Difference between revisions of "Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0"

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1) '''Daily Curtains''' is a feature of OnePager that allows you to add '''colored Curtains''' throughout the chart for specific '''days of the week'''.   
'''Daily Curtains''' is a feature of OnePager that allows you to add '''colored Curtains''' throughout the chart for specific '''days of the week'''.    The '''Daily Curtains''' feature is useful when it is important to visualize a particular '''day''' or '''days in a week''' that have special meaning.   
2) The '''Daily Curtains''' feature is useful when it is important to visualize a particular '''day''' or '''days in a week''' that have special meaning.
The most common usage is to display '''Daily Curtains''' for weekend days.  
3) The most common usage is to display '''Daily Curtains''' for weekend days.
===Daily Curtains - An Example===
4) Typically, '''Daily Curtains''' are used in charts where the '''timeline''' is short, say a few weeks or less as shown below:
Typically, '''Daily Curtains''' are used in charts where the '''timeline''' is short, say a few weeks or less as shown below:
:a) For example, if you go to the '''Chart Properties ''' '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab you can assign different colors to Sunday and Saturday in the '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times '''control group as is done below:
For example, if you go to the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab you can assign different colors to Sunday and Saturday in the '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times '''control group as is done below:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(11F)-05082018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:b) When these settings are '''Applied''' to the chart, it looks like this:
When these settings are '''Applied''' to the chart, it looks like this:
:c) '''Daily Curtains''' cannot be manually '''selected''' or '''edited''' in the chart with a left or right-click.  However, the properties of all '''Daily Curtains''' as a group can be '''edited''' by accessing the '''Chart Properties''' form '''Time Axis''' tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab’s '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' control group.
===Limitations Of Daily Curtains===
:d) '''Daily Curtains''' also do not appear as entries in '''The Grid'''.   
'''Daily Curtains''' cannot be manually '''selected''' or '''edited''' in the chart with a left or right-click.  However, the '''properties of all Daily Curtains''' as a group can be '''edited''' by accessing the '''Chart Properties''' form '''Time Axis''' tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab’s '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' control group.  '''Daily Curtains''' also do not appear as entries in '''The Grid'''.  '''Daily Curtains''' can be eliminated from the chart by '''editing''' their '''color''' selection in the OnePager standard '''Color Chooser '''to '''No Fill'''.  '''Daily Curtains''' are '''snapshot-independent'''.
:e) '''Daily Curtains''' can be eliminated from the chart by '''editing''' their '''color''' selection in the standard OnePager '''Color Chooser '''to '''No Fill'''.
The '''Template Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab has identical controls as the '''Chart Properties''' form where you can manage '''Daily Curtains''' at a '''global '''level.
:f) '''Daily Curtains''' are '''snapshot-independent'''.
The intent of this article is to provide the information essential for you to '''create''', '''edit''', and '''manage Daily Curtains''' in the chart.
3) The '''Template '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab has identical controls where you can manage '''Daily Curtains''' at a '''global '''level.
4) The intent of this article is to provide the information essential for you to '''create''', '''edit''', and '''manage Daily Curtains''' in the chart.
==Using The Daily Curtain Feature==
==Using The Daily Curtain Feature==
1) '''Daily Curtains''' are useful in charts that are focused on short '''timespans''' or resolutions down to the '''week''', '''day''', or '''hour '''levels of '''timespan '''granularity.  '''Daily Curtains''' provide the opportunity to highlight these '''timespans''' with '''color'''.
'''Daily Curtains''' are useful in charts that are focused on short '''timespans''' or resolutions down to the '''week''', '''day''', or '''hour '''levels of '''timespan '''granularity.  '''Daily Curtains''' provide the opportunity to highlight these '''timespans''' with '''color'''. Control over the '''Daily Curtain '''feature is provided in the '''Format '''sub-tab of the '''Chart Properties Time Axis '''tab that looks like this:
2) Control over the '''Daily Curtain '''feature is provided in the '''Format '''sub-tab of the '''Chart Properties Time Axis '''tab that looks like this:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(16)-05112018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
3) There are two control groups on this sub-tab for controlling the''' '''visualization of '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' and a control group for '''creating''', '''editing''', and '''tracking''' '''Curtains and Timespans'''.
There are two control groups on this sub-tab for controlling the''' '''visualization of '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' and a control group for '''creating''', '''editing''', and '''tracking''' '''Curtains and Timespans'''.
===The Days of the Week and Working Times Control Group===
===The Days of the Week and Working Times Control Group===
4) The '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' control group has four sets of control sub-groups for enhancing the focus on '''Days of the Week''', '''Working Hours''', and '''Non-Working Hours'''.   
The '''Days of the Week and Non-Working Times''' control group has four sets of control sub-groups for enhancing the focus on '''Days of the Week''', '''Working Hours''', and '''Non-Working Hours'''.   
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(16A)-05112018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
5) This feature and these controls are particularly useful when charts are focused on '''daily''' and/or '''weekly''' activities.
====Show or Hide Selected Days of the Week====
====Show or Hide Selected Days of the Week====
6) The '''default setting''' specified in the checkboxes shown above ('''No-1)''' in this control group is the '''checked '''or '''ON''' value.''' '''
The '''default setting''' specified in the checkboxes shown above ('''No-1)''' in this control group is the '''checked '''or '''ON''' value.   When these checkboxes are checked '''ON''', those '''Days of the Week '''are '''shown '''in the chart even if there is no '''color '''selection.  If a checkbox is unchecked or '''OFF''', the unchecked '''Day of the Week '''is '''hidden'''.
:a) When these checkboxes are checked '''ON''', those '''Days of the Week '''are '''shown '''in the chart even if there is no '''color '''selection. 
:b) If a checkbox is unchecked or '''OFF''', the unchecked '''Day of the Week '''is '''hidden'''.  
Not '''showing '''a '''day of the week '''using these controls also '''hides''' the '''day''' in the '''Time Axis Levels'''.  To prevent complete voiding of the chart, at least '''one of the''' '''Days of the Week''' checkboxes must be checked '''ON'''.   If all '''Days of the Week '''checkboxes are unchecked or '''OFF''', OnePager provides the warning message shown here:
:c) Not '''showing '''a '''day of the week '''using these controls also '''hides''' the '''day''' in the '''Time Axis Levels'''.
:d) To prevent complete voiding of the chart, at least '''one of the''' '''Days of the Week''' checkboxes must be checked '''ON'''. 
====Hiding Weekend Days - An Example====
:e) If all '''Days of the Week '''checkboxes are unchecked, OnePager Pro provides the warning message shown here:
Suppose you have a chart as shown below that shows just the days of the month of December 2019:
====Example - Hiding Weekend Days====
Further, suppose you want to '''hide''' the '''weekend days'''.  You can do this by making the following '''edits''' to the '''Chart Properties''' form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format''' sub-tab as shown below:
7) Suppose you have a chart as shown below that shows just the days of the month of December 2019:
In the above illustration, the '''edits''' entail unchecking the '''Sunday''' and '''Saturday '''checkboxes. No other '''edit '''action is required. When these two '''edits''' are '''applied '''to the chart by clicking the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Apply '''or '''OK '''button, the chart looks like this:
:a) Further, suppose you want to '''hide''' the '''weekend days'''.
:b) You can do this by making the following '''edits''' to the '''Chart Properties''' form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format''' sub-tab as shown below:
====Adding Colors to Selected Daily Curtains - An Example====
The example above can be displayed in a different way by continuing to''' show''' all '''Days of the Week''', but '''coloring''' the weekend days with '''Daily Curtains'''.  If you change the controls slightly in the sub-tab by rechecking the checkboxes for '''Sunday''' and '''Saturday''' and select '''colors''' ('''No-2''') for these two weekend days, the sub-tab looks like this:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(16C)-05112018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:c) In the above illustration, the '''edits''' entail unchecking the '''Sunday''' and '''Saturday '''checkboxes. No other '''edit '''action is required.
:d) When these two '''edits''' are '''applied '''to the chart by clicking the '''Chart Properties '''form’s '''Apply '''or '''OK '''button, the chart looks like this:
'''Selecting''' a '''color''' involves clicking the standard '''Color Chooser''' dropdown next to the '''day of the week''' checkbox and selecting the '''color''' from the '''Color Chooser '''form.  '''Applying''' these '''edits''' alters the chart to look like this:
====Example - Adding Colors to Selected Daily Curtains====
Adding '''color''' for '''Daily Curtains''' requires that the '''Show Days''' checkboxes be checked '''ON'''.  If the checkboxes are not checked or '''OFF''', the '''colors''' and the '''Daily Curtains '''are not '''shown'''.
8) The example above can be displayed in a different way by continuing to''' show''' all '''Days of the Week''', but '''coloring''' the weekend days with '''Daily Curtains'''.
====Editing Transparency for All Daily Curtains - An Example====
:a) If you change the controls slightly in the sub-tab by rechecking the checkboxes for '''Sunday''' and '''Saturday''' and select '''colors''' ('''No-2''') for these two weekend days, the sub-tab looks like this:
'''Transparency''' for all '''Daily Curtains '''('''No-3''') can be '''edited''' by resetting the '''Daily Curtain Transparency''' '''percent setting'''.  To make '''Daily Curtains''' more '''transparent''' increase the '''percentage setting''' in the '''Daily Curtain Transparency '''window as shown below:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(16E)-05112018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:b)Selecting a '''color''' involves clicking the Standard '''Color Chooser''' dropdown next to the '''day of the week''' checkbox and selecting the '''color''' from the '''Color Chooser '''form.
'''Applying''' this '''edit''' by clicking the '''Apply '''button on the '''Chart Properties '''form alters the chart’s '''Daily Curtains''' to look like this:
:c) '''Applying''' these '''edits''' alters the chart to look like this:
====Designate a Color for Daily Curtain Borders - An Example ====
:d) Adding '''color''' for '''Daily Curtains''' requires that the '''Show Days''' checkboxes be checked '''ON'''.  If the checkboxes are not checked the '''colors''' and the '''Daily Curtains '''are not '''shown'''.
'''Borders''' ('''No-4''') can also be erected around all '''Daily Curtains''' by using the '''Daily Curtain Border: '''Standard '''Color Chooser''' dropdown to select a '''color'''.  In this example, the '''color''' black is chosen for all '''Daily Curtain Border:''' associated with the weekends:
====Example - Editing Transparency for All Daily Curtains====
9) '''Transparency''' for all '''Daily Curtains '''('''No-3''') can be '''edited''' by resetting the '''Daily Curtain Transparency''' '''percent setting'''.
'''Applying''' the selected '''color''' to the '''Daily Curtain''' '''Borders''' by clicking the '''Apply '''button on the '''Chart Properties '''form alters the chart as shown below:
:a) To make '''Daily Curtains''' more '''transparent''' increase the percentage setting in the '''Daily Curtain Transparency '''window as shown below:
'''Daily Curtains''' are not listed in the '''Curtains and Timespans Grid'''.   '''Daily Curtains cannot be selected with the mouse''' and cannot be '''mavericked''' or '''edited'''.   '''Editing''' '''Daily Curtains '''is only possible using the techniques discussed above.
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(16G)-05112018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:b) '''Applying''' this '''edit''' by clicking the '''Apply '''button on the '''Chart Properties '''form alters the chart’s '''Daily Curtains''' to look like this:
====Example - Designate a Color for Daily Curtain Borders  ====
10) '''Borders''' ('''No-4''') can also be erected around all '''Daily Curtains''' by using the '''Daily Curtain Border: '''Standard '''Color Chooser''' dropdown to select a '''color'''.
:a) In this example, the '''color''' black is chosen for all '''Daily Curtain Border:''' associated with the weekends:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(16I)-05112018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:b) '''Applying''' the selected '''color''' to the '''Daily Curtain''' '''Borders''' by clicking the '''Apply '''button on the '''Chart Properties '''form alters the chart as shown below:
11) '''Daily Curtains''' are not listed in the '''Curtains and Timespans Grid'''. They cannot be selected with the mouse and cannot be '''mavericked''' or '''edited'''. '''Editing''' '''Daily Curtains '''is only possible using the techniques discussed above.
==Other Examples==
==Other Examples==
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===Daily Curtains for Weekdays===
===Daily Curtains for Weekdays===
1) Suppose you select to have '''alternating days of the week''' showing a '''blue color''' for the chart below:
Suppose you '''select''' to have '''alternating days of the week''' showing a '''blue color''' for the chart below:
:a) To put in alternating '''Daily Curtains''' for the chart above, '''edit''' the '''Curtain Colors:''' dropdowns so they look like this:
To put in alternating '''Daily Curtains''' for the chart above, '''edit''' the '''Curtain Colors:''' dropdowns so they look like this:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(28C)-05172018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:b) After the controls above are configured, click the '''Apply '''or '''OK '''button in the '''Chart Properties '''form and the chart looks like this:
After the controls above are configured, click the '''Apply '''or '''OK '''button in the '''Chart Properties '''form and the chart looks like this:
====Caution When Checking/Unchecking Show Days: Checkboxes====
====Caution When Checking/Unchecking Show Days: Checkboxes====
2) '''Caution:  '''Care must be taken when checking and unchecking the checkboxes for the '''Show Days:''' sub-group of controls.   
Care must be taken when checking and unchecking the checkboxes for the '''Show Days:''' sub-group of controls.  These checkboxes are checked '''ON''' as the '''default setting''' so their respective '''Days of the Week '''are '''shown'''.  If one or more of these checkboxes are unchecked or '''OFF''', the '''day of the week '''associated with the unchecked checkbox is '''not shown''' and there is a '''gap''' in the '''timeline'''.   
:a) These checkboxes are checked as the '''default setting''' so their respective '''Days of the Week '''are '''shown'''.''' '''
For example, if you retain the light blue '''color''' but uncheck those checkboxes for which there is the '''No-fill''' '''color''' selected, the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab looks like this:
:b) If one or more of these checkboxes are '''unchecked''', the '''day of the week '''associated with the '''unchecked''' checkbox is '''not shown''' and there is a '''gap''' in the '''timeline'''.
:c) For example, if you retain the light blue '''color''' but uncheck those checkboxes for which there is the '''No-fill''' '''color''' selected, the '''Chart Properties '''form '''Time Axis '''tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab looks like this:
When these '''edits''' are '''applied''' to the chart above, it looks like this:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(28E)-05172018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:d) When these '''edits''' are '''applied''' to the chart above, it looks like this:
===Using Alternating Colors for Daily Curtains===
===Using Alternating Colors for Daily Curtains===
3) An easy way differentiate between days is to '''edit''' some of the '''colors''' for the remaining '''Daily Curtains''' in the '''Chart Properties''' form '''Time Axis''' tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab''' '''in the '''Curtain Colors:''' control sub-group as shown below:
An easy way to differentiate between days is to '''edit''' some of the '''colors''' for the remaining '''Daily Curtains''' in the '''Chart Properties''' form '''Time Axis''' tab’s '''Format '''sub-tab''' '''in the '''Curtain Colors:''' control sub-group as shown below:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(28G)-05172018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:a) Above, '''Monday''', '''Wednesday''', and '''Friday''' are the only days '''shown'''.  The remaining days have their '''Show Days:''' checkboxes unchecked or '''OFF'''.
:b) When the above '''edits''' are '''applied''', the chart looks like this:
Above, '''Monday''', '''Wednesday''', and '''Friday''' are the only days '''shown'''.   The remaining days have their '''Show Days:''' checkboxes unchecked or '''OFF'''.
====Setting Transparency and Border Colors for Alternating Color Daily Curtains====
When the above '''edits''' are '''applied''', the chart looks like this:
4) To make changes to '''Daily Curtain transparency''' and '''color '''use the sub-group controls in the '''Format Days of the Week and Working Times''' control group for '''globally''' setting the '''transparency '''and '''border colors''' for '''Daily Curtains''' as shown below in this example:
===Setting Transparency and Border Colors for Alternating Color Daily Curtains===
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(28I)-05172018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:a) If you take the chart above and '''edit''' the '''Daily Curtain Transparency '''to 75 percent, the chart looks like this:
To make changes to '''Daily Curtain transparency''' and '''color '''use the sub-group controls in the '''Format Days of the Week and Working Times''' control group for '''globally''' setting the '''transparency '''and '''border colors''' for '''Daily Curtains''' as shown below in this example:
:b) In the chart above, the '''Daily Curtains''' look lighter.  However, if there is a '''background image''', it stands out more while not diminishing the value of the '''Daily Curtains'''.
If you take the chart above and '''edit''' the '''Daily Curtain Transparency '''to 75 percent, the chart looks like this:
5) To create '''borders '''for these '''Daily Curtains''', you need to select a '''color''' for the '''borders '''using the dropdown standard '''Color Chooser'''.
:a) If you want a '''red border''' you can use the Standard '''Color Chooser '''to make the selection shown below:
In the chart above, the '''Daily Curtains''' look lighter.  However, if there is a '''background image''', it stands out more while not diminishing the value of the '''Daily Curtains'''.  To create '''borders '''for these '''Daily Curtains''', you need to select a '''color''' for the '''borders '''using the dropdown standard '''Color Chooser'''.  If you want a '''red border''' you can use the standard '''Color Chooser '''to make the selection shown below:
<center>&lt;P61-0_4_1_9-61-(28K)-05172018.png&gt; - Replace with Updates Screenshot</center>
:b) After''' Applying''' the '''edit''' to the chart, it looks like this:
After''' Applying''' the '''edit''' to the chart, it looks like this:
6) '''Daily Curtains''' are not listed in '''The Grid''', they cannot be '''selected''' with the mouse, and they cannot be '''mavericked''' or '''edited'''. '''Daily Curtains''' can only be '''edited''' with the controls discussed above.
'''Daily Curtains''' are '''not listed in The Grid''', they cannot be '''selected''' with the mouse, and they cannot be '''mavericked''' or '''edited'''.   '''Daily Curtains''' can only be '''edited''' with the controls discussed above.
==Related Links==
==Related Links==
[[Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro]] 22.1.7-70
[[Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.1.7-70-->
[[Showing and Hiding Time Axis Levels and Cells for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Showing and Hiding Time Axis Levels and Cells for OnePager Pro]] 22.3.3-70
[[Showing and Hiding Time Axis Levels and Cells for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Showing and Hiding Time Axis Levels and Cells for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.3-70-->
[[The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] 22.3.7-70
[[The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.7-70-->
[[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] 22.3.9-70
[[The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.3.9-70-->
[[Editing Time Axes with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Editing Time Axes with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro]] 22.4.1-70
[[Editing Time Axes with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Editing Time Axes with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.4.1-70-->
[[Manual Editing the Time Axis for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Manual Editing the Time Axis for OnePager Pro]] 22.4.3-70
[[Manual Editing the Time Axis for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Manual Editing the Time Axis for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.4.3-70-->
[[The Custom Date Format Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Custom Date Format Feature for OnePager Pro]] 22.5.1-70
[[The Custom Date Format Feature for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | The Custom Date Format Feature for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.1-70-->
[[Managing Working Hours and Non-Working Hours for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Managing Working Hours and Non-Working Hours for OnePager Pro]] 22.5.3-70
[[Managing Working Hours and Non-Working Hours for OnePager Pro for Version 7.0 | Managing Working Hours and Non-Working Hours for OnePager Pro]] <!--22.5.3-70-->

Latest revision as of 16:12, 19 January 2021


Daily Curtains is a feature of OnePager that allows you to add colored Curtains throughout the chart for specific days of the week. The Daily Curtains feature is useful when it is important to visualize a particular day or days in a week that have special meaning.

The most common usage is to display Daily Curtains for weekend days.

Daily Curtains - An Example

Typically, Daily Curtains are used in charts where the timeline is short, say a few weeks or less as shown below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(1)-11112020.png

For example, if you go to the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Format sub-tab you can assign different colors to Sunday and Saturday in the Days of the Week and Non-Working Times control group as is done below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(2)-11112020.png

When these settings are Applied to the chart, it looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(3)-11112020.png

Limitations Of Daily Curtains

Daily Curtains cannot be manually selected or edited in the chart with a left or right-click. However, the properties of all Daily Curtains as a group can be edited by accessing the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Format sub-tab’s Days of the Week and Non-Working Times control group. Daily Curtains also do not appear as entries in The Grid. Daily Curtains can be eliminated from the chart by editing their color selection in the OnePager standard Color Chooser to No Fill. Daily Curtains are snapshot-independent.

The Template Properties form Time Axis tab’s Format sub-tab has identical controls as the Chart Properties form where you can manage Daily Curtains at a global level.

The intent of this article is to provide the information essential for you to create, edit, and manage Daily Curtains in the chart.

Using The Daily Curtain Feature

Daily Curtains are useful in charts that are focused on short timespans or resolutions down to the week, day, or hour levels of timespan granularity. Daily Curtains provide the opportunity to highlight these timespans with color. Control over the Daily Curtain feature is provided in the Format sub-tab of the Chart Properties Time Axis tab that looks like this:

P70-21 17 1-70-(3)-10242020.png

There are two control groups on this sub-tab for controlling the visualization of Days of the Week and Non-Working Times and a control group for creating, editing, and tracking Curtains and Timespans.

The Days of the Week and Working Times Control Group

The Days of the Week and Non-Working Times control group has four sets of control sub-groups for enhancing the focus on Days of the Week, Working Hours, and Non-Working Hours.

P70-22 5 5-70-(5)-11112020.png

Show or Hide Selected Days of the Week

The default setting specified in the checkboxes shown above (No-1) in this control group is the checked or ON value. When these checkboxes are checked ON, those Days of the Week are shown in the chart even if there is no color selection. If a checkbox is unchecked or OFF, the unchecked Day of the Week is hidden.


Not showing a day of the week using these controls also hides the day in the Time Axis Levels. To prevent complete voiding of the chart, at least one of the Days of the Week checkboxes must be checked ON. If all Days of the Week checkboxes are unchecked or OFF, OnePager provides the warning message shown here:

P70-22 5 5-70-(6)-11112020.png

Hiding Weekend Days - An Example

Suppose you have a chart as shown below that shows just the days of the month of December 2019:

P70-22 5 5-70-(7)-11112020.png

Further, suppose you want to hide the weekend days. You can do this by making the following edits to the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Format sub-tab as shown below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(8)-11112020.png

In the above illustration, the edits entail unchecking the Sunday and Saturday checkboxes. No other edit action is required. When these two edits are applied to the chart by clicking the Chart Properties form’s Apply or OK button, the chart looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(9)-11112020.png

Adding Colors to Selected Daily Curtains - An Example

The example above can be displayed in a different way by continuing to show all Days of the Week, but coloring the weekend days with Daily Curtains. If you change the controls slightly in the sub-tab by rechecking the checkboxes for Sunday and Saturday and select colors (No-2) for these two weekend days, the sub-tab looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(10)-11112020.png

Selecting a color involves clicking the standard Color Chooser dropdown next to the day of the week checkbox and selecting the color from the Color Chooser form. Applying these edits alters the chart to look like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(11)-11112020.png

Adding color for Daily Curtains requires that the Show Days checkboxes be checked ON. If the checkboxes are not checked or OFF, the colors and the Daily Curtains are not shown.

Editing Transparency for All Daily Curtains - An Example

Transparency for all Daily Curtains (No-3) can be edited by resetting the Daily Curtain Transparency percent setting. To make Daily Curtains more transparent increase the percentage setting in the Daily Curtain Transparency window as shown below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(12)-11112020.png

Applying this edit by clicking the Apply button on the Chart Properties form alters the chart’s Daily Curtains to look like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(13)-11112020.png

Designate a Color for Daily Curtain Borders - An Example

Borders (No-4) can also be erected around all Daily Curtains by using the Daily Curtain Border: Standard Color Chooser dropdown to select a color. In this example, the color black is chosen for all Daily Curtain Border: associated with the weekends:

P70-22 5 5-70-(14)-11112020.png

Applying the selected color to the Daily Curtain Borders by clicking the Apply button on the Chart Properties form alters the chart as shown below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(15)-11112020.png

Daily Curtains are not listed in the Curtains and Timespans Grid. Daily Curtains cannot be selected with the mouse and cannot be mavericked or edited. Editing Daily Curtains is only possible using the techniques discussed above.

Other Examples

Daily Curtains for Weekdays

Suppose you select to have alternating days of the week showing a blue color for the chart below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(16)-11112020.png

To put in alternating Daily Curtains for the chart above, edit the Curtain Colors: dropdowns so they look like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(17)-11112020.png

After the controls above are configured, click the Apply or OK button in the Chart Properties form and the chart looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(18)-11112020.png

Caution When Checking/Unchecking Show Days: Checkboxes

Care must be taken when checking and unchecking the checkboxes for the Show Days: sub-group of controls. These checkboxes are checked ON as the default setting so their respective Days of the Week are shown. If one or more of these checkboxes are unchecked or OFF, the day of the week associated with the unchecked checkbox is not shown and there is a gap in the timeline.

For example, if you retain the light blue color but uncheck those checkboxes for which there is the No-fill color selected, the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Format sub-tab looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(19)-11112020.png

When these edits are applied to the chart above, it looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(20)-11112020.png

Using Alternating Colors for Daily Curtains

An easy way to differentiate between days is to edit some of the colors for the remaining Daily Curtains in the Chart Properties form Time Axis tab’s Format sub-tab in the Curtain Colors: control sub-group as shown below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(21)-11112020.png

Above, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the only days shown. The remaining days have their Show Days: checkboxes unchecked or OFF.

When the above edits are applied, the chart looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(22)-11112020.png

Setting Transparency and Border Colors for Alternating Color Daily Curtains

To make changes to Daily Curtain transparency and color use the sub-group controls in the Format Days of the Week and Working Times control group for globally setting the transparency and border colors for Daily Curtains as shown below in this example:

P70-22 5 5-70-(23)-11112020.png

If you take the chart above and edit the Daily Curtain Transparency to 75 percent, the chart looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(24)-11112020.png

In the chart above, the Daily Curtains look lighter. However, if there is a background image, it stands out more while not diminishing the value of the Daily Curtains. To create borders for these Daily Curtains, you need to select a color for the borders using the dropdown standard Color Chooser. If you want a red border you can use the standard Color Chooser to make the selection shown below:

P70-22 5 5-70-(25)-11112020.png

After Applying the edit to the chart, it looks like this:

P70-22 5 5-70-(26)-11112020.png

Daily Curtains are not listed in The Grid, they cannot be selected with the mouse, and they cannot be mavericked or edited. Daily Curtains can only be edited with the controls discussed above.

Related Links

Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro

Showing and Hiding Time Axis Levels and Cells for OnePager Pro

The Non-Linear Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro

The Floating Time Axis Feature for OnePager Pro

Editing Time Axes with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro

Manual Editing the Time Axis for OnePager Pro

The Custom Date Format Feature for OnePager Pro

Managing Working Hours and Non-Working Hours for OnePager Pro
