Absorbing one task into another for Version 7.0

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Revision as of 17:00, 24 December 2019 by Rfeingold (Talk | contribs) (Absorbing Tasks)

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About Absorbing One Task Into Another

1) Task/milestone shape absorption is a handy way to compress information.

2) The idea is to absorb one short duration task shape or milestone shape into another task shape or milestone shape with a longer duration, leaving behind only a Comment box (or perhaps two Comment boxes) to indicate the presence of the absorbed (or shorter duration) task/milestone shapes.

Absorbing Tasks

1) To absorb one task/milestone shape into another, select the two task/milestone shapes involved, drag the shorter duration task/milestone shape to be absorbed on top of the longer duration task/milestone shape that is to absorb it, as shown below.

2) In the example below, we are absorbing the Resistance calculation task shape into the Engineering Team 2 Development task shape.

3) If the absorbed task/milestone shape fits entirely inside the absorbing task/milestone shape (in time), the Absorption Options form appears asking if you want to replace the absorbed task shape name by one or two Comment boxes.

4) The form also asks you where you want the Comment box placed, that is, at what date position (End or Start Date).

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5) After making a choice and clicking OK, the absorbed task/milestone shape is hidden and is replaced by one or two Comment boxes.

6) The Comment boxes mark its start time, its end time, or both depending on your previous selection.

7) If the task/milestone shape to be absorbed does not fit entirely inside the absorbing task/milestone shape, then it is not possible to carry out this absorption operation.

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Absorbed Task's Comment Box

1) Comment boxes originating by absorption can be edited just like any other Comment box.

2) To edit these Comment boxes, right-click on the Comment box and click the Properties… command.

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3) Any Task Links associated with the absorbed task shapes are retained in the resulting absorbing task shape representation.

Unabsorbing Tasks

1) To un-absorb a task/milestone shape that was replaced by one or two Comment boxes, right-click on the absorbing task/milestone shape and then click the Un-absorb tasks command as shown below:

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2) This returns both the absorbed task/milestone shapes and the absorbing task/milestone shape to the way they were before as shown here:

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3) To complete the un-absorb process, drag the previously absorbed task shape back to its original position as shown below:

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4) Task Links associated with the previously absorbed task shape are restored after the un-absorb process is completed.

Task Links and Absorbed Tasks

1) If task/milestone shapes either being absorbed or are absorbing other task/milestone shapes have either Data-Driven or manual Task Links it is important to be aware of how those Task Links appear after the Absorb processes is complete.

2) For more information on the subject of Task Links and Absorption, please see this section in the article at: Manual Editing of Task Links for OnePager Pro - Task Links for Absorbed Tasks. 19.4.1-70


1) Changing the text in the Comment box for an absorbed task/milestone shape has the same effect as editing the Task-Name of the absorbed task/milestone shape.

2) If you accidentally delete the Comment box for the absorbed task/milestone shape and want to get it back, all you have to do is go to the Home tab, click the Show/Hide button, and then click the Show all Markers sub-command to unhide all the hidden task/milestone shapes as shown here:

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3) For reverting back (Unabsorbing), we recommend that you use the Undo function if it can be performed immediately after the absorb function is applied.
