Time Axis Tab for Version 7.0 (OnePager Pro)
About the Time Axis Tab
In OnePager Pro all the Time Axis controls are consolidated into a new Chart Properties form tab called the Time Axis tab. The Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab is almost identical to the same tab on the Template Properties form so the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab and its five (5) sub-tabs are used here for the illustrations and examples that follow.
The Time Axis tab is organized into five (5) sub-tabs that are described in the sub-sections that follow. Each sub-tab has its own control groups and sub-control groups. However, for the Top Level, Middle Level, and Bottom Level sub-tabs these control groups and sub-control groups are essentially the same.
The Format sub-tab contains several new features dealing with: (1) Day of the Week curtains, (2) Non-Working Time Curtains, (3) Defining Working and Non-Working Hours, and (4) A Grid for Managing Curtains and Timespans.
For access to articles that provide detailed information on the management of time axes, please see the table of links at: Links to All Detailed Time Axis Articles
Using the Chart Properties Form’s Time Axis Tab
In the following sub-sections contain illustrations showing the five (5) sub-tab for the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab:
Calendar Sub-Tab
The Calendar Sub-Tab looks like this:

Top, Middle, and Bottom Level Sub-Tabs
The Middle Level Sub-Tab, which is typical of the three such sub-tabs, looks like this:

Format Sub-Tab
The Format Sub-Tab looks like this:

For more information on editing with the Chart Properties form’s Time Axis tab and sub-tabs, please see the article at: Editing Time Axes with the Chart Properties Form for OnePager Pro
In this article, in the sub-sections that follow, are Wiki links to the detailed articles that discuss the various Sub-Tabs in the Chart Properties form's Time Axis tab in the order shown above.
Please use these links to connect to the details of the Time Axis controls available in the Chart Properties form.
Calendar Sub-Tab
There are three (3) control groups located in the Calendar Sub-Tab as shown here:

Reference links are provided to these control groups and their controls options below.
Date Boundaries Control Group
The Date Boundaries control group provides controls for setting the extent of the chart (i.e., Start/Finish Dates) and how OnePager Pro can adjust these dates automatically or under your specific control.
For more information on the controls related to Setting Start/Finish Boundary Dates, please see this section in the article at: Showing Different Units of Time for OnePager Pro - Editing the Chart’s Start/Finish Date Boundaries
For more information on the controls related to Automatically Adjusting the Timeline, please see this section in the article at: Changing the Chart’s Start/Finish Dates for OnePager Pro - Auto-Adjust Timeline Options
Calendar Settings Control Group
The Calendar Settings control group has the controls for setting up Fiscal Year representations and establishing Time Axis Labels that are Count Up and Count Down types.
This link connects you to the information on the controls in the Calendar Sub-Tab for controlling Fiscal Year representations: Using Fiscal Years and Weeks for OnePager Pro
This link connects you to the information on the controls in the Calendar Sub-Tab for controlling Count UP/DOWN representations: Creating Count Up and Down on the Time Axis for OnePager Pro
Format & Layout Control Group
The Format & Layout control group has three (3) separate controls.
- 1) For telling OnePager Pro to repeat the Time Axis on all output media pages.
- 2) For providing access to the Custom Date Format Feature.
- 3) For telling OnePager Pro where on the chart the you would like to locate the Time Axis either at the Top. Bottom. or both Top and Bottom of the graph.
The references that follow are links to additional information on the the controls discussed in the Format & Layout control group:
Creating Multi-Page Charts (Portal) |
The Custom Date Format Feature for OnePager Pro |
Top, Middle, and Bottom Sub-Tabs
The Top, Middle, and Bottom Level Time Axes are nearly identical and have four (4) control groups. The Middle Level Time Axis tab is shown below:

Show this level Checkbox
The Show this level checkbox controls the Showing/Hiding of each Time Axis Level. At least one Time Axis Level must be checked ON.
For more information on the Show this level checkbox, please see this section in the article at: Labeling Time Axis Levels for OnePager Pro - Editing Time Axis Labels Properties in the Chart Editor
Re-Order Levels
You have controls available in this set of Up and Down arrow buttons to alter the position of a Time Axis Level among the three levels available.
For more information on Re-ordering time axis levels, please see the article at: Switching Time Axis Levels for OnePager Pro
Labels Control Group
The Labels control group contains all the controls for labeling the various Time Axes with options for Years, Quarters, Months, etc. and various label formats that are standard plus the capability to define your own Custom Date Formats.
For more information on the use of Time Axis Labeling, please see the article at: Labeling the Corner for OnePager Pro
Formatting Control Group
The controls in the Formatting control group has three (3) Sub-Groups as follows:
The Borders sub-control group provides all the controls for defining borders around Time Axis including the line color, line width, and line dash-type. There are also controls for specifying Vertical Gridlines within the Time Axes and extending into the graph.
For more information on Time Axis Border Formatting, please see the article at: Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro
Background Colors
The Background Colors sub-control group provides the capability to define Background Colors for Time Axis Cells and to define the Fill Pattern for the specific Time Axis Level.
For more complete information on defining and using Background Colors and Fill Patterns for Time Axis Levels, please see the article at: Changing the Time Axis Background Color and Fill Pattern for OnePager Pro
The Size sub-control group provides the means to control the Height of the specified Time Axis Level Cells.
For more information on controlling Time Axis Level Height, please see this section in the article at: Changing the Time Axis Borders for OnePager Pro - Editing Time Axis Level Heights with the Size Control
Format Sub-Tab
The Format Sub-Tab has two (2) controls groups consisting of several sub-control groups in the first and a single set of controls called The Grid in the second as shown here:

Days of the Week and Non-Working Times Control Group
The three references below provide links to the major Sub-Control Groups in this first Control Group of the Format Sub-Tab of the Chart Properties form's Time Axis Tab:
Show Days: and Curtain Colors: and Working Hours
For more detailed information on the Show Days: and Curtain Colors: sub-controls group, please see the article section at: Creating, Editing, and Managing Time Axis Daily Curtains for OnePager Pro - The Days of the Week and Working Times Control Group
Curtains and Timespans (Grid) Control Group
The Curtains and Timespans control group contains the Curtains and Timespans Grid which is simply called The Grid here. This is the place where OnePager Pro tracks Timespans and Curtains that are manually created by editing in the chart. The Grid also has the capability to help you create, edit, and delete both Timespans and Curtain entries in The Grid.
For more information on the use of The Grid with respect to Timespans, please see this section in the article at: Showing and Hiding Time Axis Levels and Cells for OnePager Pro - Understanding The Timespans Grid in the Template and Chart Properties Form’s Time Axis-Format Sub-Tab
For more information on the use of "The Grid with respect to Curtains, please see the article at: Managing Inserted Curtains for OnePager Pro
Related Links
Creating Multi-Page Charts (Portal)
Modifying the Time Axis (Portal)