Legend Tab for Version 7.0 (OnePager Pro)

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About the Legend Tab for OnePager Pro and Express

1) The Legend tab for the Chart Properties form looks like this:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(2)-10102019.png

2) As with the Template form’s Legend tab, the controls in the Chart Properties form’s Legend tab are not enabled and cannot be edited until the Show legend checkbox is checked On.

3) In the sub-sections that follow, each of the control groups and controls are discussed in detail.

Layout Control Group

4) The Layout control group consists of two radio buttons that position the Legend either vertically in the chart or horizontally in the chart.

5) The default setting is Vertical and OnePager positions the Legend, when shown, in the upper right corner of the graph.

6) The illustration below shows the Legend with the Horizontal radio button selected.

P70-15 3 1-70-(3)-10102019.png

7) OnePager initially positions the Horizontal Legend at the bottom of the graph.

8) You can perform all the re-positioning, resizing, and editing operations on the Horizontal Legend as are available for the Vertical Legend.

9) Additionally, the Horizontal Legend’s context menu can be accesses as well as each individual Legend Item’s context menu and all allowable edits can be made.

10) The Horizontal Legend can be reconfigured to the Vertical Legend at any time and any edits made to the Horizontal Legend are retained in the Vertical Legend.

Legend-Item and Legend-Title Font Editing Controls

11) There are two sets of controls for editing font properties of the Legend-items and Legend-title.

12) For both sets of controls, clicking the dropdown button in the window to the immediate right of the control’s label access the standard Font properties form as shown below:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(4)-10102019.png

13) There are six (6) controls in the Font properties form shown above which are standard in most applications involving text editing.

14) These controls include:

a) Font Style, implemented as a dropdown list, includes the font styles installed on your computer.
b) The Size control is a dial window where you can either click up or down or type in a desired font size integer value.
c) Clicking the Color dropdown accesses the standard Color Chooser form.
d) The Bold button is a toggle that sets the selected text string as Bold text.
e) The Italics button, also a toggle, sets the selected text string as Italic text.
f) The Underline button operates as a toggle that sets the selected text strings Underline.

Legend Position Controls

15) The Legend position control group consists of a dropdown selection list and eight (8) radio buttons. The four (4) selection options for the dropdown list as shown below:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(5)-10102019.png

16) The detailed discussion and proper use of these controls can be found at this article: Legend Position Options for Multi-Page Outputs 15.2.1-70

Legend Width and Height Resizing Controls

17) There two controls are for editing the width and length of the Legend box in the chart as shown below

File:P70-15 1 1-70-(10)-10092019.png

18) Legend resizing using the controls in the Legend tab of the Chart Properties form is done exactly like using the corresponding controls for the Comment box at the Chart Properties form's Comment Boxes tab.

19) Given the similarity, detailed instructions for using the resizing controls shown for the Comment box can be found at this link: Creating and Managing Comment Boxes-Box Size Controls for Comment Boxes. 13.0.1-70

Background Color Controls

20) The Background color controls for the Legend are positioned below the Width and Height controls shown in the illustration above.

21) Clicking the window’s dropdown button accesses the standard Color Chooser form.

22) You can use the standard Color Chooser form to select a background color for the Legend as well as use employ the No fill feature to give the Legend an appearance of transparency.

23) As with resizing the Legend, the controls and approach for using the No fill feature is the same as the approach for Comment boxes.

24) Detailed instructions for using the No fill controls shown for the Comment box can be found at this link: Creating and Managing Comment Boxes-Using the No fill Feature. 13.0.1-70

Controlling Duplication of Legend Items

25) The OnePager Legend can show all task shapes and milestone symbols even if several of them have the same Color and Shape.

a) This often resulted in unnecessarily busy-looking Legends.
b) There is a control in the Template and Chart Properties forms at the Legend tab giving you a checkbox to specifically tell OnePager Do not duplicate task/milestones items in the Legend regardless of their differences in color and/or shape.

26) This is shown in the Chart Properties form’s Legend tab below:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(6)-10102019.png

27) As an example, the Legend below shows both a blue milestone symbol item and blue task shape with the Do not duplicate tasks/milestones checkbox checked Off:

P70-15 3 1-70-(7)-10102019.png

28) When the checkbox is checked On, only the task shape for each color appears in the Legend.

29) Legend items for milestone symbols can be suppressed by checking the Do not duplicate tasks/milestones checkbox is checked On as shown below:

P70-15 3 1-70-(8)-10102019.png

30) On occasion, it can become necessary when checking the Do not duplicate tasks/milestones checkbox On and Off to right-click on the Legend and then click the Rebuild Legend command in the context menu as shown below:

P70-15 3 1-70-(9)-10102019.png

31) Performing this action tells OnePager to rescan the graph and rebuild the Legend to assure that the appearance of the Legend corresponds to the information displayed in the Chart Editor.

Make Title Automatically and Legend Title

32) The Make title automatically checkbox, when checked On (the default setting), tells OnePager to automatically generate the Legend title based on the Microsoft Project source plan field name selected for Task Bar/Milestone Fill Color on the Task Bars or Milestone tabs on the Chart Properties form shown here:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(10)-10102019.png

33) When the checkbox is checked Off, as shown below, the Legend title window under the Make title automatically checkbox is enabled and you can enter any desired Legend title for the Legend box displayed in the chart.

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(11)-10102019.png

34) If the above illustrated edits are applied, the Legend looks like this:

P70-15 3 1-70-(12)-10102019.png

35) If the Make title automatically checkbox is subsequently rechecked On, the Legend title window is disabled.

36) Its edited contents may remain in the window and the title of the Legend in the chart reverts to the Legend title selected for Task Bar/Milestone Fill Color on the Task Bars or Milestone tabs on the Chart Properties form as shown here:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(13)-10102019.png

37) The Make title automatically checkbox and the Legend title window are disabled on the Template form’s Legend tab.

Show Legend On: Control Group

38) The Show legend on: control group is provided to give you specific control over where the Legend is to appear on multi-page outputs.

39) The default setting in the Template and Chart Properties form’s Legend tab is All pages.

40) You can click the Pages radio button in the control group to enable the entry of specific output page numbers or series of page numbers in the window to the immediate right of the radio button.

41) The entry window accepts:

a) Single integer digit values separated by a comma.
b) A starting page number followed by a dash and an ending page number.
c) Combinations of these are acceptable if separated by a comma as shown below:
File:P70-15 3 1-70-(14)-10102019.png

Show or Hide Legend Elements Control Group

42) The Show or hide legend elements control group provides options for how the Legend can be configured in the chart.

43) The Show or hide legend elements control group is shown here:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(15)-10102019.png

44) The default settings in the Template and Chart Properties form’s Legend tab is to have the Title and Color/symbol items checkboxes checked On.

45) When the Gantt-bar diagram checkbox is checked On, with the Title and Color/symbol items checkboxes checked On as well, the Legend looks like this:

P70-15 3 1-70-(16)-10102019.png

46) When the Gantt-bar diagram and Milestone diagram checkboxes are checked On, with the Title and Color/symbol items checkboxes checked On, the Legend looks like this:

P70-15 3 1-70-(17)-10102019.png

Freeze Legend When Updating

47) The Freeze legend when updating checkbox, where the default setting is Off, prevents the Legend from being updated if new tasks or milestone items are found by OnePager when you add or replace a snapshot.

48) To prevent or freeze legend updates, check the Freeze legend when updating checkbox to On in the Chart Properties form’s Legend tab as shown below:

File:P70-15 3 1-70-(18)-10102019.png

Related Links

Managing the Legend in the Chart 15.1.1-70

Legend Editing Controls for OnePager Pro 15.3.1-70

Legend Editing Controls for OnePager Express 15.3.2-70

Legend Position Options for Multi-Page Outputs 15.2.1-70

The Chart Legend (Portal) 15.0.1-70

Conditional Import Filters (Portal) 7.18.1-70

Creating Multi-Page Charts (Portal) 8.6.1-70

Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal) 9.0.1-70

Creating and Managing Comment Boxes. 13.0.1-70

Creating and Managing Free Boxes-Resizing a Free Box 14.0.1-70
