Changing the Time Axis Background Color and Fill Pattern for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0
About Changing the Time Axis Background Colors and Fill Patterns
OnePager has consolidated controls for editing the background color for all three Time Axis Levels. Additionally, you are able to edit the Fill Pattern for all the Time Axis Level Cells at the same time you edit the background color. For each Time Axis Level there are controls for you to set and edit the Background Color and Fill Pattern.
The controls are shown here for the Middle Time Axis Level:

A capability is also provided so that you can edit the background color of individual Time Axis Cells and the attributes of the text contained in those cells.
Sample Background Colors and Fill Pattern Edits
The process for editing the background colors for the Time Axis is the same for all levels. Color 1 and Color 2, when clicked, accesses the standard OnePager Color Chooser form so that you can have access to alternating colors for adjacent Time Axis Cells.
For more information on Color Selection, please see this section in the article at: Main Tab - Color Palettes
By selecting the same color for Color 1 and Color 2 you can create a single color representation for the entire Time Axis Level. There are five (5) fill patterns from which to choose as shown in the illustration above. When selected, the fill pattern is applied to all cells in the Time Axis Level.
An example of an alternating color scheme for the Middle Time Axis Level is shown below:

By using each Time Axis tab’s Level sub-tabs you can configure each Time Axis Level’s appearance to meet your presentation needs.
Editing Background Color and Fill Pattern from the Chart Editor
For An Entire Time Axis Level
The controls in the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab can be accessed directly by right-clicking on any Time Axis Cell to access the time axis right-click context menu and then clicking the Time-axis properties… command as shown below:

After clicking the Time-axis properties… command, the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab is accessed at the Level of the selected cell(s) so you can edit the contents of Color 1, Color 2, and the Fill selection window. These edits, when applied by clicking the Apply or OK button on the Chart Properties form, changes the Color 1, Color 2, and Fill Pattern for the entire Time Axis Level.
For An Individual Time Axis Cell
OnePager supports editing the following Time Axis Cell properties individually:
- 1) Cell Background Color
- 2) Text Font Properties (Text Font Type, Text Color, Text Pixel Size, Bold, Italics, and Underline)
- 3) Zoom% (The horizontal length of the timespan as a percentage of the normal Time Axis Cell’s width).
The detailed editing of the above properties is done by right-clicking on the desired Time Axis Cell(s) to access the time axis right-click context menu and then clicking the Format cell… command as shown below:

After clicking the Format cell… command, the Time Axis Cell Properties form appears as shown here:

The edits made in the Time Axis Cell Properties form apply to all the selected Time Axis Cells as follows:
Clicking the Color dropdown accesses the OnePager standard Color Chooser and allows you to edit the background color in the selected Time Axis Cell(s).
Font Properties
Clicking the Font dropdown accesses the standard OnePager Font properties form where you can change the selected Time Axis Cell’s text font properties such as Text Font Type, Text Font Color, Text Pixel Size, and attributes of the selected Time Axis Cell’s text including Bold, Italics, and Underline
The Zoom% dial control is used to change the width of the selected Time Axis Cells where the settings vary from zero (0) percent to 100 percent.
For more information on the Zoom% control, please see the article at: The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro
Cell Width
The Cell width window is tied to the Zoom% dial control such that when the Zoom% value is changed the value for the Cell width (in inches or centimeters) is changed to reflect the selected Time Axis Cell’s actual width in the chart.
Use Default Properties
The Use default properties button is provided so that you can easily restore the Chart Properties established Time Axis Cell properties for the selected Time Axis Cells. Using this button restores the selected Time Axis Cells from their maverick status back to a normally configured Time Axis Cells. To Apply the edits made in the Time Axis Cell Properties form click the OK button. It needs to be noted that whenever any selected Time Axis Cells are edited individually they become Maverick Time Axis Cells.
Sample Use of the Time Axis Cell Properties Form
As an example, suppose we apply the edits to the above shown selected Bottom Level Time Axis Cells as shown here:

When the OK button is clicked on the Time Axis Cell Properties form, the selected Bottom Level Time Axis Cells look like this:

Related Links
The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro