ADDING a Snapshot via Push Update - OnePager Pro Add-in for Version 7.0

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1) During the course of a project, work is accomplished, new tasks start, other tasks are finished, and, from time to time, dates are adjusted.

a) These occurrences are usually picked up as part of a regular reporting process.
b) When updated, the Microsoft Project source plan becomes the source for reporting schedule updates.

2) OnePager uses the updated Microsoft Project source plan to add snapshots to record how the project changes between reporting periods.

3) One method that the OnePager Add-in uses is called the Push Update.

a) By push we mean that the updated Microsoft Project source plan is Pushed to OnePager.
b) This distinction is important since OnePager also enables the Pull Update method. (See article: ADDING a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Pro 7.15.2-70 for a discussion of the Pull method for adding a snapshot to a chart.

4) The scenario for accomplishing this periodic process is shown below:

P70-7 7 1-70-(1)-08092019.png


1) Launch Microsoft Project and bring up a Microsoft Project source plan containing updated information. Launch OnePager Pro from the Microsoft Project tool bar.

2) Select the UPDATE button on the OnePager Pro Start form as shown below:

P70-7 7 1-70-(2)-08092019.png

3) Clicking the UPDATE button displays a list of recently-used charts and the word BROWSE FILES… option.

a) Select the desired chart as shown above and OnePager accesses the OnePager choices (OPC) form shown here:
P70-7 7 1-70-(2A)-08092019.png
b) Select the NEW snapshot at date: radio button and use the calendar dropdown list to select the date for this snapshot as shown here:
P70-7 7 1-70-(3)-08092019.png
P60-7 7 1-60-(3)-01302017.png
c) Then, click Next> or New depending on whether the Show field mappings checkbox is checked. OnePager takes the Microsoft Project source plan data under the control of the Flag/Number field and produce a new snapshot in the chart at the date selected.

4) Once the updated chart is open, you can edit, save, and copy the chart to a Microsoft PowerPoint slide or elsewhere as described previously.

5) When you save the chart, the newly created snapshot is stored in the chart’s .TAM file along with all its other snapshots. A chart can contain as many snapshots as you like.

6) Some care needs to be taken to make sure that the update uses the correct flag setting. The chart is designed to remember which flag setting, so the updates are consistent unless you accidentally change the flag. When there are multiple Flag/Number fields in a Microsoft Project source plan from which OnePager imports data, it’s a good idea to glance at the flag setting before hitting the large New button.

Related Links

Creating a NEW Chart via Pull Operation - OnePager Pro 7.13.1-70

Creating a NEW Chart via Pull Operation - OnePager Express 7.13.2-70

REPLACING a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Pro 7.14.1-70

REPLACING a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Express 7.14.2-70

ADDING a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Pro 7.15.1-70

ADDING a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Express 7.15.2-70

Custom Update (Replacing) of a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Pro 7.16.1-70

Custom Update (Replacing) of a Snapshot via Pull Operation - OnePager Express 7.16.2-70

Using the OnePager "Data" Tab's "Selected file(s)" Button 7.17.1-70
