Using the OnePager Wiki

From OnePager Documentation
Revision as of 16:47, 18 July 2022 by Rfeingold (Talk | contribs) (Related Links)

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The purpose of this article is to provide you with guidance on how to use the OnePager Wiki to help you answer questions on OnePager product’s controls, features, functions, and forms. All this information is contained in the OnePager Wiki organized to speed your access to what you need and improve your command of the OnePager series of products.


The OnePager Wiki is organized by OnePager product series version. That is, the OnePager Wiki includes OnePager product series documentation for Versions 6.0 through 7.2.

On the OnePager Wiki’s Main Page you can choose between OnePager product series versions. We recommend using a mouse right-click to select the article series into a new browser tab.

Clicking on the OnePager product series version link takes you to that series’ Index page which contains links to all top level articles organized from top to bottom into sub-sections. This organizational method is based on how you might typically approach using OnePager. The top level articles are organized into the sub-sections listed below:

  • Overview
  • What’s New in this Release
  • Installing and Licensing OnePager
  • First Things
  • Ways to Make a Chart
  • About the Chart Properties Form
  • Ways to Make Changes to Your Chart
  • About OnePager Templates
  • Getting Help
  • Other Resources

These top level articles are shown for Version 7.1 in the illustration below:

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Tools for Using the OnePager Wiki

There are several tools to help you navigate through the OnePager Wiki to locate the information you need. What follows are a series of sub-sections that describe each tool.

Content Boxes

Please note that the Index page above has a Contents box in the upper left corner. This Contents box has the top level links and lower level links appearing in the article you accessed. Each entry in the Contents box is an active link to a sub-section within the article and you can use these links to jump to the sub-section in one of two ways:

  • Left-click the link in the Contents box to go directly to the sub-section in your current browser tab.
  • Right-click the link in the Contents box to go to the sub-section in a new tab after selecting the browser context menu command to do so.

Articles Organized into Levels

Again using the illustration above, the page is sub-divided into sub-sections with a top level heading followed by a solid line crossing underneath across the page. The illustration above shows only the top level, so below is an example of a Contents box showing three levels of links that comprise the sample article.

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All these links are clickable as described above using either a left-click for direct access or the right-click for access through a new browser tab.

Referencing the Index page again, there are a few things to point out using the illustration below:

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The Contents box shows the first entry (1.Overview) as a link pointing to the level 1 sub-section Heading. Clicking the “1.Overview” link takes you directly to this level 1 sub-section heading in the article itself.

Link Tables

Further down there are two links enclosed in a single line box. The box is a link table where the left-most link is a link to the website and the second or right-most link is a link to another article in the OnePager Wiki.

Link tables are used throughout the OnePager Wiki to group together links to related articles, that is, articles that cover the same general topic. A link table may have one or more columns where the rows in the column represents a series of controls, features, or functions and each column is for a different product in the OnePager product series.

Portal Articles

Looking at the level 1 sub-section heading called “Installing and Licensing OnePager” there is a link table containing six links where the top three links are suffixed with the phrase “(Portal)”. This phrase is used in the OnePager Wiki to designate an article that is itself an index to articles within its hierarchy providing access more subordinate articles and information.

As an example, the Chart Properties form is a multi-tab form and the Portal article that contains the table of links to articles further explaining the various Chart Properties form’s tab is shown here:

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Left or Right-Clicking any of the links in the table shown above takes you to the article describing that Chart Properties form’s tab.

Navigating through Articles

Article Table of Contents Box

As discussed in a previous section, the article’s Contents box is a set of links that can take you directly to the top level and a sub-section level of the article. This is illustrated below by the Contents box for the “Main” article under the “Editing with the Chart Properties form for Version 7.1 (Portal)” article shown previously:

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Looking at this Contents box gives you a picture of how articles are organized. First, there is a high level section that discusses the purpose and content of the article and usually provides a screenshot of the form or other object that the article is going to cover. If the article is covering the controls associated with a form, tab or sub-tab, the next sub-sections are organized on the basis of how the form, tab, or sub-tab is organized. Each control group or sub-control groups control is then described supported with additional screenshots and, where appropriate, examples.

Article Content Organization

OnePager is available in three series: OnePager Pro supporting Microsoft Project source plans; OnePager Express supporting Microsoft Excel source plans; and OnePager Bundle supporting Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Oracle Primavera P6, and Smartsheet source plans. Additionally, OnePager Pro and OnePager Express have editions where access to the OnePager application is available as both an Add-in and Standalone. For OnePager Bundle, the application can be accessed via the Add-in edition for Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel source plan types and via the Standalone edition for ALL available source plan types.

In order to keep the OnePager Wiki at a manageable size for navigation, we’ve organized the OnePager Wiki so that topics that are focused on capabilities and functions. This means that an article discussing a chart editing feature, for example, uses illustrations/examples from OnePager Pro but applies as well to charts created from Microsoft Excel, Oracle Primavera P6, and Smartsheet. Where features significantly differ on the basis of source plan type a separate article for that source plan type is either embedded in the primary article as a sub-section or a separate article is provided. Consulting the Contents box is helpful in finding information specific to a source plan type.

The Contents box should be consulted as well to determine if source plan dependent information is embedded within the article. Additionally, we recommend reading the beginning of each article in order to get an idea of its scope of coverage.

Article Text and Illustrations

The OnePager Wiki relies on using screenshots of OnePager forms, sub-forms, tabs, sub-tabs, ribbon tool bar tabs, dropdown menus, right-click context menus, checkboxes, left-click selection actions, left-click button actions, and charts.

Text within an article provides an introduction to the screenshot that follows and an explanation of the content of the screenshot below the screenshot itself. Where lists are provided in the article’s text, these are either numbered or designated in the manner to show a sequence.

Key words and phrases are in bold font for emphasis consistently in all OnePager Wiki articles.

Article Internal Links

Within any OnePager Wiki article there may be various types of links, some of which were discussed above. These various link types include links to:

  • Subordinate articles in a series
  • Sub-sections within an article either in the current article you are reading or in another article either in the same series or a different series.
  • website resources such as:
    • Tutorials
    • How To Articles
    • OnePager Blog Posts
    • Support Resources
    • Trouble Ticket Submission Pages
    • Emails to Support
    • Support Contact Information
  • Microsoft website resources pages
  • Related Articles (discussed above)
  • Lists of articles in specified Categories (discussed in a follow on sub-section)

Links are placed in articles where the context of the article is deemed most appropriate for the subject being covered. Additionally, when several related links are appropriate, they are represented in link tables that are centered in the page so they standout. All links are underlined and are in bold font.

Scrolling through an Article

After accessing the desired OnePager Wiki article page, going through the article is just like reading through any website page in your browser. Articles are opened at the top of the article at the title line and typically show the title line with the upper most portion of the article above the Contents box if it is created for the article. (Articles with four or more section/sub-section headings have Contents boxes.)

Many internal OnePager Wiki links connect directly to a section or sub-section within an article. Clicking one of these links takes you to the top of the section or sub-section in that article. For this reason we recommend the Right-Click method of access so that you can return to the link location by simply closing the browser tab created by the Right-Click access method.

Related Links Sub-Section

In the majority of articles there is a high level sub-section at the very end of the article called “Related Links” which contains links to several other articles and/or external links to the website where further information on the subject can be found. These links are useful for gaining further understanding of the primary subject area you are investigating and, in most cases, provide additional examples. An example of a “Related Links” sub-section is shown below:

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Our recommendation when using these links is to access them with the Right-Click method so that the article you are linking to is in a new browser tab and you don’t lose your place in the article you are currently referencing. If you use the Left-Click method you can always use the browser back arrow to return to the original article.

Other Resources Sub-Section

Some articles include a sub-section at the end of the article titled “Other Resources”. Typically this sub-section contains links to website pages or relevant pages in other available websites as shown here:

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These links are particularly useful when a quick overview of a subject is desired.


At the very end of each OnePager Wiki article, after the “Related Links” sub-section, there is a sub-section labeled “Categories”. Left or Right-clicking on any “Category” link takes you to a OnePager Wiki page that lists all articles indexed within that “Category” in alphabetical order. The alphabetical list of articles in the selected “Category” includes all articles in the OnePager Wiki; so articles from all available OnePager product series versions are listed.

The “Category” section of a typical article is shown below:

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Clicking any of the links in the table of Category links at the end of an article generates the alphabetical list of related article links as shown below in the sample page:

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Left or Right-clicking any of the links in the “Category” page takes you directly to that article. Please note that the page above show related articles from all relevant OnePager product series versions.

The Search Function

There are two search windows provided with the OnePager Wiki. The first is available on the Main Page as shown here:

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The second is the page search as shown below for a typical OnePager Wiki page:

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The results of a search on any “search argument” returns links to articles where the search argument appears in the article’s title and where the search argument appears in the text of the article itself as illustrated below:

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The “Search” function in the OnePager Wiki returns ALL matches found in the OnePager Wiki. Since the OnePager Wiki consists of articles for four (4) OnePager product series versions, all articles and text matches for all versions are returned. Typically, searching on a capability, function, feature, form, or tab search argument returns a large number of references.

References returned from a typical search returns many pages of links. In most cases the order of links returned for Page title matches is by the date of last update. Accordingly, the order is usually from the oldest OnePager product series version to the newest (i.e., Version 6.0 to 7.1). Given this organization, you may have to page through the search result pages to find specifically what you need. The tool for paging through the search results pages is supported by controls at the bottom of the search results page as shown here:

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Typically twenty (20) entries per page is used most often.

Other Tools

On the upper right side of each OnePager Wiki page below the OnePager Wiki logo is a set of links to various pages in the website. You can access these website pages from any page in the OnePager Wiki where there are no convenient links provided. This set of links is shown below from the OnePager Wiki Main Page:

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Related Links

OnePager Version 7.2 OnePager Version 7.1 OnePager Version 7.0 OnePager Version 6.1 OnePager Version 6.0
