Sharing via Other Applications (e.g., PowerPoint) for Version 5.3

From OnePager Documentation
Revision as of 21:55, 22 March 2016 by Rfeingold (Talk | contribs) (Export of Single/Multi-Page Project Views to Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF’s)

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About Sharing via Other Applications (e.g. PowerPoint)

Sometimes you may want to share OnePager outputs in PowerPoint slides, Word documents, messages, or on internal websites.

When you are ready to distribute your OnePager visuals, you have several options:

Copy & Paste

1) Copy/paste snapshots from a project view into other Windows applications via the Windows clipboard.

2) This is one way to share via other Microsoft Office applications because it creates outputs that can be scaled in those other applications. Copy/paste may be more appropriate than sharing as a graphics image format such as .PNG because it transfers the graph in a scaleable vector format called Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF).

a) Click the Copy button as shown here:
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b) When the OnePager document does not have multiple pages, clicking the Copy button itself (not the dropdown menu portion) will place the entire project view document into the Windows clipboard.
c) If the OnePager document has multiple pages, you have three options for placing OnePager output into the Windows clipboard accessible by clicking the dropdown menu portion of the Copy button as shown below:
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(1) Entire Document: Selecting this copy option will place the entire project view document, as displayed in the normal view, into the Windows clipboard.
(2) Current Page:' The current page, in the context of a multiple page OnePager document, is the last page that you performed an operation on such as clicking a row label. You may make such page selections either in the normal view or the page break view. On making the selection of the current page option, that page will be placed in the Windows clipboard.
(3) Specific Page: If this option is selected, you will see a form where you can select the one page to be placed in the Windows clipboard as shown below:
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d) A message in the status bar at the bottom of the One Pager PVE will confirm that the image was copied to the clipboard as shown below:
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e) Paste the clipboard contents into PowerPoint, Word, email message, or any other Windows application that supports pasting from the clipboard. The graph from OnePager will be in a vector format, which means that you can resize it in PowerPoint, Word, etc. without losing the sharpness of the tasks, milestones, decorations, and fonts.
f) Note of Caution The size of the copied and pasted image from the OnePager PVE is determined by its size in the normal view. So if you have zoomed the project view way out (i.e., made it small in the PVE), the pasted image may be too small for PowerPoint, for example. Just to be safe, you should zoom in before copying to the clipboard.

Export of Single/Multi-Page Project Views to Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF’s

1) OnePager version 5.3 has added capabilities to output project views as files that can be loaded into Microsoft PowerPoint and displayed as .PDF images.

2) With a project view displayed in the PVE, click the File tab on the OnePager tool bar and then click the Export tab which will provide the following options:

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3) Clicking the Send to PowerPoint button will format the project view as a Microsoft PowerPoint chart and bring up a Windows Save As form as shown below:

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4) Once saved, the file may be open in Microsoft PowerPoint.

5) A similarly is used for .PDF file exports. Click the Send to PDF button and a Windows Save As form will appear allowing you to save the formatted project view as a .PDF file.

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6) Once saved, the .PDF file may be opened in Adobe Acrobat®.

7) There is another way to save project views in a variety of formats using the Save As button on the ribbon’s File tab as shown below:

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8) When you click the Save As button a form appears that allows you to select the Save as type: from the dropdown menu shown in the illustration below. Make sure that you establish the file save location as well as selecting the file save type before clicking the Save button on the form.

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Print to Paper

You can distribute individual snapshots from a project view as hardcopy, which includes .PDF files.

a) Select the File tab on the ribbon and then select the Print tab as shown below:
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b) The project view above is a multi-page project view. Clicking the Print button displaying the printer icon shown above will bring up the standard Windows Print form.
c) From this standard form you may select the pages to print, the printer to use, and any other special features implemented on the printer and available through the Preferences button.
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d) Choose a printer and press the Print shown above.
e) Printer settings can also be changed by selecting the Settings button shown on the Printing your Project View page below. By doing so, OnePager will display the Project-View Properties (PVP) form’s Page Setup tab.
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f) You can print to a .PDF file if you have a .PDF virtual printer installed, such as various Adobe® products and third-party products.
