Managing Templates for Version 7.2 (Portal)

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About Managing Template Properties Forms

What is a Template Properties Form?

Illustrations used in this article are from OnePager Pro using data from Microsoft Project but the feature's function, controls, and manual edits apply equally to other OnePager editions that import from data sources like Microsoft Excel, Smartsheet, and Oracle Primavera P6.

For OnePager, a Template Properties form is a general set of style rules that can be used to create different charts. For example, if you have several projects and need to create the same style of report for each one, a Template Properties form allows you to create a single style that can be applied across multiple charts. It is the Template Properties form from which a new chart is created and from which all of the settings in the Chart Properties form are initially populated. The Template Properties form is also the place where you have the largest number of source plan fields from which to import into OnePager. A Template Properties form is a great way to achieve standardization across projects and across team members!

If everyone starts with the same Template Properties form, then the resulting charts adheres to standards that make it much easier for your audiences to digest. For more information on the differences between a Template and a chart, please see the article at: Templates versus Charts

Managing Template Properties Forms

Standard Template Properties forms are distributed with OnePager and installed on your computer. These standard Template Properties form options, when selected, can create various visual presentations of your Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Oracle Primavera P6, or Smartsheet data that can meet your schedule discussion needs. The standard Template Properties form can also form starting points for you to create your own Template Properties forms which, in turn, create chart visualizations of project data specifically tailored to your presentations. The distributed standard Template Properties forms, for the most part, contain the same controls and options as the Chart Properties form that is the computer data representation of the chart managed by the Chart Editor. There are, however, differences in the content, controls, and features between OnePager Template Properties forms and the Chart Properties forms. For more instructions on Template Properties form only features, please see the articles shown in the links below:

Template Only Features for OnePager Pro 24.1.1-72
Template Only Features for OnePager Express 24.2.1-72
Template Only Features for Primavera P6 Source Plans in OnePager 24.2.2-72
Template Only Features for Smartsheet Source Plans in OnePager 24.2.3-72

Accessing the OnePager Template Properties Forms

Template Properties forms distributed with all editions of OnePager can be accesses for review, editing, and saved in two ways:

1) From the OnePager Pro (OPP), OnePager Express (OPX), and OnePager Bundle (OPB) Add-in applications.

2) From the OnePager Pro, OnePager Express, and OnePager Bundle Standalone applications.

Accessing the OnePager Template Properties Form from the Add-in Application

To access, review or edit the Template Properties form from the OnePager Add-in application, click the Templates… button on the Microsoft Project ribbon's Add-ins tool bar for OPP or click the Microsoft Excel ribbon's Add-ins tool bar for OPX. The Template… button for OPP is shown below:

P70-24 0 1-70-(1)-11302020.png

Clicking the Template... button shown above for either OPP or OPX accesses the current Template Properties form as shown here:

P71-24 0 1-71-(2)-12222021.png

The current Template Properties form is displayed on top of your Microsoft Project or Excel source plan and can be reviewed, edited, or saved after editing using the File, Edit, or Help buttons on the Template Properties form's tool bar as shown above. If any edits are made to the accessed current Template Properties form , these edits can be made permanent by using the Save button at the bottom of the form after all edits are accomplished.

Accessing the OnePager Template Properties Form from the Standalone Application

Since the Standalone versions of OPP, OPX, and OPB are launched from desktop Icons on your computer, either of these Standalone applications needs to be launched first before access can be gained to the current Template Properties form. Launching either OPP, OPX, or OPB Standalone application accesses the respective Chart Editor that is blank and the OnePager Pro Start, OnePager Express Start, or OnePager Bundle Start form. To review or edit the Template Properties form from the OnePager Standalone application, click the File tab on the Chart Editor's ribbon screen and then the Options tab on the set of tabs on the left side of the screen as shown here:

P71-24 0 1-71-(3)-02042022.png

Clicking the Template... button as shown above accesses the Template Properties form for editing as illustrated below:

P71-24 0 1-71-(2-1)-02042022.png

If any edits are made to the accessed current Template Properties form, these edits can be made permanent by using the Save button at the bottom of the form after all edits are accomplished. Illustrated above are the steps for accessing the Template Properties form associated with the OnePager Pro Standalone application. The same steps are used to access the OnePager Express Standalone or the OnePager Bundle Standalone application’s Template Properties form.

Customizing the OnePager Template Properties Form

The Template Properties form has the same tabs as the Chart Properties form and on each tab, for the most part, the controls on the Template Properties form mirror those on the Chart Properties form. You can customize any distributed Template Properties form to have your charts start out with a common look and use a standard set of Microsoft Project or Oracle Primavera P6 fields. For OPX and OPB this also applies to Microsoft Excel and Smartsheet fields. Editing within the Template Properties form involves accessing the specific tab and using the control group controls within the tab to change the settings and checkboxes to meet you visualizations intent.

Similarity to the Chart Properties Form

Since the Template Properties form's controls are so similar to those of the Chart Properties form, we recommend that you reference the articles dealing with Editing the Chart Properties form at: Editing with the Chart Properties form (Portal) 21.0.1-72

Special Features on the Template Properties Form

There are three (3) special feature controls on the Template Properties form that need to be set in the current Template Properties form if the feature is to be used in the creation and subsequent update of charts.

Enterprise Custom Fields

For OnePager Pro only, the product supports access to Enterprise Custom Fields that typically reside in an enterprise server. All OnePager Pro Template Properties forms have controls for accessing these Enterprise Custom Fields. For more information on the access and use of Enterprise Custom Fields for OnePager Pro, please see the article at:

Using Enterprise Custom Fields for Microsoft Project Server/Project Online 24.3.1-72

Field Splitting and Column Parsing

The Field Splitting feature allows you to duplicate tasks when a tasks in your Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Oracle Primavera P6, or Smartsheet source plans are assigned to multiple resources (or anything else). Because assignments from Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel can often be comma-delimited, this feature enables OnePager to parse the comma-delimited list and create a unique task for each instance in the comma-separated list. If you anticipate using the Field Splitting and Column Parsing feature of OnePager Pro or Express, there are setup requirements to be made in the OnePager Pro or Express Template Properties form you intend to use. For more information on setting up the Field Splitting and Column features for OnePager Pro and Express and for OnePager using Oracle Primavera P6 or Smartsheet source plans, please see the articles at:

Splitting and Parsing Fields for OnePager Pro 24.4.1-72
Splitting and Parsing Fields for OnePager Express 24.5.1-72
Splitting and Parsing Columns for Primavera P6 Source Plans in OnePager 24.5.2-71
Splitting and Parsing Columns for Smartsheet Source Plans in OnePager 24.5.3-71

Managing the Current Template Properties Form

As mentioned, Template Properties forms are key to managing a standard look and feel for charts produced by individuals and organizations when communicating schedule issues. This being the case, the management of Template Properties forms as objects is an important subject that is presented in the article at:

Managing the Current Template 24.6.1-71

Related Links

Templates versus Charts>

Editing with the Chart Properties form (Portal) 21.0.1-72

Template Only Features for OnePager Pro 24.1.1-72

Template Only Features for OnePager Express 24.2.1-72

Template Only Features for Primavera P6 Source Plans in OnePager 24.2.2-72

Template Only Features for Smartsheet Source Plans in OnePager 24.2.3-72

Using Enterprise Custom Fields for Microsoft Project Server/Project Online 24.3.1-72

Splitting and Parsing Fields for OnePager Pro 24.4.1-72

Splitting and Parsing Fields for OnePager Express 24.5.1-72

Splitting and Parsing Columns for Primavera P6 Source Plans in OnePager 24.5.2-72

Splitting and Parsing Columns for Smartsheet Source Plans in OnePager 24.5.3-72
