Managing Conditional Formatting Rules for OnePager Live Beta 2 (MS Project Source)

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11.9.1-OPL2 from 11.9.1-60 7/14/2017

The Conditional Formatting rules can be changed, added to, copied, or deleted at any time. You can also uncheck the On field checkboxes to stop any particular rule from being applied. Finally, you can change the ordering of rule application by changing the sequence numbers in the Order column.

Modifying a rule in Project View Properties (PVP) form will change all current and future snapshots belonging to the project view. Modifying a rule in Template Properties form has no impact on any existing project views but will change the conditional formatting of any future project views made from the template.

Delete Rule(s)

1) Whenever you are in the Conditional Formatting Rules form you can delete a rule or several rules by first selecting them by left clicking in the left grid cell and then clicking the Delete Rule(s) button at the bottom of the form as shown below:

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Copy Rule(s)

2) The Copy Rule(s) button is provided to assist you in making additional rules that are similar to existing rules.

a) To copy a rule or rules, select the rows as described above and click the Copy Rule(s) button.
b) This action will add the copied rules without change to the bottom of the table.
c) You can now edit columns in the copied rows of the table. When you click OK these added (modified) rules will be in effect.

3) The illustrations below show a set of selected rules that are copied and subsequently modified:

Select Rule(s) to Be Copied

a) Use the left most column to select the rules you desire to copy. This can be done by individual row or in combination with the CTRL key and/or the Shift key.
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Click Copy Rule(s) Button

b) To complete the copy function after the rules to be copied are selected simply click the Copy Rules(s).
P60-11 9 1-60-(3)-02142017.png

Modify Copied Rules

c) After the copied rules appear in the form as shown above you can modify the rules as desired. Click the OK button to complete the process.
