Installing and Activating OnePager Bundle for Version 7.1 (Portal)

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Installing OnePager Bundle Version 7.1

Installation of OnePager Bundle for version 7.1 remains the same as our other products (i.e., OnePager Pro and OnePager Express). The process is repeated here for your convenience. The installer offers you two installation options to launch OnePager Bundle (1) as an Add-in to Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Excel and (2) an option to launch OnePager Bundle directly from a desktop Icon. For more information on further details, please see the article at: Getting Started with OnePager Bundle

Caution: It is recommended that OnePager Bundle not be installed in the same user account as OnePager Pro and/or OnePager Express. If having OnePager Pro and/or OnePager Express and OnePager Bundle installed in the same user account is a requirement, for more detailed installation instructions please see the article at:

Installing OnePager Bundle with OnePager Pro and/or OnePager Express

Smart Installer

The OnePager installer comes in two varieties:

1) an .EXE file for individuals to install on their desktop and
2) a .ZIP file for IT professionals that are installing OnePager into a managed network environment.

The .EXE smart installer figures out the bitness of your computer (i.e., 32-bits or 64-bits) and installs the correct bitness to match your computer automatically.

The .ZIP file contains all installation instructions in the .ZIP file’s README.rtf file. No further discussion on IT professional installations is provided here.

Both installers provide the options to install both the OnePager Bundle Add-in and Standalone launch options or to just install the OnePager Bundle Standalone Icon launch option only. Regardless of which of these two options is selected, your computer still requires that Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Excel be installed and available if you intend to use OnePager Bundle with these two Microsoft products.

If you plan to use OnePager Bundle Standalone with Oracle Primavera P6 it is necessary to have access to that Oracle product so that you can import Oracle Primavera P6 XER formatted or XML formatted files to OnePager.

If your intent is to use OnePager Bundle Standalone with Smartsheet, an online product you are required to have an account, account sign on credentials and access to the internet so that OnePager Bundle Standalone can access your account and source plans.

If the installer finds that neither Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel are installed, it only installs the Standalone edition of OnePager Bundle.

Microsoft .NET Version Requirements to Run OnePager Bundle

OnePager Bundle version 7.1 requires that the users have installed Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.7.2 Full or later on their computer. After installation is complete, OnePager displays both the required Microsoft .NET Framework version and the Microsoft .NET Framework version installed at the About tab on the ribbon’s File tab as shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(1-2)-12092021.png

If the .NET 4.7.2 or later Framework is not installed on your computer, download the runtime package for free from Microsoft.

OnePager Bundle Installation Process

To install OnePager Bundle version 7.1 locate the .EXE file from the download and double click on the file name. The following form may appear:

X61-1 0 1-61-(9)-12042018.png

Click the Run button which launches the OnePager Bundle installer and the following form appears:

P71-2 0 3-71-(2-1)-11112021.png

When you click the Setup button the installer begins the installation process and the form below appears:

P71-2 0 3-71-(3-1)-10292021.png

Clicking the Next> button accesses the License Agreement form which you should read.

Then, click the I Agree button and the “Next>” button as shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(4-1)-10292021.png

After clicking the Next> button on the form above, the OnePager Bundle installer displays the Installation Options form shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(5-1)-10292021.png

Everyone or Just Me Selection Options

At this point, you can either accept the default options or change the selections as required.

The first set of options allows you to install OnePager Bundle for every user account on the computer or only for the user account performing the installation.

Add-in And Standalone Application Selection Options

The second set of options, both of which require the presence of Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Excel on the computer, allows you to install both the Add-in and Standalone applications and their launch Icons for OnePager Bundle or just the Standalone application and its launch Icon.

Selecting the Launch from my desktop or from Microsoft Project/Excel option inserts OnePager Bundle as a Microsoft Project/Excel Add-in and places a OnePager Bundle Standalone Icon on your desktop.

We strongly recommend that when using OnePager Bundle that you do not simultaneously launch OnePager Bundle Add-in from either Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel AND OnePager Bundle Standalone with the intent of creating a chart with Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel. The recommended operation of OnePager Bundle is with a single instance of either the Add-in OR the Standalone edition.

Selecting the Launch from my desktop only option places the OnePager Bundle Standalone Icon on your computer. After making your option selections, click the Next> button on the form above to access the OnePager Bundle Information form shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(7-2)-02162022.png

At this point, you can copy the contents of the OnePager Bundle Information form for later reference and then click the Next> button. This action accesses the OnePager Bundle Installation Complete form shown here:

P71-2 0 3-71-(8-1)-10292021.png

Clicking the Close button completes the installation process and you are ready to begin.

OnePager Bundle Help

OnePager Bundle Tutorial Accessed from Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel

The first time you launch OnePager Bundle from Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel, a Getting Started Tutorial form appears as shown below. You can take the tutorial or close it so that you can take the tutorial at another time. The Getting Started Tutorial form continues to appear each time you launch Microsoft Project until you check the Do not show this tutorial at start up checkbox. The Getting Started Tutorial form accessed from launching OnePager Bundle Add-in from Microsoft Project is shown here:

P71-2 0 3-71-(8A-3)-03302022.png

OnePager Bundle Tutorial Accessed from OnePager Bundle Standalone

When you launch OnePager Bundle Standalone, the OnePager Bundle Start form appears. You can access the OnePager Bundle Help form by clicking the Help button in the upper right corner of the OnePager Bundle Start form as shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(8B)-03142022.png

Clicking the Help button accesses the page shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(11A-1)-10292021.png

When you click the Tutorial button shown on the page above, the OnePager Bundle accesses the Tutorial form's Title page as shown here:

P71-2 0 3-71-(9-2)-03302022.png

When you click on the Microsoft Project, Project Online, or Project Server button or the Excel button, you have the option to download a sample source plan for the selected option as shown here for the Excel option:

P71-2 0 3-71-(9A-2)-03302022.png

Since Smartsheet and Oracle Primavera P6 are accessed by OnePager Bundle Standalone only, OnePager does not provide a sample source plan. The tutorials for Smartsheet and Oracle Primavera P6 has their first step demonstrating how to set up the Smartsheet or Oracle Primavera P6 source plan before importing it to OnePager.

Accessing Additional Help Resources

When you click the Help button on the OnePager Start form the OnePager Bundle Help form is accessed with its seven (7) help button selection options as shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(11A-1)-10292021.png

In addition to the Tutorial button, you can access other helpful information by clicking on Short Videos, Quick-Start Guide, User Guide, OnePager Wiki, or the Blog button. If you encounter any issues during or after your installation of OnePager Bundle, please contact us at or go to the following link: Getting Support and Contacting OnePager

Get Standard License

To start the licensing process, click the License tab on the OnePager File form to access the tab shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(12A-1)-10292021.png

As an alternative, you can use the CTL+L set of keystrokes to access the OnePager Bundle license form.

The Get Standard License button accesses the OnePager Bundle license form which you can use to access your OnePager software license from Chronicle Graphics, Inc. The OnePager Bundle license form is shown below:

P71-2 0 3-71-(13-1)-10292021.png

For complete details on accessing your OnePager Bundle license please see the article at: Activating OnePager Bundle Version 7.1 Requires Re-Licensing

Temporarily Disabling and Re-enabling OnePager Bundle

OnePager Bundle when installed to work with Microsoft Project and Excel can be temporarily disabled as an Add-in to Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Excel. Later it can be re-enabled as an Add-in to Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Excel to resume its role. Instructions for temporarily disabling and re-enabling OnePager Pro, OnePager Express, or OnePager Bundle for Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel are found in these articles:

Temporarily Disabling & Re-Enabling OnePager Pro for Microsoft Project
Temporarily Disabling & Re-Enabling OnePager Express for Microsoft Excel

Since there is no direct interface between the OnePager Bundle and Oracle Primavera P6 or Smartsheet, there is no necessity for any disabling or re-enabling processes.

Uninstalling OnePager Bundle

If you find it necessary to uninstall OnePager Bundle, please see this article for instructions: Uninstalling OnePager Bundle

Related Links

Microsoft .NET - download the runtime package for free

OnePager doesn't launch when the desktop icon is clicked

Error Message when Installing OnePager Bundle

Uninstalling OnePager

Temporarily Disabling & Re-Enabling OnePager Pro for Microsoft Project

Temporarily Disabling & Re-Enabling OnePager Express for Microsoft Excel

Activating OnePager Bundle Version 7.1 Requires Re-Licensing

Installing OnePager Bundle with OnePager Pro and/or OnePager Express

Getting Started with OnePager Bundle

Getting Support and Contacting OnePager
