Conditional Formatting for Version 7.2 (Portal)

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Introduction to Conditional Formatting in OnePager

Illustrations used in this article are from OnePager Pro using data from Microsoft Project but the features, function, controls, and manual edits apply equally to other OnePager editions that import from data sources like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project for the Web, Smartsheet, Oracle Primavera P6, Planisware Enterprise, Asana, and Wrike.

This series of article describes OnePager’s Conditional Formatting features.

About Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting allows you to define a set of rules that enhance the look of your chart based upon the data contained in your source plan. As your source plan's data changes as the project progresses, the conditional formatting rules changes the look of the chart. There are three (3) sets of Conditional formatting rules in OnePager:

  • Conditional Formatting Rules for Tasks & Milestones
  • Conditional Formatting Rules for Text Columns & Rows
  • Conditional Formatting Rules for Swimlanes

Additionally, there are conditional formatting like rules associated with task links. These task link filtering rules allow you to set up rules governing the showing or hiding of task links in the chart. For more detailed information on Task Link Filtering Rules, please see the article at the link below:

Using Task Link Filtering Rules for Showing/Hiding Task Links

The primary purpose of this article is to describe the structure for locating and using detailed information on how the Conditional Formatting Rules for OnePager operate and how they can be used to enhance schedule conversations. The following sections are organized in accordance with the above list.

Conditional Formatting Rules for Tasks & Milestones

The controls for Conditional Formatting Rules for Tasks & Milestones are provided in the Template Properties form and Chart Properties form's Task Bar and Milestone tabs.

For more detailed information on these two sets of tabs, please use the links shown below:

Task Bars Tab
Milestones Tab

The following task bar/milestone symbol decoration properties (seventeen (17)) can be managed by using the Conditional Formatting Tasks & Milestones form:

  • Shape (task bar and milestone symbol)
  • Color (foreground color and background color)
  • Fill Pattern (gradient and hash fill patterns)
  • Transparency % (numeric value)
  • Height % (numeric value)
  • Border Style (color, width, line style)
  • Task Labels (position, font properties)
  • Date Labels (show/hide of start/finish, position of start/finish, font properties)
  • Task Representation (task bar, milestone-start, milestone-finish, default)
  • Percent Complete (show/hide thermometer bar, color of thermometer bar, show incomplete milestones as no-fill, show/hide checkmark on completed tasks)
  • Baselines (show/hide, color, shape for both milestones and task bars)
  • Critical Segments (show/hide, color)
  • Deadlines & Endpoints 1 through 4 (show/hide, symbol, custom color)
  • Legend Text (text value)
  • Priority (integer value)

For an example of the use of Conditional Formatting Tasks & Milestones form, please use the link shown below:

Task & Milestone Conditional Formatting Example

Please use the link below to access detailed articles pertaining to the Conditional Formatting Rules features provided by OnePager:

Links to All Detailed Conditional Formatting Articles

Conditional Formatting Rules for Text Columns & Rows

The controls for Conditional Formatting Rules for Text Columns & Rows are provided in the Template Properties form and Chart Properties form's Rows/Swimlanes tabs.

For more detailed information on the Rows/Swimlanes tab, please use the links found in the table that follows:

Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal)
Using Rows and Swimlanes

The following properties can be managed by using the Conditional Formatting Rules for Text Columns & Rows form:

  • Function (enabled only for timeline graphs)
  • Applies To (text columns Left#1 through Left#5)
  • Display As (text or symbol)
  • Symbol (shape or emoji)
  • Symbol color (shape color)
  • Symbol Border (color, width, line style)
  • Which Text (selected field or custom text)
  • Custom Text (entered text)
  • Label Font (font properties of custom text)
  • Cell Background (color)
  • Row Background (color)
  • Priority (integer value)

For an example of the use of Conditional Formatting Rules for Text Columns & Rows form, please use the link shown below:

Text Column and Rows Conditional Formatting Example

Please use the link below to access detailed articles pertaining to the Conditional Formatting Rules features provided by OnePager:

Links to All Detailed Conditional Formatting Articles

Conditional Formatting Rules for Swimlanes

The controls for Conditional Formatting Rules for Swimlanes are provided in the Template Properties form and Chart Properties form's Rows/Swimlanes tabs.

For more detailed information on the Rows/Swimlanes tab, please use the links found in the table that follows:

Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal)
Using Rows and Swimlanes

The following properties can be managed by using the Conditional Formatting Rules for Swimlanes form:

  • Label Font Properties
  • Swimlane Label Cell Background Color
  • Swimlane Background Color

For an example of the use of Conditional Formatting Rules for Swimlanes form, please use the link shown below:

Swimlanes Conditional Formatting Example

Please use the link below to access detailed articles pertaining to the Conditional Formatting Rules features provided by OnePager:

Links to All Detailed Conditional Formatting Articles

Links to All Detailed Conditional Formatting Articles

There are five (5) sets of links below organized to provide you with access to:

1) Articles that Overview Conditional Formatting Rule features
2) Articles describing Basic Conditional Formatting Rule features
3) Articles describing Intermediate Conditional Formatting Rule features
4) Articles covering Advanced Conditional Formatting Rule features
5) Articles describing Other Conditional Formatting Rule features

The articles shown in the table below provide conditional formatting and control instructions for OnePager Pro, One Pager Express, and OnePager Bundle.

Overview Articles

Conditional Formatting Overview
Adding Conditional Formatting Rules

Basic Conditional Formatting Rule Topics

Conditional Formatting with Boolean Fields
Managing Conditional Formatting Rules

Intermediate Conditional Formatting Rule Topics

Conditional Formatting Rules for Task Bar/Milestone Symbol Decorations
Conditional Formatting Rules for Text Columns and Rows
Conditional Formatting Rules for Swimlanes
Using Functions with Text Columns, Rows, and Swimlanes

Advanced Conditional Formatting Rule Topics

Changes to Snapshot-Dependent Properties for Conditional Formatting
Using Conditional Formatting Rules for Tracking Changes Between Snapshots
Visualizing Changes between Snapshots

Other Conditional Formatting Rule Topics

Conditional Formatting Rules and the Legend
Conditional Formatting Rules and the Template
Summary of Conditional Formatting Actions

Conditional Formatting Examples

Task & Milestone Conditional Formatting Example

As an example, the following chart, used throughout this Wiki, is shown below with the application of Conditional Formatting rules to vary the shapes used for task bars to indicate the Resource Name associated with each task bar shown.

P72-11 0 1-72-(2-1)-12082023.png

To achieve this result in the chart, below is the simple set of Conditional Formatting Rules used:

P72-11 0 1-72-(3-2)-08152023.png

The complete set of columns provided in the Conditional Formatting for Tasks & Milestones form for the Basic and Advanced sets are shown below. The function and use of these columns are explained in this series of articles.

Basic Set of Conditional Formatting Rules Columns for Tasks & Milestones
P72-11 0 1-72-(4-1)-06142023.png
Advanced Set of Conditional Formatting Rules Columns for Tasks & Milestones
P72-11 0 1-72-(4A)-06142023.png

The Conditional Formatting for Tasks & Milestones forms shown above were stretched to show all the columns in the illustrations. There is a horizontal scroll bar provided to bring columns to the right into view without stretching the form. Note that the On, Field, Operator, and Value columns remain fixed on the left side of the form in order to always keep them in view when you fill in the condition columns on the right side of the form.

Text Column and Rows Conditional Formatting Example

As an example of the Conditional Formatting for Text Columns & Rows form, the chart shown below has row text column Left#2 set up to display a circle symbol colored to convey the status of the %Complete value for each task bar shown in the chart.

P72-11 0 1-72-(5)-06142023.png

To achieve this result in the chart, below is the simple set of Conditional Formatting for Text Columns & Rows columns used:

P72-11 0 1-72-(6-1)-08152023.png

Swimlanes Conditional Formatting Example

Continuing with the example in the previous sub-section, suppose we want to further emphasize the %Complete condition of the project by coloring the swimlane name label cells to reflect the predominant %Complete value among the rows that make up the swimlane. To accomplish this, we use the Conditional Formatting for Swimlanes form and configure it as shown in the illustration below:

P72-11 0 1-72-(7)-08152023.png

The Conditional Formatting for Swimlanes form can conditionally format the swimlane name label and the background color of the swimlane cell depending on the rules provided. In this example, the Conditional Formatting for Swimlane rules mirror those used in the previous example for Conditional Formatting for Text Columns & Rows. When the rules are applied to the chart, it looks like this:

P72-11 0 1-72-(8)-08152023.png

Because there are multiple rows per swimlane, the Conditional Formatting for Swimlane form has the Mode Function Option. For more information on the use of Functions in Conditional Formatting Rules, please see the article in the link below:

Using Functions with Text Columns, Rows, and Swimlanes

Related Links

Using Rows and Swimlanes Basic Workflows (Portal)
Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal) Modifying Decorations on Tasks/Milestones (Portal)
Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal) Using Functions with Text Columns, Rows, and Swimlanes
The Chart Legend (Portal) Using Task Link Filtering Rules for Showing/Hiding Task Links
Editing with the Chart Properties form (Portal) Managing Templates (Portal)
Gallery of Dynamic Shapes and Emoji Symbols

Other Resources

Conditional Formatting Tutorial Video Advanced Conditional Formatting of Tasks and Milestones
Blog-Display Certainty in Your Plan by Using Conditional Formatting Using Microsoft Project Flag Fields with OnePager Pro's Conditional Formatting Rules
