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(OnePager Express Option to Specify Which Microsoft Excel Worksheet(s) to Use When Updating a OnePager Express Project View)
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OnePager Pro and Express Version 5.3 is a step forward in terms of user friendliness and capabilities. The OnePager Version 5.3 product set is a direct response to your feature requests. This article describes the additional capabilities and enhancements provided in OnePager Version 5.3.

OnePager Desktop Shortcut

Beginning in Version 5.3, OnePager Pro and Express will have the option for a shortcut icon on the desktop. This shortcut lets you access OnePager without having to launch Microsoft Project or Excel first. Users who already have Microsoft Project or Excel running can continue to launch OnePager as an add-in. The desktop icon simply gives users a faster way to access OnePager. Launching from the desktop still requires that your computer have Microsoft Project and/or Microsoft Excel installed.

Read More…OnePager Desktop Shortcut

OnePager Project View Custom Update Feature

In the past, when you create a new project view snapshot or update an existing project view snapshot from the Project View Editor it required you to go back to the source application (either Microsoft Project for OnePager Pro or Microsoft Excel for OnePager Express), make the source file changes and relaunch OnePager. In effect, you were “pushing” changes to OnePager from the source application. You can still do things this way in Version 5.3, but now there is a more natural way to make updates.

With OnePager Pro and Express Version 5.3, you now have the option to “pull” source file data into the OnePager Project View Editor without the back and forth transitions from OnePager to the source application. Behind the scenes, OnePager Version 5.3 will locate your source files, open them in the Microsoft source application and update the project view

To implement this more efficient method for replacing or updating snapshots we’ve added a new tab to the OnePager Ribbon: the “Data” tab:

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Read More…OnePager Project View Custom Update Feature

Easier Multi-Source File Reports

It’s now easier than ever to build OnePager project views from multiple data sources. Microsoft Project users can link multiple Microsoft Project documents to their OnePager Pro reports without the need for a master file or Microsoft Project integrated master schedule (IMS). Once you have created or prepared your multiple Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel files, OnePager Pro or Express provides you with controls to efficiently create multi-project project view. Additionally, updating and creating new project view snapshots is made considerable easier because OnePager keeps the information necessary to later associate the Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel files with the multi-project project view to be updated.

Read More…Easier Multi-Source File Reports

Numerous Usability Enhancements

Smarter Installer

For a long time now Chronicle Graphics, Inc. has supported all our customers that operate both 32 bit and 64 bit computers. Threre is a requirement that any COMM Add-in have the same "bitness" as the host version of Microsoft Office. Previously, this required the user to know the “bitness” of his or her installation download package link from Chronicle Graphics’ website.

With OnePager enhanced to provide both an Add-in and Desktop Shortcut launch capability, we’ve added an installation feature which allows you to select whether you want to install both or just the desktop shortcut option. The default option is to install both the desktop shortcut and from the Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel application tool bar’s “Add-in” option.

Read More…Smarter Installer

Mirror Format Setting Changes to Task Bars and Milestones

Often you would like the format settings changes you make for a task to be the same for a milestone and vice versa. In previous versions this required you to make individual format setting changes to your “Template Properties” form’s “Task Bar” tab and “Milestone” tab. After project views were created and you wanted to make formats setting changes for tasks and milestones you similarly had to make corresponding changes in the “Project-View Properties” form’s “Task Bar” and “Milestone” tabs to accomplish the same result. This was time consuming and error prone.

In OnePager Version 5.3 we’ve added a simple checkbox to the “Template Properties” and “Project-View Properties” forms in both the “Task Bar” and “Milestone” tabs that give you the option to “mirror” task format changes with milestone format changes and vice versa.

Read More…Mirror Format Setting Changes to Task Bars and Milestones

New Row Cropping Option

We’ve added a fourth action option to the previous set of three row and swimlane cropping actions. OnePager would crop rows and swimlanes when you told OnePager to: (1) Look at the current snapshot only when the user clicks the "Crop" button on the OnePager ribbon, (2) Cropping newly-empty rows on import, (3) Unhide rows for flagged task/milestone.

In this release, we’ve added an option to “Hide rows when dates are outside the date range” when the user clicks the "Crop" button on the OnePager ribbon, When this option is checked, clicking the "Crop" button will hid rows that appear empty because the task/milestones occupying those rows are outside the start-end dates for the project view. (See “Project-View Properties” form, “Main” tab). The controls for this new feature can be found in the “Template Properties” or “Project-View Properties” forms at the “Advanced” tab.

As in previous OnePager Versions, if rows are cropped, for any reason, they can be found by using the “Where’s My Stuff?!” feature accessed from the “Show/Hide” button on the “Home” ribbon tab.

Read More…New Row Cropping Option

Export of Single/Multi-Page Project Views to Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF’s

OnePager Version 5.3 has added capabilities to output project views as files that can be loaded into Microsoft PowerPoint and displayed as PDF images.

Read More…Export of Single/Multi-Page Project Views to Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF’s

Additional Task/Milestone Comment Boxes Content Options

OnePager allows you to display a task bar or milestone’s label in a comment box connected to the bar or symbol. This has always been the case. In this version of OnePager, we’ve added the ability for you to display task bar start and finish dates, the milestone date, and task bar and milestone percent complete (%Complete) information in a comment box.

Read More…Additional Task/Milestone Comment Boxes Content Options

Units for the Task to Milestone Conversion Threshold Feature to Day Units

OnePager’s feature that transforms a short duration task into a milestone symbol based on a threshold value is changed in Version 5.3. The unit of measure in OnePager Version 5.3 is task bar duration in number of days. Previously it was a percentage of the total duration of the Project View. This change was made at the request of OnePager customers.

To change the task to milestone threshold value, go to either the “Template Properties” or the “Project-View Properties” form’s “Advanced” tab.

Read More…Units for the Task to Milestone Conversion Threshold Feature to Day Units

Several Controls and Options for the Management of Legends

In previous versions, OnePager duplicated task bars and milestone symbols in the legend. This duplication often resulted in busy looking legends. In OnePager Version 5.3 we’ve added a control to the “Template Properties” and “Project-View Properties” forms at the “Legend” tab that gives you a checkbox to specifically tell OnePager “Do not duplicate task/milestones”.

Additionally, a new control was added to prevent the legend from being updated with new tasks or milestone items when you add or replace a snapshot. This was requested by customers for those situations when you want to maintain the same legend look through a series of snapshots. To prevent or “lock out” legend updates when snapshots are added or replaced, check the “Do not update legend text when snapshot is added or replaced” checkbox in the “Template Properties” or “Project-View Properties” form’s “Legend” tab.

As a final Legend enhancement, when the Legend is displayed in the project view you can now, double-click on the color bar or symbol to bring up the “Edit Legend Item” form.

Read More…Several Controls and Options for the Management of Legends

More Milestone Symbols

In OnePager Version 5.3 we’ve added more milestone symbols for a total of over 180 to select from. The list of milestone symbol options can be found in the “Template Properties” or “Project-View Properties” form’s “Milestone” tab.

Read More…More Milestone Symbols

Message to Assist with Setting Import Flags When No Data Are Imported

For OnePager Pro Version 5.3 we’ve added a warning message should your selected “Flag” field in your Microsoft Project source file contain a “No” in every row.

For OnePager Express Version 5.3 the approach is the same and the warning form will be displayed if OnePager Express detects that the designated “Flag” field contains all “No’s”. Given the flexibility of Microsoft Excel, if OnePager Express cannot find a column header that in some way resembles a “Flag” column, OnePager Express will also display the warning message.

Read More…Message to Assist with Setting Import Flags When No Data Are Imported

Microsoft .NET Version Requirements to Run OnePager Version 5.3

OnePager Pro or Express Version 5.3 requires that the user have installed on his/her computer Microsoft .NET Version 3.5 or later.

As a convenience to our users, OnePager Express will display both the required Microsoft .NET Version and the Microsoft .NET Version installed on your computer at the “About” tab on the OnePager Express Ribbon’s “File” tab.

Read More…Microsoft .NET Version Requirements to Run OnePager Version 5.3

Send OnePager Application Log with Error Messages to Chronicle Graphics Support

We’ve instituted a more efficient way to assist you in tracking down issues with OnePager products. OnePager Version 5.3 now logs error information to a .txt file which can be transmitted to Chronicle Graphics’ Support Unit from inside the OnePager product.

Read More… Send OnePager Application Log with Error Messages to Chronicle Graphics Support
