Linking Task and Milestones Using Manual and Data-Driven Task Links for Version 7.0
Introduction to the OnePager Task Links
OnePager Pro and Express always supported the creation and showing of Task Links (previously called Event Links). The process for creating and editing Event Links was limited and totally manual. What was not previously possible was the capability to import Predecessors data from your Microsoft Project or Excel source plan and have OnePager produce a chart with these dependencies graphically displayed. The two illustrations below show a simple Microsoft Project source plan with Predecessors data and the OnePager Pro chart created with the corresponding Task Links:

There are two sets of tables below contain links to detailed information on importing, managing, and editing Task Links: Links to All Detailed Task Link Articles
With OnePager Pro and Express you have the following enhanced capabilities.
Imported Task Link Data from Source Plans
Task Link information can be imported from both Microsoft Project and Microsoft Excel source plans and made available for display and editing in the chart. Task Links imported from source plans are called Data-driven Task Links. When discussing Data-driven Task Link imported from Microsoft Project, the capability is also supported to import Data-driven Task Links from Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft Project Online.
Task Link Editing
Task Link editing capabilities are expanded so that you have a greater variety of options for formatting Task Link arrow shapes, arrow sizes, connection line options, connection line corner radii, Task Link Dependency Types, and Vertical and Horizontal Anchor points on task/milestone shapes. Manual editing capabilities are also enhanced so you can perform drag and drop operations and edit the properties of any and all Task Links using enhanced Task Link formatting options.
Manual Task Links can be Daisy Chained, that is, you can select more than two task bars/milestone symbols and create a series (i.e., daisy chain) of manual Task Links connecting these task bars/milestone symbols. You have full control over Task Link formatting and which Task Links are shown or hidden in charts through the use of the new Task Links tabs on the Template and Chart Properties forms. There are Filtering control over showing (or hiding) Task Links provided in a new Task Links Filter Rules form. In a similar fashion to how OnePager assists you to manage hidden tasks, OnePager provides a Where Are My Links? form that lists Task Links specific to each snapshot and allows you to edit the show/hide status of any Task Link in a snapshot. You also have the capability to manually select a Task Link with a right-click and use task link right-click context menu to perform manual editing on the manual or Data-driven Task Link. You can perform enhanced editing of manual Task Link properties with the enhanced Task Link Properties form.
OnePager Express is enhanced such that you can import Dependency values on tasks from Microsoft Excel source plans where the syntax format selection for specifying predecessor relationships corresponds to the Microsoft Project standards or the syntax format selection used by Oracle’s Primavera P6.
Task Links Based On Predecessor Data
OnePager Pro and Express are designed to process Task Links that are specified as Predecessors ONLY. Although OnePager does not import Successor data from your source plan, successor information is the inverse on predecessor information found in your source plan. This approach guaranties that all your Data-driven Task Links are based on valid information from your Microsoft Project source plan.
Template Properties and Chart Properties Forms and Task Links
The Template Properties forms distributed with OnePager Pro and Express contain an enhanced Task Links tab with basic settings that can be tailored as needed. As with all Chart Properties tabs, the Task Links tab takes on the properties for Task Links based on the properties in the current Template Properties form. The properties in the Chart Properties form's Task Link tab can be edited at any time. Additionally, both Data-Driven and manual Task Links can be selected in the chart and edited individually.
Links to All Detailed Task Link Articles
Please use the Wiki article links below to access detailed information on the Data-driven Task Links feature and the enhancements made to manual Task Links in OnePager. The articles in the top set of links below provide you with an overview to the new Data-driven Task Link feature and the enhancements made to the existing manual Task Link capabilities. The articles in the bottom set of links below provide detailed information on the importation, management, and editing of both Data-Driven Task Links and manual Task Links.
Manual Task Link and Data-Driven Overview Articles
Importing, Managing, and Editing Data-Driven and Manual Task Links
Related Links
Conditional Import Filters (Portal)
Conditional Formatting (Portal)
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