Installing and Activating OnePager Pro for Version 5.3 (Portal)

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Installing OnePager Pro Version 5.3

Installation of OnePager Pro (OPP) for version 5.3 has changed. We smartened up our installer and are offering you two installation options to launch OPP as an Add-in to Microsoft Project and a new option to launch OPP directly from a desktop icon. (See: OnePager Desktop Shortcut)

Smart Installer

1) The OPP installer comes in two varieties:

(1) a .ZIP file for IT Professionals that are installing OPP into a managed network environment and
(2) an .EXE file for individuals to install on their desktop.

2) The .EXE smart installer figures out the bitness of the computer (i.e., 32-bits or 64-bits) and installs the correct bitness to match the computer automatically.

3) The .ZIP file for IT Professions contains all installation instructions in the .ZIP file’s README.rtf file. No further discussion on IT Professional installations will be provided here.

4) Additionally, the installers provide you with options to install OPP for all users or for a single user.

5) Finally, the smart installer provides you with the options to install both the OPP Add-in and desktop icon launch options or to just install the OPP desktop icon launch option only. Regardless of which of these two options is selected, your computer still requires that Microsoft Project be installed and available.

Microsoft .Net Version Requirements to Run OnePager

1) OPP version 5.3 requires that the user have installed on their computer Microsoft .NET version 3.5 or later.

2) OnePager will display both the required Microsoft .NET version and the Microsoft .NET version installed at the About tab on the ribbon’s FIle tab as shown below:

P53-0 2-(17)-10272015.png

OnePager Pro Installation Process

1) To install OPP version 5.3 locate the .EXE file from the download and double-click on the file name. The following form will appear:

P53-1 0 1-(1)-11052015.png

2) Click the Run button which launches the OPP installer and the following form will appear:

P53-1 0 1-(2)-11052015.png

3) When you click the Setup button the installer will begin the installation process and the form below will appear:

P53-1 0 1-(3)-11052015.png

4) Clicking the Next> button will bring up the License Agreement form which you should read. Then, click the I Agree button and the “Next>” button as shown below:

P53-1 0 1-(4)-11052015.png

5) After clicking the Next> button on the form above, the OPP installer will bring up the Installation Options form shown below:

P53-1 0 1-(5)-11052015.png
a) At this point you may either accept the default options or change the selections as required.
b) The first set of options allows you to install OPP for every user account on the computer or only for the user account performing the installation.
c) The second set of options, both of which require the presence of Microsoft Project on the computer, allows you to install both the Add-in and desktop icon launch capability for OPP or just the desktop icon launch capability.
i) Selecting the Launch from my desktop or from Microsoft Project option will insert OPP as a Microsoft Project Add-in and place a OPP desktop icon on your desktop. Please note that after selecting this launch option that you will only be able to launch either OPP Add-in or OPP desktop. Only one of these applications may be active at a time. If you attempt to launch both, a warning message will appear.
ii) Selecting the Launch from my desktop only option will just place the OPP desktop icon on your computer.

6) After making your option selections click the Next> button on the form above to bring up the OnePager Pro Information form shown below:

P53-1 0 1-(6)-11052015.png

7) At this point you may copy the contents of the OnePager Pro Information form for later reference and then click the Next> button. This action will bring up the OnePager Pro Installation Complete form shown here:

P53-1 0 1-(7)-11052015.png

8) Clicking the Close button completes the installation process and you are ready to begin.

OnePager Pro Tutorial

9) The first time you launch Microsoft Project a Getting Started Tutorial form will appear as shown below. At this point you may take the tutorial or close it so that you can take the tutorial at another time. The Getting Started Tutorial form will continue to appear each time you launch Microsoft Project until you check the Do not show this tutorial at start up checkbox.

P53-1 0 1-(8)-11052015.png

10) The Getting Started Tutorial does not automatically appear when you launch OPP from the desktop icon. To get to the tutorial after the OnePager Start form appears, click the Help button in the upper right corner of the form and click the Tutorial button as shown below:

P53-1 0 1-(8A)-11052015.png

11) If you encounter any issues during or after your installation of OPP, please contact us at or go to the following link on this Wiki Getting Support and Contacting Chronicle Graphics

Related Links

Uninstalling OnePager Pro

Temporarily Disabling and Re-enabling OnePager Pro

Activating Your OnePager Pro License
