Conditional Formatting for Version 7.1 (Portal)

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Introduction to Conditional Formatting in OnePager

This series of article describes OnePager’s Conditional Formatting features. Illustrations used in this article are from OnePager Pro using data from Microsoft Project but the feature's function, controls, and manual edits apply equally to other OnePager editions that import from data sources like Microsoft Excel, Smartsheet, and Oracle Primavera P6.

About Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting allows you to define a set of rules that alter the look of your chart as the data in your source plan changes.

It goes beyond the dynamic color-coding feature described in the article at: Task Bars Tab

The following elements can be defined by using conditional formatting rules:

  • Shape (task bar or milestone symbol)
  • Color (foreground color and background color)
  • Fill Pattern (gradient and hash fill patterns)
  • Height %
  • Border Style
  • Label Font Properties
  • Label Position
  • Legend Text
  • Priority

To go directly to the list of detailed articles for Conditional Formatting for OnePager, click here: Related Links

Conditional Formatting Controls

You can define conditional formatting rules either before or after you create new chart. To create rules before you create a chart, use the Template Properties form by navigating to the Task Bars or Milestones tab and navigating to the Conditional Formatting control group as shown below in the OnePager Pro Template Properties form:

P71-11 0 1-71-(1-1)-03142022.png

Clicking the Manage Rules... button in this control group accesses the Conditional Formatting Rules form where you can add, edit, and delete conditional formatting rules.

Detailed articles are provided to assist you with using the Conditional Formatting feature for OnePager below: Related Links

The same Conditional Formatting control group is available in the OnePager Chart Properties form as well as the Template Properties form.

Conditional Formatting Example

As an example, the following chart, used throughout this Wiki, is shown below with the application of Conditional Formatting rules to vary the shapes used for tasks to indicate the Resource Name associated with each task shape shown.

P70-11 0 1-(2)-06052020.png

To achieve this result in the chart, below is the simple set of Conditional Formatting Rules used:

P71-11 0 1-71-(3)-01072022.png

Related Links

The articles listed in the table below describe OnePager’s Conditional Formatting feature. Illustrations used in these articles are from OnePager Pro but the feature's function, controls, and manual edits apply equally to OnePager Express and OnePager Bundle.

Conditional Formatting Overview
Adding Conditional Formatting Rules
Conditional Formatting with Boolean Fields
Managing Conditional Formatting Rules
Conditional Formatting Rules and the Legend
Conditional Formatting Rules and the Template
Summary of Conditional Formatting Actions

Basic Workflows (Portal)

Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal)

Modifying Decorations on Tasks/Milestones (Portal)

The Chart Legend (Portal)

Editing with the Chart Properties form (Portal)

Managing Templates (Portal)

Gallery of Dynamic Shapes and Emoji Symbols

Other Resources

Conditional Formatting Tutorial Video

Blog-Display Certainty in Your Plan by Using Conditional Formatting

Using Microsoft Project Flag Fields with OnePager Pro's Conditional Formatting Rules
