Using Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plans with OnePager Version 7.2

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Using Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plans with OnePager Version 7.2 (P72-


To use OnePager Bundle with Microsoft Project for the Web you are required to have access to your Microsoft Project for the Web website, possess an account, and have Microsoft Project for the Web source plans that can be imported to OnePager Bundle Standalone. With these requirements satisfied and the proper Microsoft Project for the Web access credentials available, OnePager Bundle Standalone can connect you to your Microsoft Project for the Web account, access your selected source plan and create a NEW chart, UPDATE, an existing chart, or OPEN an already created chart residing on your computer.

This article is a complete guide for using OnePager Bundle Standalone for importing Microsoft Project for the Web files through the creation of a OnePager Chart, editing the chart, and incorporating the chart into a schedule conversation such as pasting the chart into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

As a convention, whenever we refer to the OnePager Bundle in the context of Microsoft Project for the Web, we'll just say OnePager when its absolutely clear that we are discussing OnePager with Microsoft Project for the Web. Since only the Standalone edition of OnePager can connects to Microsoft Project for the Web files online, we'll just leave the suffix "Standalone" off.

Launching OnePager Using Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plans for the First Time

The Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan

Before you launch OnePager, it is a good idea to think about how many and which tasks are needed to be shown in the OnePager chart. Specifying how tasks from the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan' are selected is discussed below. When making your first chart, we strongly recommend that you select 50 or fewer tasks. Please note that OnePager is shipped with a number of fully populated Templates Properties forms that are based on a typical Microsoft Project for the Web source plan. Note that three field heading types must always be present: Task Name, Start Date, and End Date.

Below is a typical Microsoft Project for the Web source plan displayed as a Grid:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(2)-12192022.png

Launching OnePager

With the requirements above satisfied, you can access your Microsoft Project for the Web source plans by first launching OnePager from your Desktop using the OnePager Bundle Icon shown here:

P71-3 0 3-71-(3-1)-10252021.png

Clicking the OnePager Bundle Icon causes a splash page to be displayed and then you are taken to the OnePager Bundle -- Chart Editor as shown in the sequence below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(5)-11302022.png

The OnePager Bundle Start form provides you with three options:

1) NEW Clicking the NEW buttons bring up the OnePager choices (OPC) form.
2) UPDATE Clicking the UPDATE button allows you to BROWSE FILES for an existing chart file or select a recently-opened chart.
3) OPEN Clicking the OPEN button allows you to BROWSE FILES for an existing chart or select a recently-opened chart.

Creating a NEW Chart from a Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan

If we are launching OnePager for the first time and intend to use a Microsoft Project for the Web source plan, click the NEW button which accesses the abbreviated OnePager Choices form as shown below:

P71-3 0 3 3-71-(5-1)-10282021.png

Next, click the Select button to access the dropdown menu where you have the options shown in the illustration below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(6)-12192022.png

Connecting OnePager Bundle to Your Microsoft Project for the Web Account

For the purpose of this discussion, click the BROWSE Project for the Web ... option selection to access the Log in to Microsoft Project for the Web form as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(7)-12192022.png

Microsoft Project for the Web Site Not Available

If it should happen that the Microsoft Project for the Web website is down for some reason, OnePager provides the message shown below instead of the Log in to Microsoft Project for the Web form:

P71-3 0 3 3-71-(7B)-02072022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(7B)-12192022.png

Clicking either the Ignore All or the Ignore buttons closes the error message form. Clicking the Details> button provides the last two lines in the message form above. OnePager remains open. We recommend either waiting for the Microsoft Project for the website to return to operation or call the Microsoft Project for the Web support number. Once the Microsoft Project for the website is restored to operation, retry this procedure for connecting to Microsoft Project for the Web.

OnePager Bundle also displays the above form is Microsoft Project for the Web becomes unavailable either at initial Log in as discussed above or during an editing session such as when you need to access your Microsoft Project for the Web source plan to update your chart.

Completing the Log In Process

Assuming that no error message was shown, after entering your the requested connection information, click OK and you'll be able to complete the connection process by clicking the Connect button in the Choose what to import form shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(7A)-12192022.png

After entering your credentials and clicking the Log In button, Microsoft Project for the Web may pop up a page asking for additional information. Providing any requested additional information completes the Log in process.

Saving Microsoft Project for the Web Log In Credentials Options

Clicking the Allow button accesses the Optional: Store Microsoft Project for the Web Credentials form which gives you the option to have OnePager save your Microsoft Project for the Web credentials for later access to Microsoft Project for the Web from OnePager. If you select the No, do not store credentials option, on subsequent attempts to access Microsoft Project for the Web from OnePager you are required to follow the Log in procedure described above. Selecting the Yes, store credentials option, tells OnePager to store your Log in credentials safely on your computer for subsequent access the next time you use OnePager Bundle to select a Microsoft Project for the Web source plan. The Optional: Store Microsoft Project for the Web Credentials form is shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(8B)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(8B)-12192022.png

Switching from One Microsoft Project for the Web Account to Another

In some cases it may be necessary to switch to another Microsoft Project for the Web account to gain access to the source plans needed to create a chart. The process for performing this account switch is described in this FAQ: Switching from One Microsoft Project for the Web Account to Another

Selecting the Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan

Selecting the desired option on the previous form accesses the Choose what to import form shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(9)-12192022.png

Use the form above to select the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan you want to import to OnePager and click the OK button on the Choose what to import form.

Preparing the Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan

For the purpose of illustration, we'll use the sample Microsoft Project for the Web source plan shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(2)-12192022.png

Mentioned above were suggestions that you think about which tasks you want imported into OnePager.

After clicking the OK button on the Choose what to import form shown above, the OnePager choices form is expanded as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(10)-12192022.png

As mentioned above, it is important to consider before launching OnePager to think about the tasks to be imported. OnePager gives you the option to Select all tasks, to use custom filters to select tasks, and to select individual tasks to import. Selecting the middle radio button in the Task Selection sub-section of the OnePager choices form accesses the Project for the web task list form as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(10A)-12192022.png

The Project for the web Task List form is displayed with the Show column having all its checkboxes checked OFF or blank. Check the checkbox ON for each task listed in the grid that you intend to import into OnePager for your chart. The Project for the web Task List form's allow you to:

  • Show All tasks
  • Hide All tasks
  • Filter specific tasks to be shown
  • Sort the Sequence, Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date, and Task ID columns into ascending or descending order

For more information on the Project for the web Task List form, please see the article referenced below:

TBD Reference

Shown in the illustration above is the file name for the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan and the distributed Microsoft Project for the Web Template Properties form that OnePager selects as a starting point for you. Also shown above is the name selected for the OnePager Bundle NEW chart. At this point you can change the Template Properties form used to build the chart by clicking the Change button in the Starting Template sub-section of the OnePager Choices form.

Options on the NEW OnePager Choices form

The OPC form gives you more options for selecting source plans. The illustration above shows that OnePager is initiated from Microsoft Project for the Web with the source plan shown in the Selected File(s) group shown above. The Add/Remove button gives you the capability to add more source plans to the source packet or, for multiple file packets, or to remove files. Clicking the Add/Remove button accesses the Data source selection form as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(7C)-12192022.png

The Data source selection form displays the current source plan that was loaded when you launched OnePager. This form lets you Add more Microsoft Project for the Web source plan to create a multi-project chart or Remove a source plan from a multi-file source packet. These options are detailed below.

Adding a New Source Plan

When you click the Add button, OnePager gives you the option to access a Windows Open form when you select the BROWSE FILES… option as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(8C)-12192022.png

Clicking the BROWSE FILES… option displays a Window’s Open form so you can select an Microsoft Project for the Web source plan to add to the source packet. A sample Open form is shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(9C)-12192022.png

When you select a desired Microsoft Project for the Web source plan and click the Open button as shown above, OnePager adds the source plan to the source packet and displays it in the Data source selection window as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(10C)-12192022.png

The selected source plan is added to the source packet as shown above. OnePager shows the path name of the source plan in the window if you hover the mouse over the source plan name. If you select a recently used source plan from the dropdown menu displayed when the Add button is clicked (Data source selection form), OnePager Bundle Standalone adds that source plan to the source packet.

Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan Not Found

When selecting a Microsoft Project for the Web source plan from the RECENT dropdown list or when making changes to the source plan packet there is a possibility that the selected source plan is no longer available to Microsoft Project for the Web either because the source plan was deleted, renamed, or un-shared. When OnePager cannot locate the requested source plan the message shown below is presented:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(10D)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(10D)-12192022.png

Clicking the Ignore All or the Ignore button returns you to the OnePager Bundle Start form.

Removing a Source Plan

The Remove button allows you to remove a source plan from a source packet if that source plan is not needed to create the new chart. To remove a source plan, first select the source plan in the Data source selection form’s window so that it is highlighted in blue then click the Remove button as shown in the sequence below:

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P72-3 0 3 5-72-(12)-12192022.png

Other Choices to Make

Moving on to the other groups of the OPC form, you are asked to confirm a few things before you build the chart. OnePager makes good guesses for each of these choices, but you can change any of them:

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File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15)-12192022.png

Starting Template Properties Form

The current Template Properties form determines which fields are imported from Microsoft Project for the Web source plan files and how the initial chart looks. OnePager ships with many sample Templates Properties forms, but you can also customize your own Template Properties form. To choose which Template Properties form to use in building your chart, click the Change… button in the top group of the OPC form as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15A)-12192022.png

The dropdown list shown in the illustration above only shows RECENT and PERMANENT Templates selections for the source plan type you selected previously in the Selected File(s) sub-control group above.

When using OnePager with Microsoft Project for the Web source plans it is required that you use Microsoft Project for the Web Template Properties forms. If OnePager detects that there is a mismatch between source plan file type and the Template Properties form, a warning message is provided.

For now, just stick with the default Template Properties form entitled Single Project Gantt View – Detailed for Project for the Web, but you can always use a different Template Properties form to get a different type of chart.

Title of the New Chart

This is the Title of the chart and also the suggested save name. You can change the save name when you save it. We recommend that you enter a Title that helps you identify the chart later on as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15B)-12192022.png

For each chart you create, OnePager remembers colors, titles, legends, font sizes, and all other graph properties so that your work is saved. Later, you can update the chart with a snapshot of how the project looks on a different date. Then you can browse through the snapshots to see how the project is changing over time. OnePager also saves the path name associated with the save name (.TAM).

Task Selection

This is how you tell OnePager which tasks to import from your Microsoft Project for the Web source plan as indicated below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15C)-12192022.png

Either click the Select all tasks radio button to create a chart with everything or choose a Flag field. You can make several charts from a single Microsoft Project for the Web source plan, each using a different Flag field. In OnePager, if no Flags are set to Yes, provides you with a warning message shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(15D)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15D)-12192022.png

Clicking the Select tasks by custom filter button enables the Edit filters... button. Clicking the Edit filters... button takes you to a form that controls the Conditional Import Filters feature as shown here.

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15E)-12192022.png

For more detailed information on Conditional Import, please see the article at:

Conditional Import Filters (Portal) 7.18.1-72

Snapshot Date

This is the date of the chart and lets you keep track of how schedules change over time. The snapshot date is set by default from your Microsoft Project for the Web source plan's Current date. You can change the snapshot date by clicking on the dropdown button at the window shown in the illustration below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15F)-12192022.png

Making a calendar date selection as shown above establishes the snapshot date for the chart and the snapshot being created. Each chart can have many snapshots. Snapshots and their management are important topics. Snapshots are the basis of how OnePager helps you track the progress of your project.

For more information on Snapshots and their Management, please see the articles at:

Managing Chart Data (Portal) 23.0.1-72

Show Field Mappings

The Show field mappings checkbox is near the bottom of the form. When this box is checked ON you have a chance to review and change the Microsoft Project for the Web field mappings to OnePager before you make your first chart. To do this, click the Next> button as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(15G)-12192022.png

You now see the following form:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(16)-12192022.png

Notice in the above form that OnePager has relied on the current Template Properties form to make some guesses on which Microsoft Project for the Web source plan fields should be used in making the chart. You can easily change any of these field mappings by making selections from the dropdown menus. For example, shown below is how to change which Finish Date in Microsoft Project for the Web is used to create the chart's Finish:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(17)-12192022.png

Creating the Graph

We've gone ahead and selected a more elaborate Template Properties form so when the Create new chart button is clicked, the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan is used to create the OnePager chart shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(11A)-12192022.png

Copying the Chart to Microsoft PowerPoint

OnePager Bundle provides access to the Windows clipboard so you can copy the chart and paste it into another application. To copy the current chart snapshot to the clipboard click the Copy button on the Home ribbon tool bar tab as shown below:

P71-3 0 3 3-71-(37A-1)-06102021.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(37A)-12192022.png

Then launch Microsoft PowerPoint and paste the clipboard copy of the chart into a Microsoft PowerPoint slide, as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(37)-12192022.png

That’s it! You’ve created a professional 1-page schedule summary from a complex Microsoft Project for the Web schedule and copied it into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. You can also print the chart by selecting the Print button on the File tab. OnePager Bundle has other features that let you move task bars vertically to different rows and swimlanes, change the number and levels of swimlanes, add swimlane titles, show graphic dependencies among tasks, change task bar colors, hide task bars, edit text items, add floating comment boxes, add comment boxes to task bars, and standardize on chart styles across organizations.

To learn more about these features, read about the specific workflows in this Wiki at:

Basic Workflows (Portal) 7.0.1-72 Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal) 9.0.1-72

Opening a Chart

The OnePager Bundle Start form has two additional buttons for accessing existing charts built with OnePager (OPEN) and for specifically updating an existing chart with updated source plan information (UPDATE).

The right-most button on the OnePager Start form is the OPEN button. Clicking the OPEN button displays a dropdown menu which is the same for the UPDATE button. The options in the dropdown are discussed below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(19A)-12192022.png

Clicking the BROWSE FILES... option accesses a Windows Open form from which you can select a .TAM that you want to open. Selecting the desired .TAM causes OnePager Bundle to display the selected chart in the Chart Editor. From the Chart Editor, you can edit the chart, save it, or share it with others. Clicking any of the RECENT charts items in the dropdown menu above causes OnePager to load the associated .TAM into the Chart Editor.

Updating a Chart

OnePager supports updates to your chart through the UPDATE button found on the OnePager Bundle Start form. Clicking the UPDATE button provides the same options in terms of a dropdown list as described above for the OPEN button. A sample UPDATE button dropdown is shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(4A-1)-12192022.png

Updates to OnePager charts are performed by adding snapshots which are a series of charts produced from a sequentially updated Microsoft Project for the Web source plan over time. Updates can be made to existing charts in the set of existing snapshots.

Snapshots are identified by a snapshot date. The management of snapshots with a chart is described in the sub-sections that follow.

Replacing A Snapshot - Updating a Chart with Changes Made to the Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan's Data

Suppose, after examining the chart you created and saved, you realize that it might be best to show more task bars. This, you think, would greatly improve your schedule presentation. Updating the chart at this point is simple. Recall that OnePager is active and the Chart Editor is displaying the current chart you want to update. At this point the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan should be updated in Microsoft Project for the Web online and saved. The original chart looked like this:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(11A)-12192022.png

Since Microsoft Project for the Web is still an active program and the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan you are using is still being displayed, go back to the Microsoft Project for the Web application and change the Show It field setting from No to Yes for the tasks you want to now import and display. A section of the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan where this is done is shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(19B)-12022022.png

Once you’ve made the Show It changes to Microsoft Project for the Web Lines 8 through 15 the source plan looks like this:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(19C)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(19C)-12192022.png

With the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan updated, go back to OnePager and navigate to the Data ribbon tool bar tab where you see several buttons. To update your chart to show the additional task bars from your Microsoft Project for the Web source plan, click the Replace Snapshot button as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(19D)-12192022.png

When you click the Replace Snapshot button, OnePager goes back to the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan that you just changed, imports all the tasks that changed, and updates your chart. At the conclusion of the operation, the updated chart looks like this:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(19E)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(19E)-12192022.png

The example above is just one of many uses of the Data ribbon tool bar tab’s Replace Snapshot button when you need to update a chart. You can do this as many times as necessary until the chart is the way you need it. In addition to adding and removing tasks by changing the Microsoft Project for the Web Show It field, you can change source plan task Start Dates, Finish Dates, or Percent Complete and display these data changes in the chart. Using the procedure above you can do this very efficiently. You can now save the chart by giving it a save name. When you save the chart, OnePager saves the .TAM and saves the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan name and path information. This is useful when you want to further update the chart or when you want to add a snapshot later on. In the examples below we assume that the chart is saved as BlueGrass Project Report - Smart.

Adding a Snapshot - Adding to the Chart with Changes Made to the Microsoft Project for the Web Source Plan's Data

The power of OnePager is illustrated when, after a period of progress on the project, it is time to produce another chart. OnePager produces your next snapshot with the same look and feel as the original assuming that the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan was updated with actual start and finish, percent complete, and other relevant data during the reporting interval, OnePager. Suppose we have the original chart we created and we want to create another graph from the updated Microsoft Project for the Web source plan on later on in the project. The original chart is shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(11A-5)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(11A-5)-12192022.png

Before creating a new snapshot to show updates to the plan, we need to update the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan say by updating the Percent Complete for tasks that have progressed to , say, 95%. After the Microsoft Project for the Web source plan is updated, it looks like this

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(11B)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(11B)-12192022.png

When the source plan is updated with this revised information, we can proceed. Launch OnePager and click the UPDATE button on the OnePager Bundle Start form. Doing so accesses the following OnePager choices (OPC) form shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(20A)-12192022.png

In the OPC form select the NEW snapshot at date: as shown above. You can also select a date for the snapshot so that this snapshot represents the project at the status date point in time. To see which snapshot dates already exist, just position your mouse over the NEW snapshot at date: window to see a list of the existing dates.

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You can use the built in calendar dropdown or type in the new snapshot’s month, day, and year in the window provided as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(20C)-12192022.png

Un-check the Show field mappings checkbox OFF if you want to use the same field mappings as you used before. The bottom of the screen now looks like this:

P71-3 0 3 1-71-(26)-06072021.png

Pressing the large New button creates a new snapshot for the chart. The chart opens at the new snapshot. The color, fonts, title, and swimlane assignments are consistent between the two snapshots:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(20D)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(20D)-12192022.png

You can go back and forth between the two snapshots by using the snapshot forward/backward buttons on the View ribbon tool bar tab as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(20E)-12022022.png
File:P72-3 0 3 5-72-(20E)-12192022.png

Editing the Chart

Once the OnePager chart is created it can be edited in the Chart Editor. The editing options are very robust with features available to move task bars up and down in the chart, change color and sizes of task bars and row heights, and change the sizes of text font which is used below to illustrate how chart editing can be done.

Editing Task Bar Name Label Font Sizes

You can always edit the font sizes and label positions on task bars and milestone symbols to optimize readability. To do this, hold down the left mouse button and drag a selection box (Lasso) that encloses many task bars and milestone symbols at once:

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When you release the mouse, the enclosed task bars and milestone symbols are all be selected:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(30)-12192022.png

Click the Increase Font Size button on the Home ribbon tool bar tab shown below:

P71-3 0 3 3-71-(31-2)-10282021.png

The chart now looks something like this:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(32)-12192022.png

Repeating this operation for the remaining task bars and milestone symbols (we could have done Select All and done it all at once!), we can now edit the chart so that all task bars and milestone symbols have larger fonts:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(33)-12192022.png

Editing Task Bar Name Label Positions

Another common editing action is to move the task bar's name label from their current positions to positions elsewhere around or on the task bar. To do this, click the name label to select it and then click the Label Position button on the Home ribbon tool bar tab. This action accesses the Label Position dropdown list where you can select one of the label positioning buttons as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(34-1)-12192022.png

At this point, as an example, we want to place the selected name label above the task bar. To do this, we'll add a row above the selected task bar to make room. Then, click the Above option in the dropdown and the selected name label is moved above the task bar as shown here:

P72-3 0 3 5-72-(34A)-12192022.png

In case you change your mind about the last editing action you took, you can UNDO the last editing action by clicking the UNDO button above the OnePager ribbon tool bar tabs. Successive clicking the UNDO button undoes editing actions in the reverse order that they were applied.

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Save the edited chart by pressing the Save button above the ribbon tool bar tab next to the UNDO button. All of the font size changes, text-position edits, and the new Legend position are now saved in case you need to update this chart with new data at a later time.

Editing Other Chart Contents

The examples above are just samples of Chart Editor capabilities provided for editing within the chart. Making other edits to task bars and milestone symbols and name labels are covered in more detail in this article: Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal) 9.0.1-72

Additionally, you can add task bar and milestone symbol information related to each activity and milestone imported such as baseline data, percent complete information, and critical path information. You can add comment boxes to task bars, free floating comment boxes in the chart, vertical curtains, task links to show dependencies, multiple swimlane levels and background images. And you can change the chart's Start/End Dates, add or hide the Legend, and add time axis levels at the top, bottom, and within the graph (floating time axis rows). Further, you are able to edit task bar and milestone symbol shapes, colors, and fill patterns; you have controls for editing rows/swimlanes, text columns, headers and footers in the chart, background colors, and other text information shown in the graph.

These capabilities and the articles that provide the detailed information on how to use them can be found at this index page:

Ways to Make Changes to Your Chart 0.04-72

Enhanced Capabilities Provided with OnePager

All editions of OnePager are distributed with all the enhanced capabilities previously available in OnePager Pro and Express. These capabilities include Multiple Swimlane definition and editing, display and editing of Task Links, and additional features for displaying and editing on the Time Axis.

Multiple Swimlane Levels

OnePager now supports three swimlane levels which can be nested inside one another to better display a hierarchy relationship for a Program, it’s Projects, and their Phases as shown here:

P71-3 0 3 1-71-(40)-07042021.png

In the illustration above, the first swimlane level is “Program” and under it as the second swimlane level are its “Projects”. The third swimlane level under each “Project” are “Phases” and the rows within each Phase show the task bars at their appropriate start/end dates. Definition and editing of these multiple swimlane levels is accomplished in the Template Properties and Chart Properties form’s Rows/Swimlanes tab that is modified to provide all the controls necessary to manage these multiple swimlane levels in the chart. The Rows/Swimlanes tab of the Chart Properties form is shown below:

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In addition to adding multiple swimlane levels, the tab shown above is simplified by reorganizing the controls associated with Rows and Text Columns. Sorting controls for rows and swimlanes are in separate sub-control groups as shown above. There is a Row Borders Formatting… button in the Rows control group with the controls for defining and global editing of row borders and access buttons for Swimlane Formatting… and Text Column Formatting… The controls shown above for the Chart Properties form are also found in the distributed Template Properties form’s Rows/Swimlanes tab. More detailed introductory information on the new Multiple Swimlane Levels feature can be found at these links:

Using Rows and Swimlanes
Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal) 12.0.1-72

Displaying Data-Driven Task Links

OnePager is enhanced to assist you with displaying Microsoft Project for the Web's predecessor field in your chart. The name of that field is Dependents and it is imported by OnePager Bundle if available in the source plan. For Microsoft Project for the Web, the Dependents field can be set up as Blocking or Blocked by. The contents of the Dependents field must be a task name correctly spelled and with correct punctuation.

Typically, this feature is turned OFF in all Template Properties forms distributed with OnePager Bundle. However, the feature can be turned ON either before or after the creation of a chart. To turn the Data-Driven Task Link feature ON prior to creating a chart, go to the Template Properties form you plan to uses and click on the Task Links tab and then click the Import predecessors checkbox in the Data-Driven Task Links control group as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(42A)-12022022.png
P72-3 0 3 5-72-(42A)-12192022.png

With the Import predecessors checkbox checked ON in the Template Properties form, the chart first created looks like this:

P71-3 0 3 3-71-(43-3)-10282021.png
P72-3 0 3 5-72-(43)-12192022.png

To turn the Data-Driven Task Link feature ON after the chart is created, go to the Chart Properties form's Task Links tab and then click the Import predecessors checkbox ON in the Data-Driven Task Links control group as shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(44-1)-12022022.png
P72-3 0 3 5-72-(44)-12192022.png

Once imported, Data-Driven Task Links can be shown or hidden and can be edited globally using the Template Properties or Chart Properties forms as shown above or individually using a task link right-click context menu. OnePager Bundle continues to support manual Task Links which in previous OnePager versions were called Event Links. The OnePager Data-Driven Task Links feature is flexible and powerful.

More details are provided in the series of articles at:

Linking Task and Milestone Using Manual and Data-Driven Task Links (Portal) 19.0.1-72

Editing the Time Axis

All editions of OnePager are also enhanced with new capabilities and feature so you can edit the time axis and configure it to focus on specific time periods of interest in your project schedule presentation. As an example of the enhancements made to the time axis is the addition of the time axis cell stretch feature where you can lengthen the horizontal extend of any time axis cell so as to provide more space to focus on details within that time period. An example of a stretched lower level time axis cell is shown below:

P72-3 0 3 9-72-(45-1)-12022022.png
P72-3 0 3 5-72-(45)-12192022.png

For additional detailed information on the editing of time axis cells and other related capabilities please see this article at:

Modifying the Time Axis (Portal) 22.0.1-72

Related Links

Getting Started with Microsoft Project for the Web What's New with OnePager Release 7.1? Video Update when ne video is available
Switching from One Microsoft Project for the Web Account to Another OnePager Doesn't Launch when the Standalone Icon is Clicked
Contact OnePager Support
Ways to Make Changes to Your Chart 0.04-72 Installing and Activating OnePager Bundle (Portal) 2.0.3-72
Getting Started with OnePager Pro Version 7.2 3.0.1-72 Getting Started with OnePager Express Version 7.2 3.0.2-72
Using Oracle Primavera P6 Source Plans with OnePager Using Microsoft Project/Excel Source Plans with OnePager Bundle
Using Rows and Swimlanes OnePager's Ribbon Tool Bar Home Tab
OnePager's Ribbon Tool Bar Data Tab OnePager's Ribbon Tool Bar View Tab
Basic Workflows (Portal) 7.0.1-72 Conditional Import Filters (Portal) 7.18.1-72
Manual Editing Task/Milestone Shapes and Text Labels (Portal) 9.0.1-72 Creating and Editing Rows and Swimlanes (Portal) 12.0.1-72
Linking Task and Milestone Using Manual and Data-Driven Task Links (Portal) 19.0.1-72 Modifying the Time Axis (Portal) 22.0.1-72
Managing Chart Data (Portal) 23.0.1-72
