advanced Tab for OnePager Pro-Display Options]] 21.13.1-70
28) The '''CTAS''' control is a checkbox in the '''Template''' form and '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Advanced '''tab in the '''Display Options''' control group that turns the '''CTAS''' feature '''On''' and '''Off'''. 
29) '''CTAS''' controls the propagation of '''maverick''' '''edits''' to '''all snapshots''' ('''On''') or to keep '''maverick edits''' to tasks/milestones in the '''current snapshot''' ('''Off''').
:a) '''CTAS Turned On''':  With the '''CTAS '''turned '''On''', making an '''edit''' in the '''Where Are My Links? '''form while in any snapshot changes the '''show/hide status''' of the '''edited''' entry in '''all snapshots'''.
:b) '''CTAS Turned Off''': With the '''CTAS '''turned '''Off''', any '''edit''' to an entry in the '''Where Are My Links?''' form is only made in the '''current snapshot'''.
===A Note on Task Link Filter Rules and Data-Driven Task Link Mavericks===
30) The intended purpose of '''Task Link Filter rules''' is to establish '''specific conditions''' for conveniently '''showing''' desired '''Data-driven Task Links'''. 
31) Accordingly, '''Task Link Filter''' '''rules''' can be written to cause the '''showing '''of '''Data-driven Task Links''' based upon any '''source plan data field relationships''' that you need to meet your schedule conversation goals.
32) That said, exceptions to written '''Task Link Filter rules''' can exist and you need a way to '''“override Task Link Filter rule(s)''' when required.
33) To satisfy this need, you can always '''maverick '''the '''show/hide status '''of one or more '''Data-driven Task Links''' either by:
:a) Making appropriate '''edits''' to the '''Data-driven Task Link’s''' entry in the '''Where Are My Links? '''form entry for that '''Task Link''' or by
:b) Individually selecting the desired '''Data-driven Task Link''' and using the '''context menu''' commands to '''edit''' the '''Task Link’s show/hide status'''.
34) Overall, manual '''edits''' to the '''show/hide status''' of any '''Data-driven Task Links''' by whatever means changes that '''Task Link '''into a '''maverick'''. 
35) When this is done, '''Task Link Filter rules no longer''' apply to the '''maverick Data-driven Task Link''' and the '''maverick''' condition is maintained regardless of whether you selected the control to '''show all Data-driven Task Links''' or''' '''are using '''Task Link Filter rules'''.
==Related Links==
==Related Links==
[[Conditional Import for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Conditional Import Filters (Portal)]] 7.18.1-70
[[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express]] 22.3.10-70
[[Conditional Import for OnePager Express Add-in for Version 7.0| Conditional Import Rules for OnePager Express Add-in]]  
[[Managing Templates for Version 7.0 (Portal) | Managing Templates (Portal)]] 24.0.1-70
[[Conditional Import for OnePager Express Desktop for Version 7.0| Conditional Import Rules for OnePager Express Desktop]]
[[Managing the Current Template for Version 7.0 | Managing the Current Template]] 24.6.1-70
[[Using the Where Are My Links? Form for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | Using the Where Are My Links? Form for OnePager Express]] 19.5.2-70
[[Advanced Tab for OnePager Express for Version 7.0 | Advanced Tab for OnePager Express]] 21.13.2-70
[[Category:Version 7.0]]
[[Category:Version 7.0]]
[[Category:OnePager Pro]]
[[Category:OnePager Express]]
[[Category:Task Links]]
[[Category:Editing the Chart]]
[[Category:Time Axis]]
[[Category:Time Axis Tab]]
[[Category:Floating Time Axis]]
[[Category:Color Palettes]]
[[Category:Snapshot Independent]]
[[Category:Edit the Chart]]
[[Category:Chart Properties]]
[[Category:Chart Properties]]
[[Category:Task Links Tab]]
[[Category:Where Are My Links?]]
[[Category:Where’s My Stuff?!]]

Latest revision as of 19:39, 19 November 2020


1) OnePager Express has the capability to manually re-order the Time Axis Levels shown in the chart very easily.

2) The Time Axis Re-Ordering capability is available in the Template Properties and Chart Properties form's Time Axis tab's Top, Middle, and Bottom sub-tabs.

Re-Ordering Example

3) Given the chart below where the Top, Middle, and Bottom Time Axis Levels in Year, Quarter, and Month are ordered from top to bottom, you can exchange the Middle Level with the Top Level by clicking the up arrow in the Re-Order Levels control group in the Chart Properties form shown below:

X70-22 3 6-70-(1)-11182020.png

4) When you click the Apply or OK button in the Chart Properties form the Top and Middle Levels are exchanged as shown here:

X70-22 3 6-70-(2)-11182020.png

5) This is a useful shortcut when you want to make the exchange quickly without going through the process of manually accessing each Time Axis Levels involved and manually changing the Tic unit and Label format setting in each Time Axis Level participating in the exchange.

Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels

Top and Bottom Time Axis Displays in the Chart

1) The chart can display Time Axis Levels at either the top, bottom, or in both positions in the chart.

2) This is controlled in the Chart Properties form at the Time Axis tab’s Calendar sub-tab in the Formatting & Layout control group as shown below:

X70-22 3 6-70-(3)-11182020.png

3) Identical controls for Time Axis Location are provided in the Template Properties form Time Axis tab Calendar sub-tab.

4) If the Time Axis is being located at both the top and bottom of the chart, OnePager Express performs the exchange automatically for both Time Axis displays.

5) The chart below locates the Time Axis at both the Top and Bottom of the chart:

X70-22 3 6-70-(4)-11182020.png

6) If we use the Re-Order Levels control group in the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Top Level sub-tab to exchange the Top Level with the Middle Level, the two Time Axis displays in the chart above look like this:

X70-22 3 6-70-(5)-11182020.png

7) Comparing the two illustrations above it is shown that the Year and Quarter Time Axis Tic Units in their respective Time Axis Levels are exchanged.

Floating Time Axis Displays and Re-Ordering

8) If Floating Time Axes are located within the chart and the Floating Time Axis Levels are consistent with the Time Axis Level exchange being performed, OnePager Express makes appropriate exchanges for the Floating Time Axes as well.

9) Using the example above, three Floating Time Axes can be easily added to the original chart display.

10) For illustrative purposes the Floating Time Axes added to the chart are in Top Level to Bottom Level order although the Floating Time Axis order in the chart is immaterial to the example.

11) The sample chart looks like this:

X70-22 3 6-70-(6-1)-11182020.png

12) If we use the Re-Order Levels control group in the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Top Level sub-tab to again exchange the Top Level with the Middle Level, the two Time Axis displays in the chart above with the Floating Time Axes look like this:

X70-22 3 6-70-(7-1)-11182020.png

13) Comparing the pair of illustrations above with the Floating Time Axes, it is shown that the Year and Quarter Time Axis Tic Units in their respective Time Axis Levels and Floating Time Axis Levels are exchanged.

14) For more information on the Floating Time Axis, please see the article at: The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express. 22.3.10-70

15) Where the Floating Time Axes located in the chart do not correspond exactly to those Time Axis Levels located in the Top and/or Bottom Time Axis locations, OnePager Express performs the Time Axis Level exchange if the Floating Time Axis has at least one of the corresponding Time Axis Levels as illustrated below.

16) Suppose the Time Axes and Floating Time Axes are configured and located as shown below where the Floating Time Axes consist only of Quarters and Months:

X70-22 3 6-70-(8)-11182020.png

17) Performing the Time Axis Level re-ordering used in the previous examples (i.e., Exchanging the Top Time Axis Level with the Middle Time Axis Level), produces this result in the chart:

X70-22 3 6-70-(9)-11182020.png

18) The result above is that the Floating Time Axis Top Level is exchanged with the Floating Time Axis Middle Level as expected.

19) However, since only the Middle and Bottom Floating Time Axes were inserted into the chart, the exchange only shows the Year replacing the Quarters in the Floating Time Axis location.

20) Since there can be several single or sets of Floating Time Axes located in the chart, exchanges of Levels are consistent depending on the Levels incorporated into the displayed Floating Time Axes.

21) For more information on the Floating Time Axis, please see the article at: The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express. 22.3.10-70

Other Related Features

Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels in the Template Form

1) The Re-Order Levels control group shown in the Chart Properties form examples above is also available in the Template Properties form at the Time Axis tab’s Top, Middle, and Bottom Time Axis Levels:

X70-22 3 6-70-(10)-11182020.png

2) Making exchanges in the Template Properties form applies these exchanges to any Chart Properties and chart created with the modified Template Properties form.

3) It is important to remember when making edits to the Template Properties form that the form must be saved before it can be used successfully to create a chart and/or snapshots with the Template Properties form’s edits applied.

4) For more information on the Template Properties form, please see the article at: Managing Templates (Portal). 24.0.1-70

Re-Ordering Time Axis Levels in Chart Properties Forms Converted into Template Forms

5) Conversely, if any Chart Properties form with exchanged Time Axis Levels is made into a Template Properties form and saved, subsequent use of the saved Template Properties form utilizes the exchanged Time Axis Levels in charts and snapshots produced under the modified Template Properties form.

X70-22 3 6-70-(11)-11182020.png

6) For more information on Making a template from a chart, please see this section in the article at: Managing the Current Template - Making a Template from a Chart. 24.6.1-70

Related Links

The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Express 22.3.10-70

Managing Templates (Portal) 24.0.1-70

Managing the Current Template 24.6.1-70
